Diablo III

It's Diablo. I'd assume everything respawns. Having said that, just curious, but if you were playing solo and assuming you weren't loot farming, why did you ever go back to boss maps to see them respawn anyway? Seems to me you could avoid spoiling your immersion by just pushing forward as you would in a normal single player RPG.

I thought there were areas that I had to cross again having bosses. It's been years so I could be remembering wrong.

I guess it's not really that big a deal since Diablo and its clones aren't my preferred type of RPG anyways. I just wish they had included an option to turn off respawning in single-player mode.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Generally speaking, if you aren't farming then respawning is a non issue in D2 and D3. Monsters only respawned if you quit your game session and started a new one, and there wasn't really much reason to ever back track in the first place. Waypoints made it quite easy to just immediately go back to whatever area you hadn't cleared yet.

With that being said, a large part of Diablo was always about farming epic loot in random generated areas. That's not possible unless new randomly generated areas spawn to replace the ones you've already cleared.
Apr 14, 2011
Took me a couple of days to sort out an account issue so I've only played for about 30 min. Not enough to tell me much but so far seems fun but I'm not sure if there really is anything new to this. It didn't look much different than DS3 for instance. Anyway I started a game playing Demon Hunter and found it odd that the world was kinda of empty and I couldn't interact with anything. Then I got disconnected and on restarting the world was suddenly populated. 30 min later got disconnected again and went to watch Captain America instead. (to be honest it was mostly due to me being tired and the misses wanting some company :) but I've already seeing the disadvantages with the D3 model for sure)
Oct 18, 2006
My first D3 session lasted for about two hours today, and my hero (a monk) now is at level 8. The combat, game play, music, sound effects, graphics etc pretty as fun as previous Diablo games.

However, i disliked the always online requirement as it causes noticeable lag during combat (an attacks only connected on enemies 1-2 seconds later) .
Oct 19, 2006
One thing that's really bugging me, gameplay-wise, is how finicky target selection is on a melee monk. I find my character constantly shooting past enemies if I try to attack them without liberal use of the shift key. Of course, being melee, the shift key is usually not in one's interest.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
For instance I have not found one single shoulder pad the ENTIRE TIME Ive been playing

I haven't either. I also havent found a single ring or amulet. Just hit Lev. 11. Swords out the wazoo. A few 1 handed crossbows that were junk. Maybe just unlucky so far.

And I have been disconnected 3 times. The fact that I have to log on a server to play single player annoys me to no end. I really hope eventually they remove this idiotic requirement.
I haven't either. I also havent found a single ring or amulet. Just hit Lev. 11. Swords out the wazoo. A few 1 handed crossbows that were junk. Maybe just unlucky so far.

And I have been disconnected 3 times. The fact that I have to log on a server to play single player annoys me to no end. I really hope eventually they remove this idiotic requirement.

I don't think they will remove DRM. There's talk that it's the 'future of gaming.' But if they don't remove it, I'm pretty sure that I will stop buying games. I can live without them, and I'm sure most of you can, too. Starve the developers and publishers. I don't care.
Mar 28, 2012
Codeman, you gotta realize that Diablo is a bit of a unique property in the sea of games. Always on DRM is a huge drawback, and it really should have no place in single-player experiences. However, in Diablo it comes down to storing player characters and information on the servers so that people cannot cheat. Loot is perhaps the biggest aspect of Diablo games, so someone simply creating or replicating the best possible armor can really ruin the experience for everyone else if they take it online.

So while I am not for this approach, it is the only way I can see that they could solve the biggest complaint that fans had about the previous installments. Considering this, I am a bit more forgiving about this approach than I am with other games (especially those that are single-player only!)

Aside from the server problems, I have had a lot of fun with Diablo 3 and am starting to get the loot-craze.
Sep 16, 2011
Just finished Diablo 3 on Normal. And I'm feeling so let down by the story that I'm actually feeling it impossible to even try to continue with Nightmare. I mean, how the hell can you write such a shallow and cheap storyline for the game. Diablo 2 was way better back in its day, and I know you don't play a Diablo game for the story. But this one just takes the cake. It started alright, and got decent-good at the end of the first act (the end of the act which was pretty cool), and then it was all downhill.

Awful writing. Just awful. I was very eagerly awaiting this game, and I guess I shouldn't have expected so much. It's probably my fault. But 10 years can build the hype I guess.

Anyway, the gameplay was very good, the cinematics very cool, but the storyline was just bad. I mean predictable and boring as hell. I'm just not gonna bother with Nightmare/Hell/Inferno. And I've no idea how the hell are they going to conjure up 2 more sequels. Because on the way they ended it, I honestly don't see anything sensible they could do to bring up any old thread. But then again, considering how bad the storyline was, I guess they could just bring back the 7 evils once more. Just for the sake of it. Goddammit. I don't understand, if they put in that much money into gameplay, why couldn't they at least put a little effort into the story. If the story were good this could've been an amazing game.

Anyway, I'm done with my rant. And I'm done with Diablo 3. I really curious as to what cheap writing trick they'll use to bring up another 2 sequels.
Jul 31, 2007
Codeman, you gotta realize that Diablo is a bit of a unique property in the sea of games. Always on DRM is a huge drawback, and it really should have no place in single-player experiences. However, in Diablo it comes down to storing player characters and information on the servers so that people cannot cheat. Loot is perhaps the biggest aspect of Diablo games, so someone simply creating or replicating the best possible armor can really ruin the experience for everyone else if they take it online.

So while I am not for this approach, it is the only way I can see that they could solve the biggest complaint that fans had about the previous installments. Considering this, I am a bit more forgiving about this approach than I am with other games (especially those that are single-player only!)

Aside from the server problems, I have had a lot of fun with Diablo 3 and am starting to get the loot-craze.

This I can understand. Diablo II was notorius for its hacks and duplicate items on their servers, so I guess this fixes that issue.

But for the rest of us, authenticate it once or regularly and leave us alone. Just give me my single player RPG --- offline!

But time will tell how players react to the DRM nuisance.
Mar 28, 2012
They'll probably react to it by switching to Torchlight 2 when it comes out. This weekends open beta has shown me that it's a far deeper (not saying much, its still an ARPG) and fun experience than Diablo 3. :]
Sep 28, 2009
Finally at level 14 I found my first shoulder pads. Still have not found a single piece of jewelry. Are others experiencing the same thing? Just wondering if I've just been unlucky, jewelry intentionally doesnt show up until later levels or maybe a problem with drop rates?
yeah, it filters down as time goes on. Theyre easing you into the whole of the loot system, for instance in Act II now I'm starting to get socketed items and amulets, and a gem here and there. I'm getting shoulderpads left and right now.

Theyre just drip-feeding us certain things to keep new exciting stuff coming as time goes on.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
I got my copy yesterday :D Playing a wizard now and plan to make a Demon hunter :D It was pretty fun last night, despite the lag.
Cant play. Servers are shut down from 4-12 today for maintenance. So that nice shiny new game that you paid $60 for is unplayable for 8 hours or so. Awesome. Disconnects and downright unable to play in a single player game. If this is the future of gaming on a pc count me out. I will never purchase another title that has this "feature". It's a fun game. It really is. But this b.s. has me seeing red. I should have made an excuse and have my wife return it. Didnt want to hurt her feelings. But I should have listened to my instincts and never opened the box. Lesson learned.
Server is down? Status says all 3 servers are up... either way, I can't login.. getting error 3003 =.=+ ffs
Aye, I've experienced a lot of login issues. Very annoying.

So far I've played through normal with both a Monk and a Witch Doctor. Currently playing Nightmare with the Monk, and normal with a Barbarian and Wizard.

I'm enjoying it quite a lot, but I don't see myself playing it for a long time (unlike some, who intend to play it more or less like an MMO).
Oct 18, 2006
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