Original Sin - Update #9, More on the Editor


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
With a bit more than $5K to go in order to reach their goal of $400K another update for the Original Sin Kickstarter sees the light. This update continues with another video showing the editor featuring the butcher but with input from their 3D artist.

In addition a Larian forum member made this summary of the Matt Chat reported about yesterday:
<ul>(9:30) Quests aren’t going to hand-hold you through them. There isn’t going to be a “Quest Completed!” pop-up. Instead, your journal will have little parts of information, like “we found a book by a dead guy that talks about lying statues”, later if you talk to a statue, you might find “we met a statue, It might be one of the lying statues from the book”, and if you deal with the statue somehow, it’ll just be a thing, and you may not even realize that it was a quest.
(13 min) In that demonstration battle on the 10-minute kickstarter video, they died three times. That’s one reason why they never showed the conclusion to that battle!
(22 min) The main characters relationship is not specifically a love story. You can certainly take it in that direction if you wish, though. Their relationship is defined by two different axes: Affection and Affinity. Affection is how much they like each other, Affinity is how well they agree with each other on moral dilemmas. So they might hate each other, but work well. You aren’t going to accidentally end up as your friend’s gay lover, it’ll be a conscious choice if you go for that.
(23:30) The main characters are Source Hunters, and one of the perks they get from being trained in that area is that they can talk to animals.
(24 min) No sheep henchmen at the moment. They are thinking about adding weresheep in the game, but you cannot have a deep meaningful personal relationship with sheep yet. You will have to make a tough moral decision about the sheep at some point in the game. And the rabbits. And a cow.
(25 min) I think there may be multiple different ways to try and get your way in a dialogue (Charm/Reason/Intimidate), instead of the current “I agree/I disagree” system. I’m not sure. The context of the situation is also important. I think that for example, the “dead body on the beach” would probably be a Charm or Reasoning situation, and Intimidation would have a penalty.
(27 min) No mini-games. Lockpicking will be item based and dexterity based.
(28 min) The Source (elemental) magic is not just for mages casting spells. It also gives you Source-based warrior and Survivor skills
(28:40) The editor is not about making it easy for a novice, it’s more of a tool to do powerful things. They’ve used that technology (or parts of it) for over a decade to make their games, and that’s why as a small team they have been able to make such big games.
(30 min) They’ll integrate the modding scene with Steamworks, and there will be another TBD thing to centralize mods for those who don’t use Steam. If the community picks it up, Larian will support the hell out of it.
(31 min) “Have you thought of adding any DRM to this?” No.
(32:20) Larian admits that some of the reward tiers for the Kickstarter may not be cost-effective for them.
(33:30) What’s the minimum pledge tier for fans to get the full experience? Just the $25 for the base game, although it does play well with a friend ($40 for the duo-copy pack).
(35 min) If Divinity 2: Ego Draconis had been a PC game, it would have been released a year earlier and in much better shape. Development for Xbox lead to a lot of compromise just trying to finish the production.
(36:10) Beyond Divinity was bad, it was a game they company made just to survive. They never got a dollar of royalties from Divine Divinity (from CDV). They were only able to get a deal to make Divinity 2 because they were going to do it for Xbox. If they asked to do it for PC only, the game wouldn’t have happened.
(37:50) "Why did you end Ego Draconis the way you did?" (I’m going to save my fingers from typing and just link to that spot in my LP. Watch the videos for the actual experience, not the text I added.)
- It goes back to Divine Divinity. They decided not to cut the game at the end of the Council of Seven seq...More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Just $4000 to go now, this should be funded in a couple of hours. With more than half of the time left, they should be able to reach a couple of stretch goals.
Oct 18, 2006
This sounds better and better.
Nov 11, 2006
Finally reached the 400k mark Now I can paypal it :)
Jan 8, 2009
The Netherlands
Every discussion with Larian about Original Sin has them trying to talk up Dragon Commander. I think they're scared shitless that it's going to tank. Of course, I'm a pessimist :)
Oct 18, 2006
"Every discussion with Larian about Original Sin has them trying to talk up Dragon Commander. I think they're scared shitless that it's going to tank. Of course, I'm a pessimist "

I've seen you say the exact same thing elsewhere (on the last D:OS thread) even though neither post really had much of anything to do with Dragon Commander. I think most people here are excited about it, and the general buzz from the larger gaming scene has been stupendously positive. If you don't like it, fine. I'm not sure why you need to post it repeatedly in otherwise unrelated threads.
Sep 16, 2011
Every kickstarter I've backed that's been successful never said thank you (in a way where they really go out of their way to say it - like in the video). Thank you for saying thank you Larian - quite awesome manners there!
Oct 18, 2006
Every kickstarter I've backed that's been successful never said thank you (in a way where they really go out of their way to say it - like in the video). Thank you for saying thank you Larian - quite awesome manners there!

They've been thanking their backers in like every update, to the point where it gets a little old, but yes, better too much than too little.
Also, while they seem very enthusiast, I can't help but get the impression they're a little disappointed their KS isn't doing better... Must be hard to be confronted with the $$$ that Torment, and even SotA, gathered. And, well, I am kinda disappointed they're not doing better either... :-/
Oct 18, 2006
Leuven, BE
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