Dark Souls - PC Details @ VG247

Ideally, that's true - but it's not an ideal world.

I also appreciate them being upfront about this, because it means I can ignore it :)
I hope eventually someome manages to make a tool to extract (and repack) the textures, would be nice game to make a retexture for.

And i hope they will make the GUI a lot smaller on PC, like always on console it's absolutely huge, and it also needs to be put closer to the corners instead of being almost in the middle of the screen which is both visually ugly and distracting.
Apr 18, 2011
The land of rape and honey
These guys are not sure if Dark Souls for PC will be worth the effort or not, so they are going to release a 1:1 port and hope for the better. While Dark Souls will NOT be optimized for the PC, its sequel might be, only if the revenue for the PC version of Dark Souls 1 is worth it.
In other words: if you want a good RPG which is optimized for your PC (aka Dark Souls 2) there's only one solution: DON'T PIRATE DARK SOULS. BUY IT.
That's like an investment, something like a kick-starter! XD
May 17, 2009
The whole thing with piracy affecting sales is bs. Sales of entertainment in France is down even though piracy down by a large amount because of the law that disconnects pirates so even when they can't download they still don't buy. Also since sales are down a good deal it may indicate people were downloading to try and then buy.

PS. Would you give money to a kickstarter that said they are just going to do a crappy port in hopes that in the future they will do better. (remember these publishers have been doing this kind of stuff for a long time even if the game is successful)

tolknaz: I have run across situations where a customer of mine blew out a usb (or something else) using a third party peripheral (including a gamepad once or twice) and the manufacturer wouldn't cover it. That is why me and my dad had to take care of it.
Oct 19, 2006
Couldn't care any less if it's a 1:1 port. I've heard enough good things about this game to be glad it's coming to the PC. I have no inclination to buy a PS3 and have no problems using a gamepad.

Skyrim helped with losing my, "Mouse and keyboard ONLY!!!!!" view on gaming (that and the Xbox). Skyrim was easier to play with a gamepad when it first came out. Now I prefer playing Skyrim and Witcher 2 with a gamepad. I still like the mouse and keyboard, I just don't mind playing with a gamepad if it works out better that way.
Feb 3, 2007
I don't even own a game pad. Guess I won't be finding out why everyone thinks Dark Souls is so superior to most existing RPGs.
May 4, 2011
Don't bother. You will find several fanboys that we'll yell that this game is 'the best thing ever (OMG!)', whereas is just another piece of console retardation. I tried the console version, sent it back after 2 days. Yeah, the graphic is 'so cool' and you can impale monsters in the ass (really), and you die. And die. And die again (and each time ALL enemies previously defeated are back!). It's a great way to spend your time, if you have masochistic tendencies. It was a turd in the console, it's gonna be a even worst turd for PC
Dec 2, 2011
tolknaz: I have run across situations where a customer of mine blew out a usb (or something else) using a third party peripheral (including a gamepad once or twice) and the manufacturer wouldn't cover it. That is why me and my dad had to take care of it.

Well, i've seen my share of people, who should never be leat near a computer too. The point is such people can easily fuck their computers up without adding or modifying anything at all. Mishandling of original peripherials can be just as dangerous as adding something. I've seen shitloads of broken rj45 plugs stuck in network cards for example. It never ceases to amaze me how some people mustered the knowhow to breathe.
Sep 30, 2008
GFWL is so incredibly annoying, I really hope the new petition is successful in persuading Namco to go with Steam instead.

I didn't have any problem with GFWL as it was implemented in Fallout 3, but for Arkham City it was implemented in a way that was so annoying and there were so many hoops you had to jump through just to install the game that I nearly gave up completely.

And since Dark Souls has some sort of multiplayer component, I understand GFWL is even worse for this sort of thing, particularly compared to multiplayer games on Steam.

As for the rumor about no keyboard and mouse, there is no way that is going to happen. It's nothing more than a rumor. There has not ever been any game released on PC that I'm aware of, console port or not, that does not allow you to use a keyboard.

I tried using a gamepad for RAGE, for the racing mini-game, but my hands started cramping up because I haven't used those particular finger muscles since the 1980s ;-)
Jan 15, 2011
I'm really glad that they're focusing on controller support for the game. Controllers play much better than keyboard/mouse, anyway. Face it, keyboard/mouse controls are on the way out on PC. More consolization, I say. It's the way forward.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
If it doesn't have serviceable M&K support then i'll be out.

I wonder how many off the 92,000 wanted it on pc to take advantage of the pc's abilities and not just because they don't have a console to play it on.

I don't care about graphics upgrades but to not properly supporting M&K on pc would be the same as not properly supporting controllers on the console or touch controls on the ipad. Doesn't make sense to me.
You know, I watched some gameplay videos and the controls looked as clunky and imprecise as all get go in the combat sections. Lots of odd bumping around collisions with enemies, and slashing without hitting when it looked like it should. I don't get this so-called need for precision by using a gamepad… Seems like an inherently imprecise game…
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Aug 18, 2008
Studio City, CA
I played Demon's Souls (finished 1st play-through) and really liked the game. Although majority of the time I was struggling with game-pad imprecise controls more than with the game itself.

I even pre-ordered the Dark Souls, but than recalled all the frustration I had with the first game's controls and cancelled.

PC port was on the buy list for me until now. But I am not going to use game pad on PC, ever.

Although I am really grateful for them being honest about it. Now I can wait until it hits $5-10 territory on sale and get it then, and even then may be.

Regarding the piracy issue. I think they have the right to do whatever they think is necessary with their product. We, as consumers, have our right to ignore the game.

I wish they made a kick-starter or something for a proper PC port. So they can see that they can make money on it.
May 13, 2008
Vancouver, British Columbia
I'd like to see them take full advantage of the PC but I'm surprised so many people are offended that a Japanese developer whose primary experience is consoles, who previously expressed no interest in developing Dark Souls for PC and who has stated they believe the controller is central to the DS gameplay is doing just that.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
I'd like to see them take full advantage of the PC but I'm surprised so many people are offended that a Japanese developer whose primary experience is consoles, who previously expressed no interest in developing Dark Souls for PC and who has stated they believe the controller is central to the DS gameplay is doing just that.

It must be an unfounded rumor - I seriously doubt they would even consider this.

Has there ever been a PC game that did not allow you to use mouse and keyboard? (And Pong doesn't count.) I'm not aware of any.
Jan 15, 2011
It must be an unfounded rumor - I seriously doubt they would even consider this.

Has there ever been a PC game that did not allow you to use mouse and keyboard? (And Pong doesn't count.) I'm not aware of any.

They've said minimal K&M support but they recommend a controller. Not sure what that means but it doesn't sound good.
I'd like to see them take full advantage of the PC but I'm surprised so many people are offended that a Japanese developer whose primary experience is consoles, who previously expressed no interest in developing Dark Souls for PC and who has stated they believe the controller is central to the DS gameplay is doing just that.

Not everyone is offended per-se, some of us are just wondering why you would express what seems like the desire not to do something after already committing to do it and spending money on it. Expressing disinterest in a PC version beforehand is understandable, but if you keep expressing disinterest after you decide to do it gives the perception that you don't believe in the product you're currently making. So there are some of us who, rather than offended, are having more of a "huh?" reaction.

It's like a product pitch where prospective customers might be thinking "why should we buy this newer higher priced release instead of the older now-discounted version?" and the person giving the interview says "meh, they're basically going to be the same." Really this might be reading too much into the perceived tone in an article that might be the products of translation or the perception of the journalist influencing the selection and presentation of quotes. Also this perception might depend on the person having both a console and a decent computer as opposed to just a gaming computer.

For me I think it hinges on what "minimal" keyboard and mouse support means. Not optimizing menus for them would be relatively minor next to this meaning no support for remapping controls on the keyboard. I can deal with less than ideal controls, but if they mean I can't even remap them then I'd just get it for my 360 for less money. They said they'll have more information at E3 this year so we'll probably have something more concrete then; it's possible the perceived tone might be revealed to be more imagined than real.
Nov 20, 2006
I'd like to see them take full advantage of the PC but I'm surprised so many people are offended that a Japanese developer whose primary experience is consoles, who previously expressed no interest in developing Dark Souls for PC and who has stated they believe the controller is central to the DS gameplay is doing just that.

If all that's true then why make it? Has to be money and if they want my money they need adequate K&M support.

I have a ps3 and xbox 360 if I wanted to play with a controller I already would be. I tried playing demon souls with a controller and it became too frustrating.

I will agree that they must not have much pc experience because GFWL, Shoddy K&m controls, low res textures and will it even support 1080p? sounds like a recipe to ensure failure. I'm not sure the publisher really wants it to succeed. Sounds like the dev's wanted to do more but they publisher said no.
If all that's true then why make it? Has to be money and if they want my money they need adequate K&M support.

I have a ps3 and xbox 360 if I wanted to play with a controller I already would be. I tried playing demon souls with a controller and it became too frustrating.

There are a lot of gamers who would like to play Dark Souls who don't own a PS3 or Xbox. That's why they're making it.

If you thought Demon's Souls was frustrating with a controller, what makes you think Dark Souls would be better with K&M?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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