Mass Effect PC

I said nothing about reviews, that's what you're using to pretend ignorance. I said something about combined scores..

"combined score of so many reviews"

"It's not important who made the reviews"

I could go on, but what's the point?

I see you're still pretending you haven't noticed the number of users contributing to the score. We've established that you can read, so why wouldn't you be able to read that number? Could it be deliberate I wonder.

....And you're still pretending that there isn't a number for reviews on that page, could it be deliberate I wonder?

I'm not offended :)

I don't get offended unless whatever is said is important to me. However, I know what it means when people go there. It's a petty way of communicating, but I've seen worse.

Ah, but you obviously were though. So much so that you accused me of insulting you, when in truth all I did was ask you an honest question.

If I would do so anyway, that implies there would be something to respond to. I guess that means you're actually the one intending to keep this up forever? :)

No, I usually stop when I recognize it's a waste of time. In this case, however, I'm curious.

Translation = "A pathetic excuse to cover up the fact that I couldn't possibly bear to admit that an "opinion" is not the same thing as "preference".

Are you telling yourself you know how long I spent on my post? That's interesting.

Want to hear something else that's interesting? By simply clicking on a user name in this forum - you can see what thread they're in and what action they're performing.

So to answer your question: No, I'm telling you I know how long you spent on your post. ;)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Please, can I get a chance to pretend that I didn't notice Dhruin's post also?

How childish can we get :)


I'll leave the thread now, for real ;)
Well I think you just gave a pretty good example, Dhruin's question was obviously posted while I was still writing my response. :roll:

Has anyone played Mass Effect since the 1.01a patch was released? I was curious about any changes in performance. Could anyone confirm the fixes to the surround sound issues?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I finish the BDts, which contains one mission with a sub-quest looking for missing persons. Nothing extraordinary but at least slightly better than most missions in original game. I played on patch 1.01, as i heard 1.01a is for people who had problem with previous patch.
Oct 19, 2006
Just downloading BDtS myself. It doesn't look like they are doing any more, does it?

(By the way guys - that wasn't an official request or anything. Do as you like within the rules.)
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Just downloading BDtS myself. It doesn't look like they are doing any more, does it?

(By the way guys - that wasn't an official request or anything. Do as you like within the rules.)

No, I don't think they're doing much more - though I can't be sure. For me, it's pretty underwhelming and I don't think I'll bother with it.

Oh, and you were spot-on with your request. I'm still trying to learn not to waste time arguing over nothing, and I needed a reminder in this case :)
Having already finished the game there's no way for me to play BDtS anyway without replaying the game from scratch right? It doesn't sound that tempting to me to be honest.
Oct 26, 2006
No need to start a new game to play the new content, you just need to load up an old save game, go to your ship and open the galaxy map, and a new planet will be accessible to you.
Oct 19, 2006
AND the Renegade path was fully playable for a goody-two-shoes like me, although it was quite a bit of a xenophobic and self centered experience (being an bastard is not the same as being evil).

I thought that was one of the high points of mass effect as well, really nice to see a path that isn't a simpering wuss but isn't a totally unconvincing and deranged level of evil.
Feb 2, 2007
I just read the book, installed the game and the patch. My ingame fps is around 10-20 no matter what settings (game recommends high) - it runs worse than crysis (35-40 fps stable in high settings). The game is choppy all the time especially in the combat. In the forums other people report the same. This seems like the first game I ever had to give up playing because it doesnt work with my pc.

EDIT: I managed to fix it by installing omega drivers. Im now getting 60fps.
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Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
I was going to be home for about a week after an operation and my wife wanted to surprise me with a game. She got me Mass Effect hearing it was the greatest rpg ever, knowing I like rpgs, but not knowing I like actual crpgs.

I was pissed she spent money supporting bioware, who I believe make horrible, horrible games and are key entity in destroying the crpg. But I was bored and wanted to keep my mind off the catheter in my penis hole. I started the game biased. It was an action game from bioware after all; the chances of me liking it were zero.

I got the added content download, and then started a new game. I selected the second hardest level, knowing that regular or normal actually mean “retard.” And I will never play a game on the hardest difficulty to start, because if it’s a good game that should be saved for the second play through.

To make a long story short, I actually liked it. I think it was a horrible game, but a fantastic interactive story. The story carried this game and made it worth finishing. Some spoilerish stuff follows


I hate the fucking decode minigame. I hate reloading 500 times to get useless loot. I hate when “rpgs” include mini-games based off of reflex, and I hate it even more when they have ridiculously retarded minigames that get old after 3 tries and could never warrant doing it 7 billion times.

Way too much loot. They should’ve made some loot be special rewards, like the super line of weapons with all the letters (named something like HMWGSHS VII).
Way too many levels making any level up choices only important in the early game. I maxed out everything I wanted to way to early. I leveled up every couple seconds it seemed; it’s just silly and very bad design.

Way too easy. I don’t want to play through again. The game wasn’t fun, the story was fun. The story won’t change enough to warrant a replay, and the game will still be crap and the time sinks will still suck, so playing again on difficult to see if the game can be somewhat rewarding makes no sense. And I can’t see the jump in highest level of difficulty being very dramatic from the second highest level if the second highest level was so easy.

The vehicle was fun for a half hour or so. On hour 48 it just makes you wish the interactive story had a “skip” button like movies. I did the “sky is falling” or whatever its called as my first mission of the big space station thing and the first base fight was very difficult (and rewarding when I over came the challenge), but then I figured out the zoom button. I got a thresher on my second vehicle map mission and that was fun for the first time, until I figured out the “drive forward and shoot, reverse and shoot, repeat ad infinitum” tactic that made all mounted combat a joke and threshers a joke.

The combat was easy and stupid.

The game design was just horrible, from every criteria I can judge it. It’s a horrible, horrible game that isn’t fun at all.

What the fuck did “Paragon” and “Renegade” do? Did it influence the game at all? If so, how? Is it just tracking if I’m a goody-two-shoes or a jerk? I thought that’s why I have a memory? The game did pretty good at not dictating to me what is good and bad besides this seemingly useless system I don’t understand.

I can’t stand when games don’t have demos. If my wife didn’t buy this for me I never would’ve on my own just because of this. I am not going to buy WAR because their “Open Beta” isn’t open to everyone. (Yes, I could preorder to get the beta codes then cancel my preorder, but that wouldn’t make the beta open. It would still be a “pre-order” beta. Why would I pay money, or fake-pay money, to try a game to see if I like it or not? I preorder games I know I want. If Troika was still around I’d pre-order a game. I’m not dropping $50 bucks blindly anymore. Games that don’t have demos, and mmorpgs without actual open betas come from, what I feel, are shitty companies that I don’t want to give my money to.


The story and character interaction. This interactive story did a great job of making me want to see what was next. I felt like my dialogue choices were meaningful in general. I also felt like I was given the option of making a lot of important choices throughout the game that impacted the game.

The game was pretty combat light which I love. But instead of having endless hordes of enemies as filler it replaced it will endless riding around on a vehicle that doesn’t like to go straight, and other non-fun and useless activities like the retarded mini-game.

What would’ve made the interactive story that people call a game better:

I like the downloaded content for registering idea. Even if it screwed a couple cocksucking pirates out of something that’s a great thing. I hope soon there is something that will force people to pay for full games. But that’s not my point. That was a great choice I had to make at the end of that contents mission. I wish, earlier in the game, a decision like that was forced on bioware’s character, Shepard. And it impacted the story from there out. It seems like the biggest decision I made that impacted dialogue was deciding that bioware’s character, Shepard, was a “war-hero” at the Blitz.

Why not take the same take on the game as they did with the story. Making the game too easy and having useless character development elements make the “game” aspect of this interactive story a joke. It’s like letting me bang Williams as soon as we meet. There were zero “game” drivers for me. I didn’t care when I leveled up. I didn’t care when I got loot. I didn’t care when I got a loot upgrades. I stuck with Williams and the Lieutenant throughout the game until it wouldn’t let me or for the character specific quests (like dr. heart), and when I had to take someone besides Williams or the LT I picked auto-level for them, because it didn’t matter. And character generation and development are my favorite parts of what people call rpgs. That just shows how useless and unimportant that aspect of the interactive story is.

If Bioware thinks giving me endless amounts of loot every second is fun, I wish they would’ve included fun and extremely challenging boss fights that gave me the good loot. The loot system was so unrewarding, and once you get the HWAGHYW VII weapons you have the best. And I got those from the shop guy on the ship pretty early on. The whole loot system was just piss poor, on par with chardev.

Make the game 700 billion times more challenging.

I really enjoyed giving a speech to my crew. Seeing that idea expanded on and having some sort of impact on the game would’ve been great. I was hoping I was going to get to do it again when the alien general did his “hold the line” speech at Saren’s HQ.

It seems like this interactive story had less hippy propaganda than bioware’s previous games. I felt a little less like the ggame dictated to me what good and evil is and what “good”people think vs. “evil” people. I say get rid of the paragon/renegade nonsense and just let the players make choices and have the npc’s react to it. I loved the movie “Gone Baby Gone” because it went against what games and Hollywood always do nowadays with the whole “this is the right way to think and this is how you should think if you don’t want to be eveil” crap. At the end you were presented with a set of facts and a complicated issue and the movie didn’t force an opinion on you. A reasonable person who watches Gone Baby Gone can see the pros and cons of each side of the issue, and everyone is free to make up their own minds of if what the lead guy did was right or wrong for any number of reasons.

I loved that about Gone baby Gone. And I liked that it seemed bioware really seemed to put effort into making the non-hippy decisions have reasonable arguments. There was still a hippy bias, but much less of one, and that was refreshing. I also noticed the “evil-corporation” bashing was toned down and presented with arguments, maybe because bio sold-out to EA. I also loved how real the character Williams seemed to be. Bio did a great job with William’s character. And whoever did her VO did great as well. The interaction with her was complex and rewarding. With the other characters is was more “easy-mode.”

All in all, I went in expecting this game to be pure garbage. And the game aspect of it was. But the story carried the game. To date, this is the only interactive story worth playing in my opinion. I am a bitter prick that hates everything, and if I like it and think it’s worth buying and playing, I can’t think of anyone who reads this site that wouldn’t either. I can’t say that I like Weekes, but he was part of the only aspect of this interactive story that made it worth playing, so now I at least have to respect him. I will definitely buy ME 2 if bio plans on releasing a demo for it, crappy game play and all. I won’t even play the demo, I just made a rule I’ll never buy a game that doesn’t have a demo, so I can’t buy part 2 if they don’t.
Oct 18, 2006
Hey, roqua - long time, no see. Hope the operation went well and your health is OK.

As usual, you're far too bitter for me but I broadly agree with some of your Mass Effect points.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I played mass effect for 2 weekends and several weekdays. Perhaps 40-50 hours total I did pretty much everything in the game. Only the last 5-10% of the game started to feel like repeating itself. The main plot was interesting to the end though and I enjoyed reading all the details of the world.

I was happy to discover that the characters in the first book appeared in the game and the story in the book was connected into it too. Reading the book before the game gave me an interesting insight to the backgrounds of the games characters and the main plot.

I played on hardcore and finished the game on max level 50. I did many of the accomplisments too. ME proved to me that console games can be excellent allthough I definetly prefer to play this on PC. Im looking forward to buy the next book that is situated between me1 and 2.
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Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Well, I'm glad they didn't make it 700 billion times harder, as the standard difficulty had me endlessly reloading until I became indestructable (somewhere around level 23 or so).
Feb 15, 2007
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