1Up - 2009: The Year of the Old-School RPG

I'm just not into many games where I don't get to choose what type of character I'm playing. This eliminates almost any game where character creation doesn't take place. There are exceptions, such as Deus Ex, but I have become a sandbox game lover, as long as it's single player. I'm also not a fan of non-turn-based games that have a party. If it has a party give me turn-based please. DAO kinda got old for me because of this. DAO has promise though, if the modding community takes off. Currently, the modding is weak but those things take time to get rolling.

Vanilla Fallout 3 was a good game, but the addition of good mods can take it to greatness. I've always given credit to Bethesda for allowing us to muck around in their game. I appreciate that NWN and DAO have done this as well. It'd be nice if some European developers would allow us to play in their worlds too. Gothic could be a decent game with enough mods.
Oct 18, 2006
Le Chuck´s Revenge is a terrible game because I´m only into flight simulators.
Apr 4, 2008
I'm still sad that the whole RPG/MMORPG genre hasn't evolved that much in last couple of years. How about something revolutionary in storytelling, in NPC interraction (dialog) or a whole new character development system.

I've been playing Lord of the Rings Online lately, and I have to say, it does do things a little different. Key word here being "little" - at the end of the day youre still playing an MMO. There's still a bunch of quests to kill # of this or that, there's still a need to park it and grind a while. Which i happen to kinda like.

BUT, also there's the Epic Storyline questline, in which you really do have a "main quest", which is the storyline of the Lord of the Rings. The people, places, and things of tolkien lore are in the game, i dont see why any Tolkien nut wouldnt be totally into this. There's also way way more reading and dialogue than Ive seen in other MMOs. And the game looks really good

Also, you dont just go plunking points into some skill tree as you go. You buy them from a trainer, lol. Ok, some people may think that's not so great. I like it tho, I'm a grinder and always have cash so I dont mind paying. I'd rather have a lot of choices that are open to me, the more pending on how much effort ive put into earning them, instead of having like 2 points given to spend on new skills. The way you really start customizing your character is thru the use of traits, earned by doing certain things like exploring, doing certain quests, or killing things.

As I said, yes it's an MMO. Yes it has the checklist of MMO'isms that most people have come to loathe. BUt at the same time, you do get a bit more story and lore, gorgeous visuals, and a little bit more than the simple skill tree leveling system.

ALSO, a big bonus is that pretty much nobody plays this game. It's not that popular, thus you arent fighting with farmers for resources, you arent tripping over people left and right, and there's not a boatload of spam going on. It's a comfortable population to play in, you can find people to play with if you want to, otherwise people generally arent that noticeable or in your way.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
By the way, one additional, but imho often overlooked part that's not "progressing" much is - the AI.

Still nowadays , in some games NPCs act as dumb as ten years before.

But they look graphically excellent ! :lol:
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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