Mooncrest - Kickstarter Campaign Canceled


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
The Kickstarter campaign for Mooncrest has been canceled.

Almost 1,400 backers, $48K raised, and 11% toward our goal is great and we’re extremely thankful to all of the people that believed in us and wanted to see this succeed. Sadly it’s a long way from what we needed to be successful. This past weekend, we came to the realization that we weren’t going to make it and we felt canceling was our best course of action.

We described Mooncrest as a game designed in a way that you would own your victories and own your failures. This is something we were all excited about in starting up an indie company and not having to answer to a publisher. At the end of the day there were a lot of missteps along the way, and we got nobody to blame but ourselves.

Coming out of the gate things looked great, but a weak project video, coupled with poor messaging, and no ingame footage was the death of us. I planned on doing a full postmortem on our experiences with Kickstarter, but at this point we’ve examined and re-examined everything so many times I'd rather focus on the positive and move on. There was a ton of information we learned from running this Kickstarter, and if there are people out there who are interested in knowing more we may revisit that at a future date as I'm sure it would be of help anyone who wants to run a campaign.

Our future plans are to lick our wounds, address all of the criticisms/complaints we received, and move forward with another Kickstarter once we’re ready. Our focus will be on having a pitch video that actually, ya know, pitches the game, having ingame footage to show, and just going more in depth on what we have in place to see this game through production and to release.

We will see you all again soon! To keep up with our progress, you can like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, sign up for our newsletter, or visit our website. Thanks again for all the support and well wishes. Much love goes out to all our backers out there.


The greatest test of courage on earth is to bear defeat without losing heart.”
–Robert Green Ingersol
Thanks Christoph

More information.
Aug 30, 2006
And the very people that were targeted for this were the ones that conveniently "forgot" to back them.

It's useless to make something for a community that won't consume your product or even have the decency to back it after making a big fuss about the state of gaming.

Yeah, i'm trying to be polite, but you know who are those people. Some company tried to make something that will satisfy THEM. And the answer was beyond underwhelming. A business can't live on thin air and you can't expect others, people that are not interested in that kind of product, to pitch in, just to show how open they are. People's money are their own and what they do with them it's their business. If you really want to support your political agenda, do it with more than words. Go to the movie that tried hard to please you and appreciate the fact that at least they try, support the game that is trying to please you.

But as many gamers already know: SJW do not consume the things they are bashing. So there is no wonder that any attempt to please them will end in failure and money loss. They won't shell money out, they are just want things to be like they want without offering anything in return. And guess what: a business can't survive on thin air or on social justice. It needs money. So, no surprise in seeing Mooncrest failing. Do i feel bad for them? No. After that insulting video, that was no way that the average gamer will support them. Misandry is as bad as misoginy. So the reaction was quite normal.

Now the Mooncrest devs are confronted with the full hostility of their market. As they've failed to attract the LBGTQ community, the gamers that they've insulted in their video will react by just ignoring anything coming from them. So, excuse me for not wishing them well.
Aug 12, 2013
They needed this lesson. A shock from objective reality. Not the fantasy reality they were living in..
Mar 21, 2013
Game would probably be fun still so hope they get it made.
Nothing special enough about it for me to risk my money on a KS though.
Dec 18, 2014
But as many gamers already know: SJW do not consume the things they are bashing. So there is no wonder that any attempt to please them will end in failure and money loss. They won't shell money out, they are just want things to be like they want without offering anything in return. And guess what: a business can't survive on thin air or on social justice. It needs money. So, no surprise in seeing Mooncrest failing. Do i feel bad for them? No. After that insulting video, that was no way that the average gamer will support them. Misandry is as bad as misoginy. So the reaction was quite normal.

*groan* Is there no end to this BS?
Oct 5, 2010
no ingame footage was the death of us
For god's sakes... Do they really believe that?
The death was kickstarting not a game but a business model - packing up DLC with pledge tiers.

SJW do not consume the things they are bashing. So there is no wonder that any attempt to please them will end in failure and money loss. They won't shell money out, they are just want things to be like they want without offering anything in return. And guess what: a business can't survive on thin air or on social justice. It needs money. So, no surprise in seeing Mooncrest failing. Do i feel bad for them? No. After that insulting video, that was no way that the average gamer will support them.
I didn't watch any video.
But if what you're saying is true, if these developers were sucking up to SJW trolls, we don't need their kind in the industry.
Apr 12, 2009
I didn't watch any video.
But if what you're saying is true, if these developers were sucking up to SJW trolls, we don't need their kind in the industry.

What we REALLY don't need in the industry is any more of this gamergate nonsense that's been going on for far too long.
Oct 5, 2010
But what we DO need is people popping in every couple of months just to compare the Watch to the Gamergate crowd.

*popcorn* *waits for thread closure*
Here is the KS trailer, quickly deleted after seeing the damage done by it:

When will they learn: on the interwebz nothing gets lost.

Not for Gamergate and not against it. Just can't stand people trying to push their views over me. I can agree to disagree and so on. Both sides are wrong in their approach, both sides have rabid supporters. Hate them both without discrimnation:p
Aug 12, 2013
To me the problem was really the video, and not because of anything social about it. It basically showed nothing about the game to me. That gave me a bad vibe about what the devs felt was important. KS projects nowadays need to show gameplay footage from day 1 (even if alpha).
Sep 23, 2008
Watching that, i felt discriminated:lol:

I confess that i was tempted to throw some money to them. But after seeing THAT, any benevolence disappeared. No gameplay footage, just the usual GG non-sense. So, i quietly closed my wallet and kept my money for the incoming Divinity Original Sin II kickstarter. Which it will probably be a better investment.

Aug 12, 2013
In case you missed it, I’m of course referring to our recent announcement that we’ll be returning to Kickstarter with Divinity: Original Sin 2; our biggest and most ambitious RPG to date — one that will either sink us, or go on to be remembered as our best game ever!

oh Swen

edit: sorry for derailing the thread. If there ever was one
Thanks for posting on a game that might actually get made. This is fantastic news.
May 10, 2014
People choose to get offended over the dumbest things.
Aug 13, 2013
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