What Gender do you play?

What gender do you prefer to play in an RPG?

  • I prefer to play as a male

    Votes: 11 19.0%
  • I prefer to play as a female

    Votes: 7 12.1%
  • I enjoy playing as both a male and a female

    Votes: 38 65.5%
  • I strongly dislike being forced to play a gender I don't enjoy playing

    Votes: 2 3.4%

  • Total voters
When reading similar discussions on other forums (especially MMO ones, where most males play female characters) I found it interesting that female players dont like to play as males! Hmm I wonder why?

Sure they do, usually it's to escape pixel flirting.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Sure they do, usually it's to escape pixel flirting.

I get that, but they say they play mostly female characters also in single player games and males if only forced to, like Witcher. Do they dislike our gender that much or it is something different?
Mar 21, 2015
Well, maybe it is not that different for men and women.
Looking at the answers here many say the first time at least they play as a male.

Or maybe because you do not often get the chance of playing as a female? (I am not familiar with the situation in MMO though).

Or maybe male characters often look like fight robots that are completely out of proportion. The women I know don’t like that.

And about the Witcher. Geralt is not that nice to look at... I did not like his behavior too, the way he treated women. (Played Witcher 1.) Don’t ask me for details because that has been a long time ago.
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Now that you mention it, I said "close to" human for a reason. Like a Half-elf. I'll never play a "pure" human. Humans are boring. And Paladins? Yep, those too, booooring. (I'll usually go Rogueish but that's another discussion).
My nickname is based on having to pick a username on battle.net when I played diablo 2.

I had made a Paladin character so found the name Pladio

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Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
And about the Witcher. Geralt is not that nice to look at… I did not like his behavior too, the way he treated women. (Played Witcher 1.) Don’t ask me for details because that has been a long time ago.

Yeah that is the worst aspect of that game to me. I get that he is supposed to be some kind of Casanova and that some women are falling for him because of his reputation, but when they decided to add those cards in the game it was too much. I even followed a guide to make sure I don't miss anything and those were listed as collectibles. Really disrespectful. I'm glad they removed those in later games and toned down the number of women you can have sex with.
Jun 24, 2014
Well, maybe it is not that different for men and women.
Looking at the answers here many say the first time at least they play as a male.

Or maybe because you do not often get the chance of playing as a female? (I am not familiar with the situation in MMO though).

Or maybe male characters often look like fight robots that are completely out of proportion. The women I know don’t like that.

And about the Witcher. Geralt is not that nice to look at… I did not like his behavior too, the way he treated women. (Played Witcher 1.) Don’t ask me for details because that has been a long time ago.

I see the point - when I think now I would probably never play female characters as Aerie from BG2 or lets say not atractive ones as that girl from Mass Effect Andromeda.
Seems like we, males, are spoiled by female beauty and badasseness in our videogames :biggrin:
Mar 21, 2015
Depends on a few things, but I usually lean towards female.

Firstly and most importantly, if I'm playing a game for 30 hours+ I want to look at the most attractive thing I can whilst doing so. So seeing a curvy wench wiggle her behind at me for that period is far more preferable to seeing some random dude strut his stuff. So if it's a 3rd person perspective game female looks favourite.

Secondly I also like watching lesbian sex, and everything which leads up to that, too. So If there are lesbian romance options then that adds to the female choice.

Thirdly ever since being a kid I thrived on Golden Axe, and used to pause & knock one out over Tyris Flare's arse as a hormone fuelled 12/13 year old. So I like the idea that some of these RPG's (e.g. Divinity 2:TDKS) are the continuation of her adventures.

And finally the missus is a redhead, so it raises a smile with her when I create Tyris or similar as a redheaded wench.

The prerequisite for me to play male is 1) 1st person perspective, 2) no lesbian romances, & only same sex romances available.

Fallout 3's the type of game I'll play as a male. But it's an exception, not the rule.
Nov 15, 2015
Yeah that is the worst aspect of that game to me. I get that he is supposed to be some kind of Casanova and that some women are falling for him because of his reputation, but when they decided to add those cards in the game it was too much. I even followed a guide to make sure I don't miss anything and those were listed as collectibles. Really disrespectful. I'm glad they removed those in later games and toned down the number of women you can have sex with.

They grew up, as most of us do. By the third game (and really the second), they had disposed of that sophmoric content. At this point, their female characters are some of the best in the business.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
Ogling your female avatar is pretty weird. I know there were people who were turned on by Lara Croft's triangle butt 20+ years ago, but I don't know how or why.
Aug 31, 2013
Portland, OR
I voted "both". The details are more complicated, of course.

If all things are qual, I'm more likely to choose a male character.

If I can't choose at all, I'm perfectly fine with either male or female characters, for example, in Kings Bounty Armored Princess. Or The Witcher. And hundreds of other games.

If I can choose, may choice may depend on class, setting/lore, race, etc.

Sometimes it may just be looks. For instance, if I don't like the male or female hair styles I'll choose the other gender (I'm sure @joxer; will approve ;) ).

If I actually have to select multiple characters (such as in Icewind Dale), I'll usually end up with a balanced party. The exception is when my min-maxing-obsession kicks in, and gender somehow limits class choice.
May 18, 2012
I've voted for I only play female but if a game doesn't have the choice then I'll happily play as male. For a team I would tend to balance out the genders. I think it also depends on how I view the character, whether she is me, or a separate entity.
Oct 25, 2018
Midlands UK
Since my more modern gaming (after kids) got in on FPS first before jumping back to RPG, I mostly didn’t have a choice ... and when I did usually started as male Paladin type (boring, whatever :D )

When I really started playing as a female was for game reviews, and I found it to be the quickest way to find all of the flaws in writing and editing, because most games seemed to be written first for male protagonists, also tested that way, then the female stuff was ‘tacked on’. Some games did it well, but most were awkward at best - and more than once I found things that were of a sexually suggestive nature that made no sense coming from a female character but were simply a male line with gender swapped. Of course there were also plenty of times where the gender references were all over the place.

Now things are better ... but my first play tends to be ‘female sorcerer’.
Oct 18, 2006
I always play as male if that is possible. I am male so it feels natural to do so. There is a "but" - I will play female or anything else if that is the only choice. I have tried playing female in some games like Mass Effect and I find I usually give up after a while.
Dec 2, 2006
I mostly play male, but don't mind playing female for a change. I have changed gender mid game and restarted as it just doesn't feel right with a guy coming on to me.:uneasy:
Dec 20, 2016
Back in the 90's I actually started a thing where I would do a game male, then the next game female, then male, and on and on. I eventually got tired of it and MMO's made it too confusing anyway, so now I just play whichever sounds like the most fun at the time.

I have changed gender mid game and restarted as it just doesn't feel right with a guy coming on to me.:uneasy:
So you didn't "ride the bull" in Dragon Age 3?? Awwwww. "I believe we may have blinded poor Cullen." ;)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
My approach is this: If it's a third-person camera, and you have to spend 40 hours looking at the main character's backside, you may as well make it a backside worth looking at.
Jan 31, 2015
So you didn't "ride the bull" in Dragon Age 3?? Awwwww. "I believe we may have blinded poor Cullen." ;)[/QUOTE]

LOL, Scarred for life.
Dec 20, 2016
Yeah that is the worst aspect of that game to me. I get that he is supposed to be some kind of Casanova and that some women are falling for him because of his reputation, but when they decided to add those cards in the game it was too much. I even followed a guide to make sure I don't miss anything and those were listed as collectibles. Really disrespectful. I'm glad they removed those in later games and toned down the number of women you can have sex with.
I'm not. I thought it was a great feature. I love sex and collectables so to have the two together was very attractive.
Jul 7, 2010
As the haze of ‘not me’ moral posturing from the ‘scaring females away’ clears, it is actually refreshing to have the misogynists and homophobes come here and declare themselves so boldly.

Of course, I would have been much happier being wrong ...
Oct 18, 2006
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