Bioware Doc Greg Zeschuk Interview

Yes, it clearly shows that they're businessmen being interested in the business side of things more than the art. Not that it has been much of secret these past 8-10 years.

But I wish people who keep blaming EA for how Bioware turned out would read articles like that.

EA was the perfect match for what Bioware wanted to do, really.

As for Greg - he's being quite delusional about the response to Dragon Age 2 and Mass Effect 3. He seems to think the negative backlash was because they "dared" to create controversial characters and because they made aggressive choices (oh my, how brave of them to streamline everything like everyone else) - and like all PR people in the AAA segment, he REALLY wants to focus on how lots of casual people enjoyed all the casual changes.

Then again, if the amount of people liking your game is more important to you than the level of dislike the people who're passionate about games in general is - then I can see his point.

I believe Michael Bay agrees with him.
Last time I checked popularity doesn't equal quality, so following the logic of "But lots of people played our games, so they must be good!" is a bit silly. Or would anyone seriously consider "Twilight" for an Oscar just because a ton of people watched it? Nope, don't think so.
Dec 3, 2008
Last time I checked popularity doesn't equal quality, so following the logic of "But lots of people played our games, so they must be good!" is a bit silly. Or would anyone seriously consider "Twilight" for an Oscar just because a ton of people watched it? Nope, don't think so.

Yeah, that's kinda my point.

But it's a hard statement to shoot down in an objective sense. If a million people like your game and ten thousand people hate it - who's to say what that means.

It's the perfect defense when you're selling out and no longer care passionately about the actual game, and instead focus on the response to the game.

Ultimately, I think the purest expression of a vision is the most interesting game.

I think their latest vision is anything but pure and I think their games have become ever more about trying to appeal wide - rather than speaking through the art from within.

It's a very old story and it happens to all companies and all artists after a certain amount of success and expansion. Well, with a few exceptions.
But it's a hard statement to shoot down in an objective sense. If a million people like your game and ten thousand people hate it - who's to say what that means.

True, but who's to say if the million who bought the game actually liked it? Usually the vast majority of people don't state their opinion about a game and it's only a minority who are vocal haters or fanboys.

I think the closest one can get to somewhat "objectively" judge the quality of a game is to use a mix of critics reviews, user ratings and opinions from trusted sources. None of the three are infallible by themselves, but the combination of them is usually pretty accurate.

Concerning the more recent Bioware titles I think using that kind of judging method shows that they were quite flawed and nothing to be overly proud of. Now whether it's the fault of the Doctors or EA's fault I can't really tell, but frankly I also don't care.
Dec 3, 2008
True, but who's to say if the million who bought the game actually liked it? Usually the vast majority of people don't state their opinion about a game and it's only a minority who are vocal haters or fanboys.

I think the closest one can get to somewhat "objectively" judge the quality of a game is to use a mix of critics reviews, user ratings and opinions from trusted sources. None of the three are infallible by themselves, but the combination of them is usually pretty accurate.

Concerning the more recent Bioware titles I think using that kind of judging method shows that they were quite flawed and nothing to be overly proud of. Now whether it's the fault of the Doctors or EA's fault I can't really tell, but frankly I also don't care.

I'm not saying a million people like it - it's a hypothetical scenario.

But if you want to use a mix of critics reviews and user ratings - it seems that most of their latest games are quite popular. Personally, I honestly don't think there's ANY way to get even remotely objective when it comes to quality. There's no such thing as an accurate quality measurement when it comes to a game. There are too many factors involved - and preferences are too varied in the audience.

In that same way, I don't think democracy reflects the true wishes of the people.

It's all just a bunch of opinions based on as many different criteria for quality as there are people voting or rating.

No, I wouldn't try to claim that Bioware games are objectively good or bad. All I know is that I don't think they're subjective expressions of a vision (shared or otherwise) - and that's enough for me to say that I don't personally think they're very interesting games.

Generally, I'm not looking for a game where the developer is trying to please me. I'm looking for a game where the developer is trying to express something from within.

It's like when you meet a girl. You can either try to play role and try to do something that you think might appeal to her. But, ultimately, the only way to establish a relationship that can last is to be true to yourself and express yourself as honestly as you can. You may be able to "lure" them to bed - but you're not going to keep them by pretending to be something you're not.

Companies like EA and Bioware are all about luring the audience to bed - and they're clearly not too interested in lasting relationship.
He seems to think the negative backlash was because they "dared" to create controversial characters and because they made aggressive choices (oh my, how brave of them to streamline everything like everyone else)

Yeah that part struck me an insincere. However, the multiplayer component of ME3 was very well done and widely acclaimed, so I'll give him kudos for that "aggressive choice" (if it was actually his idea). I doubt it though. Seems more like an EA idea.
Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I remember someone from EA saying ALL their games will have MP. And the ME3 MP happened.
So Zeschuk can cut the crap. Freedom to develop something is when EA says something and you can refuse. And he couldn't.

I just wonder how many nuka cola caps EA payed him to say all this bull after second win in the row the other day.
Apr 12, 2009
Dunno didn't try it I admit. :)
Apr 12, 2009
At least he is consistent in denying they as a company can do no wrong (even with a fresh pink slip in his hand).

I think the 9 figures he has in the bank is enough consolation as he prepares to spend the rest of his life (for now) content to be an alcoholic instead of helping the sick.

Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I see that this forums is still the same, it's now just an annex of Codex. Ie there's a strict blueprint on how must be a RPG. That's a rather erroneous point of view. Tag ME2 or ME3 in anything else than RPG would be ridiculous. On this base for me ME2 and ME3 are a lot better than ME1. I'm not more right than those who think differently but those who think ME1 is better aren't more right than me either.

How evolved this forum with constant whining, I see that it's still the same and it's still incredibly linked with a name Bioware. Not first time I mention it, it's time Bioware disappear, myself I'll regret it but they generate too much hate.

That said Bioware is probably a large part the origin of those big RPG kickstarters. So all this hate will perhaps generated in the end something good. But well let see the results.
May 18, 2012
Very interesting interview. This guy used nearly the same words as another guy in an interview about EA. The story about the rope, the resources etc

The other interview was given maybe ten years ago.

It confirms more and more that EA takes the part of shielding blame for certain developpers who chose to rejoin when they are in a dead end.

I see that this forums is still the same, it's now just an annex of Codex. Ie there's a strict blueprint on how must be a RPG. That's a rather erroneous point of view. Tag ME2 or ME3 in anything else than RPG would be ridiculous.

I guess that it is the wrong thread. Tagging all the ME1,ME2 and ME3 as RPGs is the ridiculous even if the normal stance to do.
Mar 29, 2011
Nothing about ME3 was interesting, nothing at all. I remember when I got a refund for it, the rep didn't even ask what I disliked, he just did it immediately, which told me plenty.

Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
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