Dragon Age 2 - Ray Muzyka Interview @ IndustryGamers

Interesting timing. This new fighting talk (DA:O "was busted", DA2 "right direction") comes shortly after Legacy. Only BioWare know how well that sold. If they are on the offensive now, maybe Legacy sold well? Which would indicate that fans raged on the interwebs, but quietly handed over their dollars for more of DA2? If Legacy sold badly and he's still making these sorts of remarks, then he clearly needs to double his medication.
Feb 28, 2011
Interesting timing. This new fighting talk (DA:O "was busted", DA2 "right direction") comes shortly after Legacy. Only BioWare know how well that sold. If they are on the offensive now, maybe Legacy sold well? Which would indicate that fans raged on the interwebs, but quietly handed over their dollars for more of DA2? If Legacy sold badly and he's still making these sorts of remarks, then he clearly needs to double his medication.

Popular theory is that Dragon Age Origins sold well based on the Bioware name but that follow-up products like Awakening and the DLC sold poorly, especially on consoles. That's the likely reason for such a radical shift in direction for Dragon Age 2. Even though DA2 sold less than Origins it might be more of an actual success with their target audience, which again is not us. If Legacy sold better percentage wise compared to DA2 than Origins' DLC sold compared to Origins, they might consider that a success.

Honestly the Origins DLC was crap and deserved to sell poorly. Awakening was good though, but a bit overpriced at launch at $40.
Jan 28, 2011
The comments I've seen regarding Legacy, the newest dlc for DA2, on the Bioware DA2 forums has indeed all mentioned that Bioware has been listening to the their fans. Many people on the DA2 forums bought Legacy after hearing other people praise it on the DA2 forums.

As for DA2, I don't know where all the hate comes from - or maybe I do. Much have been talked about the re-used modules (for caves etc. ), the wave combat, and the colours being used (luckily I'm colourblind, so I can't really see the problem in this).
On the DA2 forums at the Bioware board some people notice the brown of it all, or the fact that it only takes place in one city (Kirkwall) as a restriction; it is if you want a rpg to take place in more than one city a la Oblivion or Skyrim.

I've encountered the same cave module, the same smuggler's cove module and another module some times now (2 or 3). And, personally, I don't care about this. I can see that it it the same module of course, the enemies and the placement of them are not the same. But I'd rather have more quests than new caves etc.

Let me clear here: I have logged over 54 hours into the game now (including the three! times three hours I started the deep roads over again so I could beat the rock wraith at the end). And I like this game, a lot. It is not DAO2; this is not. It is a story about a person, Hawke, who, by her own means, raises through the ranks of Kirkwall society.
She is the first person in this world to show the (poor) people that it is possible to move from the slums to Hightown - thorugh her own actions. As such, it is understandably why she, to the people of Kirkwall, is their champion.

The question is this: Do you want to turn Bioware into another Bethesda that makes open sandbox games where story is weak and nearly coherent, but with interesting sidequest or do you want Bioware to continue to make the best, the most emotional engaging stories in the world? I know what I prefer; Bioware needs, imo, to continue to make games based on stories with great characters and dialogues.

And to me this is exactly what DA2 is: a story-driven game where the main character's, Hawke's story, takes presedence. The npc characters are some of the best I've seen in any game, let alone in any Bioware game.

The critics of DA2 has also mentioned the lack of follower customization, and the loot.
I don't mind the loot system in DA2; to me, it is a much cleaner system than in any Bioware game, let alone any rpg yet. I like the junk system in DA2 and that I can turn anything I don't want into junk. Much better than the times of yesteryear in which we had to sort this out by ourselves. (and I really don't have the time to spent 2 hours gameplay time at a merchant's selling stuff like I did in Oblivion). Armour for the npc; first I liked the way it was in DA2. Then I met the Rock Wraith. And found a mod that let me put the armour on them. And it helped a great deal in defeating him.

Much has also been said about the combat in DA2; to me, it is much smoother and much better than in DA:O. Characters react immediately now, no more shuffling into place, and 'maybe I'll attack in 5 minutes if I'll feel like it.' Characters still perform funny act in combat, though, attacking thin air or standing still at certain moments.

The only problem I have with the combat is, you guessed, it: the waves. Ridicolous and overdone it is. Legacy adresses this problem and solves it - at least in part - at least as I understand it. As I see it, the combat in DA2 is a mix between Icewind's Dale's action rpg combat and combat found i MMO's (with phases?).

I like DA2 a lot. Story is great. Characters behave like real people. Don't mind the re-used modules a la caves etc. Don't like the wave combat.
Oct 18, 2006
Denmark, Europe
Has somebody here actually played Legacy yet ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Oct 26, 2006
Ah, yes … :lol:

I rest my case … ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I bought it but have not played it yet. I am pretty deep in a Deus Ex replay before the third game comes out. If I finish that before Human Revolution hits then I will try to fit Legacy in.

At the end of the day I still enjoyed DA2 despite it's massive flaws.
Jan 28, 2011
Popular theory is that Dragon Age Origins sold well based on the Bioware name but that follow-up products like Awakening and the DLC sold poorly, especially on consoles. That's the likely reason for such a radical shift in direction for Dragon Age 2. Even though DA2 sold less than Origins it might be more of an actual success with their target audience, which again is not us. If Legacy sold better percentage wise compared to DA2 than Origins' DLC sold compared to Origins, they might consider that a success.

Honestly the Origins DLC was crap and deserved to sell poorly. Awakening was good though, but a bit overpriced at launch at $40.

The only problem with this theory is interviews confirmed they decided on many of the changes before DA:O had even shipped, let alone the DLC. My bolding.

1UP: For DA2's development schedule, I've been reading some conflicting info, so let me get this clarified once and for all: it's my understanding that DA2's development started before DA Origins shipped, correct?

ML: Sure, Dragon Age 2 was begun before Origins was released. Simply because the way development works, there were staggered roll-offs from each department. The art team had to be finished before the design team could do final lockdown who themselves had to be finished before audio lockdown who had to be finished before programming can lockdown and so on. So we began the process of Dragon Age 2 from the concept art level well before the release of Origins. Also, another factor in that was simply, the content that we finished for PC was held until the console version was released, so that we can release them all simultaneously. So there was that additional block of months there. And so this was us rolling into looking at the art style and doing some significant overhauls there, and some significant overhauls to the way the combat system works and plays out, the overall responsiveness of the engine from the ground up, framerate, performance, DirectX 11, you name it.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Right, right… I read that before and forgot about it. Assuming all the changes were in pre-production then I guess they just expected the reaction Origins got on consoles or they simply wanted to go another way.

The forum comments from most of the Bioware staff make it clear they want to make mainstream games that non-RPG fans want to play.
Jan 28, 2011
The comments I've seen regarding Legacy, the newest dlc for DA2, on the Bioware DA2 forums has indeed all mentioned that Bioware has been listening to the their fans. Many people on the DA2 forums bought Legacy after hearing other people praise it on the DA2 forums.

As for DA2, I don't know where all the hate comes from - or maybe I do. Much have been talked about the re-used modules (for caves etc. ), the wave combat, and the colours being used (luckily I'm colourblind, so I can't really see the problem in this).
On the DA2 forums at the Bioware board some people notice the brown of it all, or the fact that it only takes place in one city (Kirkwall) as a restriction; it is if you want a rpg to take place in more than one city a la Oblivion or Skyrim.
The game is 5 months old. Only fans of the game are going to be on those forums now, or fans of Bioware. It's not like people who hated DA2 are going to stick around and pay Bioware $10 to call their DLC crap after playing it. DA2 was a terrible game and the hate comes from the money and time wasted on it.

There was absolutely nothing innovating about it besides the business side of rushing a (RPG) game out the door in a year in a half and trying to sell it. I'm sure they are pleased with DA2. I bet it sells at least half of what Origins did and was done in 1/3 the time. And judging by their comments it seems they will continue to make crap like DA2.

I actually wonder with all the interviews defending DA2 how they are going to crap on it after DA3 is announced like every game company seems to with their previous game these days. They're going to have to if they want to have a shot at suckering people into giving DA3 a chance.
Jun 1, 2011
The game is 5 months old. Only fans of the game are going to be on those forums now, or fans of Bioware. It's not like people who hated DA2 are going to stick around and pay Bioware $10 to call their DLC crap after playing it. DA2 was a terrible game and the hate comes from the money and time wasted on it.

Well they sent out an email about it. They pretty much have everyone's email addresses because if you wanted to activate the day 1 DLC that came with the game or any of numerous pre-order bonuses you had to give it to them. Of course the email was nothing too exciting and easily enough ignored. In fact, I don't really note all the improvements in the DLC at all.

What Ray really needed to do was cut the PR crap and level with the fans doing a Richard Garriott style "Letter to the fans". They should have given the DLC out free too. That would have gone a long way to earning some good will back.

But at $10 that you have to jump through hoops to buy "Bioware credits" to get and then having it yanked off the #1 digital download distributer because EA want you to come straight them only for the DLC? Um, yeah. Good luck with that.

As it stands now I would say the whole EA/Origin/Steam debacle with yanking DA2 overshadowed the news about the DLC.
Jan 24, 2011
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