Skyrim Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Looking at that blonde in the top picture, I kinda find myself hoping for the possibility to develop deep connections with other characters and possibly even romances similar to DA Origins and Mass Effect

I've had enough of romances from playing Bioware games. I don't want Bethesda to start doing it.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I've had enough of romances from playing Bioware games. I don't want Bethesda to start doing it.

Same here. It wasn`t so bad in ME, but DA:O I`m playing now is overdoing it. Does there really have to be some cheap dialogue option every time I encounter a pretty -blonde-maid (default DA female btw)?

Also 10 hrs in & it`s all rather obvious - if I`m a bad boy, I`ll get to shag Morrigan, a hero gets Leilana. Nerd boner service if you ask me...
Dec 18, 2010
Same here! No more romances. A hero has no time for that stuff!

Now, a quick roll in the hay with some large breasted tavern wench is fine as long as there are no commitments :)

Seriously though, those Bioware romances just come off as silly and awkward in the end. I preferred God OF War's "romance".
Feb 24, 2007
Do you think they should bring back sill requirements in factions like in Morrowind? I'm in two minds. Although it's annoying in Morrowind to be restricted to what guilds and factions you can join and advance in, I have to admit it's a bit silly being able to become the head of the mages guild with no magical ability whatsoever. And I would have more respect for the devs because it showed they're not so obsessed with catering to the casual gamer.

Do they even have guilds and factions in Skyrim? They've shaken the game up a lot it seems, no classes ect. Maybe there's no more fighters guild and mages guild.

By the way is it November yet? No?

Apr 4, 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
Romance options would be fine. But I'll buy the game no matter what :p
Aug 31, 2006
If they stop design quest, secrets, puzzles and tricks to solve that require a pointer to guide you by hand then I suppose I could support some romances as soon as it's easy enough to ignore them and not start any.

They also need a huge improvement in exploration and area design, Morrowind wasn't bad on this point but not that good too, but Oblivion was terrible.

EDIT: How I forgot, fights, those too need a huge improvement.
Oct 14, 2007
I got to say while not a uber-fan of Oblivion it did give me a few weeks worth of enjoyment. However I really like the art direction and theme of this new game. While not 100% on board I do like what I have seen so far of the design. This is deff a strong possibility buy for me thus far.
Dec 26, 2008
Boston, MA
I'm more interested than I thought I'd be, some good thought gone in to combat system and mechanics seemingly.

Level scaling, bland environments and poor writing were the things that put me off Oblivion though so I'll wait to see how those turn out.
Feb 2, 2007
Honestly, Skyrim sounds like it has some potential… Not sure what to think about the level scaling, active blocking or the combination of "low-fantasy" + "dragons are not rare". Oh and hundreds of hours for other quests?!? Here's hoping for at least some variety.

Same here! No more romances. A hero has no time for that stuff!

Now, a quick roll in the hay with some large breasted tavern wench is fine as long as there are no commitments

Seriously, hooking up with a *whore from the local pub is less of a fantasy and more of a reality… No really, try it, casual sex with random women is a lot easier than you might think.

*disclaimer* Not all females are whores, conversely the opposite is true too(not all whores are female)…

This is just my opinion, but an epic romance has more of a basis in fantasy than say a one night stand. Then again, I may be speaking for myself.
Feb 28, 2010
Seriously, hooking up with a *whore from the local pub is less of a fantasy and more of a reality… No really, try it, casual sex with random women is a lot easier than you might think.

*disclaimer* Not all females are whores, conversely the opposite is true too(not all whores are female)…

This is just my opinion, but an epic romance has more of a basis in fantasy than say a one night stand. Then again, I may be speaking for myself.

Teach us! We are ready for your wisdom!
Apr 4, 2009
Auckland, New Zealand
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