Diablo 3 - v1.03 Released, 72 Hour Restrictions Snafu

Difference is, Diablo 3 is mostly broken by design (or shall I dare to say: by greed?), not by incompetence.
Aug 31, 2009
Enough with the Stockholm syndrome demonstration people.
Blizzard is putting every single one of their customers through shit,

Enough with the paranoia. Blizzard are not putting me, or my friends, through merde. We are enjoying the game and have already got our monies worth. What else can you ask for from a game? Are you expecting it to make you breakfast in bed or something?
Oct 18, 2006
Difference is, Diablo 3 is mostly broken by design (or shall I dare to say: by greed?), not by incompetence.
I think that some things were ill-conceived, but I also believe that many of these things can be fixed, provided that the developers sit down and look at feedback and I mean real feedback*.

But hey, this just my opinion, if DIII's endgame doesn't turn into what I imagined it to be, then I will simply put it aside.Also, you are hereby warned - if you disagree, me and my other fangirl friends(we hold midnight meetings in cornfields, with pamphlets, torches and everything)are going to conjure up names, culture-specific syndromes and all things bright and beautiful® to throw at you, hater. ;)

* 0.1 of the posts. Sadly, 9.9 out of 10 posts on the official forums drip of hate.
Nov 3, 2009
I really don't have any strong feelings either way. I am just playing D3 for mindless whacking with a friend of mine and only play when he is on. We have no plans to ever play beyond the normal and will retire it once bored.

Still being someone who likes a bit more complexity with character building, and who is a bit irked with some decisions in regards to online requirements ... I did find this article on game banshee comparing it to T2 amusing :)


With Diablo III, you don't have to worry about allocating skill points, creating your own characters, or tailoring a play style to suit your talents. All of that has been taken care of for you, allowing you more time to actually play the game rather than slave over talent trees and menus.

It's a streamlined and elegant approach to gaming. First of all, leveling up works out all those fiddly stats for you, upgrading your character as it sees fit. Secondly, you only ever need to find loot with your character's primary stat and/or Vitality, allowing you to quickly select the right tools for the job and play eBay with the rest of it. Thirdly, the game's higher difficulty levels bottleneck you into one particular playstyle so you eventually stop wasting time experimenting with garbage. The game even hides the option to fully customize your character's abilities in a sub-menu, removing the easy temptation to do anything other than just have fun!

Runic Games isn't about fun. Runic Games would rather force you to agonize over skill point allocation and make tough choices about how you want to play. It takes its overwhelmingly exhausting choices so far that you even have to choose a hair color for your character! Hair colors! Sorry, but in the real world, we're stuck with the hair color we're born with and we have to all live with it! We neither get to, nor want to, start messing around with what The Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven gave us at birth.


Why the Hell are people bitching about there being no LAN play in Diablo III? Do you know when people played games via LAN? 1963, probably! Diablo III doesn't need LAN play because it is on the cutting edge of the technological wave, surfing into tomorrow on a board made of science and wearing the Bermuda shorts of discovery. Diablo III doesn't support LAN because it doesn't need to support LAN.

What the Hell are you thinking, Torchlight II? Yeah, sure, yeah, let's all play Torchlight II locally like a couple of geekatrons from the History Channel. While we're at it, why not play on our zoetropes and spin a hula hoop across the street with a fucking stick? Oh hey, Runic Games, do you guys need your pills and your wheelchairs, you bunch of stupid granddads?

Face facts, readers. Nobody plays LAN anymore. No games have supported LAN since about 1992. Torchlight II is a crusty old fart compared to the sleek and polished Diablo III, which uses real Internet like a real game.
Jun 4, 2008
I really don't have any strong feelings either way. I am just playing D3 for mindless whacking with a friend of mine and only play when he is on. We have no plans to ever play beyond the normal and will retire it once bored.

Still being someone who likes a bit more complexity with character building, and who is a bit irked with some decisions in regards to online requirements … I did find this article on game banshee comparing it to T2 amusing :)

The sarcasm meter just exploded! Anyway, nice read. :D

Also looking forward to T2 even though the art direction turns me off.
Nov 3, 2009
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