DA2 Da 2 hypocrite

Dragon Age 2
I like many others have posted on these threads my displeasure with the changes to da 2 but….. I like many others will be picking up my reserved copy on mar. 8th. Never have I felt bad about buying a game before, but I can't help it on this one though. I'm not going to go into what I don't like , that's been done too many times.

After everything i've posted I feel like a hypocrite still buying the game, but what choice do I have really. I've played all the other party-based rpg's and the indies.I've replayed the oldies so much I'm the standing joke of my family and friends. I have a water cooled 4ghz, 480gtx ,12mb ram, 42" monitor and a 1200w 7.1 surround sound gaming beast and when they come over i'm playing baulder's gate or some other older game.

I love party based-rpg's and bioware has me in a pickle. Anyone else getting the game feeling like this?

Funnily I get irritated that so many players used a superficial demo to pretend review a future full game. But on another way I still not have buy it and will certainly let some time before do it.... Go figure.
Oct 14, 2007
I think you shouldn't feel bad buying something you clearly enjoy. We are talking about mere games here. You are not supporting terrorism, slave factories, nature pollution or child labour :)

Maybe DA2 is not much of a rpg or it doesn't have a meaningfull purpose or message, still at the end of day world is full of similar stuff. We all have our guilty pleasures.

As for myself…I'm not going to buy DA2 now.Thats certain. Maybe I change my mind when the price drops to bargain bin level, but if I do i'm not going to feel bad about it.
Oct 19, 2006
Thanks to you all for contributing to the da2 buyers remorse support group.:lol: Here's hoping it will be good for what it is.
Why on earth would you feel bad for buying something you want to play? Because some on the internets say you shouldn't, pfft.
Apr 17, 2007
Ok 2 hrs in. First off combat is just way 2 fast. I find myself pausing every few seconds. bomb, pause, backstab pause, rush, pause, evade pause, and thats just controlling my guy no time to give orders to others. I though they sped it up to make the combat more fluid but it's not when your always pausing. They should let you queue orders, there would be much less pausing and i'd be able to queue up enough stuff so I could manage others also.

Don't like the new graphics, I thought they wanted a more mature game it's to cartoony to take seriously, and the blood spatter on the teeth so it looks like there missing teeth in the cut scenes has got to go.

Not happy about the obvious console feel, to many mouse clicks to get through menus. leveling up talents is really annoying me as a can't quickly compare the different tree's. I have to go into 1 tree see what they do click out then go in to another and so on and so forth.

despite these and a few other flaws I am finding some fun with the game. right now i'd say 6 out of 10, but i've got a long way to go. After 2 hrs of dao I had completed the wilds and went through the joining and thought this games going to be awesome. After 2 hrs of da 2 i'm still in search of what it's going to be I guess we'll see.
I dont think it is called being a hypocrite rather being a person with low self esteem or something that isnt willing to stand agaisnt the abuse that is given them. :p
Nov 23, 2008
I dont think it is called being a hypocrite rather being a person with low self esteem or something that isnt willing to stand agaisnt the abuse that is given them. :p

not sure if you don't understand my post or I don't understand yours. I haven't received any abuse (other than a low self esteem wise crack). thr point was that after reading previews and playing the demo I bashed the game for its changes, but I still went ahead and got my pre-order. To me that seems a bit hypocritical. Was wondering if anyone else did the same and felt the same or not?
not sure if you don't understand my post or I don't understand yours. I haven't received any abuse (other than a low self esteem wise crack). thr point was that after reading previews and playing the demo I bashed the game for its changes, but I still went ahead and got my pre-order. To me that seems a bit hypocritical. Was wondering if anyone else did the same and felt the same or not?

I meant abuse in terms of the devs of the game taking out isometric view, taking out auto attack so even if someone come close to you and attack you you have to manually attack them. The 100's of dungeons using the exact same 10 maps. The fact that i cant equip armor for my team mates. I could go on and on. Yet we still buy the game because we are hungry for a decent RPG which that thsi is depite all its issues. I think it is more a case fo takign abuse from the devs we love so much rather than being a hypocrite. I am sorry if i offended, it was only meant in jest.
Nov 23, 2008
I meant abuse in terms of the devs of the game taking out isometric view, taking out auto attack so even if someone come close to you and attack you you have to manually attack them. The 100's of dungeons using the exact same 10 maps. The fact that i cant equip armor for my team mates. I could go on and on. Yet we still buy the game because we are hungry for a decent RPG which that thsi is depite all its issues. I think it is more a case fo takign abuse from the devs we love so much rather than being a hypocrite. I am sorry if i offended, it was only meant in jest.

Not offended at all can't believe I never thought of it that way you are 100%correct!
What has me confused is why people would buy pre-orders so much of the time. Why??? The goodies tend to be mighty cheap ones. Worse yet, when you play a game so close to release, you can get hit by some real killer bugs. If you wait for a game to come out and get played/reviewed by the masses for even just a week, you can be far more informed about your game and you'll hear about any really nasty bugs that might show up.

Every once in awhile a game will have some very nice pre-order bonus pieces. The Witcher 2 is 5% off plus, if you get it on GOG, you can get a classic game like Gothic 2 Gold for free with it. That might make the risk of buying "sight unseen" worth the risk. Sometimes they will throw black boxes in, too, like offering access to the "Keep of Thoridor's Bane" … which could be a deep, involving quest or could be just a courtyard where skeletons constantly respawn. I could see that as an acceptable gamble if you're feeling lucky. "The Exiled Prince" might fit in that spot for this game.

But what's going on with the "hey, that might be good, I think I'll pre-order it right now" attitude?? These aren't some hardware doo-hicky where the store might run out and leave everyone without a pre-order waiting an extra month. I keep hearing people talk like missing out on the pre-order gimicks means you aren't getting "the whole game." But every pre-order come-on that I've seen has been a sideshow at best. It has to be if the company expects to have any sales six months down the line!
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
You seem quite sure it's a crap game, but I don't think you have played it. I know many players won't be able forget their crusader against, well I don't know against what, and then won't be able to calm down and just enjoy the game. But I'm playing it, I took my time and the game pace let you find your own pace and I enjoy it. The fights are great despite the awful speed, the dialog system does well its job, there's good fun from managing the classes and level up, there's enough to be busy about items and equipments even of companions, many companions are interesting and in fact more attaching than those of DAO and MoTB and NWN2, and for NWN1 I only remember Deekin that say all. Even the exploration of the big town isn't that bad and in fact quite cool for a Bioware game. Even if there are noteworthy flaws, there's a a lot of stuff to possibly enjoy it quite a lot, even if not all will.
Oct 14, 2007
What has me confused is why people would buy pre-orders so much of the time. Why???

I pre-order everything on amazon to get the lowest price and any offers they have. It's not a big deal because you can cancel at any time, like I just recently canceled my pre-order for Homefront.

I pre-order pretty much every FPS and RPG on the PC.
Jan 28, 2011
I only pre-order games that I'm strongly anticipating to be in my top 4-5 for that year. Most of my games I get off Ebay at a large discount. (New, not used)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I have pre-ordered only one or two games in my whole life, because they were special to me (Drakensang 2 and Divinity 2).
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I purchase all party based rpg's on release. So Im getting it anyway so I might as well pre-order to get the extra's. There are so few party based rpg's that I will buy it regardless of reviews or whether im afraid it might be a poor game. My hope (probably in vain) is that by supporting the genre more party based crpg's will be made.
In a strange twist of fate, I've recieved Dragon Age II as a birthday gift....
I guess i'm being forced to play the game now. LOL

Downloading.... ='.'=*blinks**
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Yes. Based on a lot of reactions to the game, it might be considered an act of hostility. :)
lol, no kidding... I swore that I'd never buy it, and had no interest in playing it.

That said, it's not too bad so far. I made a Rogue and modeled it after my DA rogue, and going from there.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
You seem quite sure it's a crap game, but I don't think you have played it. I know many players won't be able forget their crusader against, well I don't know against what, and then won't be able to calm down and just enjoy the game. But I'm playing it, I took my time and the game pace let you find your own pace and I enjoy it. The fights are great despite the awful speed, the dialog system does well its job, there's good fun from managing the classes and level up, there's enough to be busy about items and equipments even of companions, many companions are interesting and in fact more attaching than those of DAO and MoTB and NWN2, and for NWN1 I only remember Deekin that say all. Even the exploration of the big town isn't that bad and in fact quite cool for a Bioware game. Even if there are noteworthy flaws, there's a a lot of stuff to possibly enjoy it quite a lot, even if not all will.

I'm not going to call it a crap game, I'm reserving judgement.I do know that they took out a lot of the things that I like and felt justified in voicing my opinion.I'm now only 6hrs in as I don't have a lot of time to play. They should have had more back story or maybe started in lothering. I'm now rescuing a family I don't care nor know anything about. Which is a shame because they origin stories drew me in rather quickly especially the city elf. I'm getting used to combat but aoe's up a hill are impossible with the limited camera. Not hating it but, not loving it either.
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