Euro 2008 coming closer


Heavy Smoker
June 19, 2007
Anybody here who watches football(soccer in US) knows that the euro championship is coming soon.
It will be hosted in Austria and Switzerland. There are so many favorites for winning the tournement but of course a team like Greece can surprise us again.

Who do you think is the favorite? which team are you cheering?

I say Forza Italia, Forza Squadra Azzura:D
Jun 19, 2007
I'm obviously cheering for my native Sweden, but I dont expect us to win. Our current coaching regime has been eminently consistent in getting us through the group stage (three times in a row isnt that bad for a second tier nation with 9 million people), but then it tends to go meh as we are almost completely unable to defeat first tier opponents, and we'll get either Italy or France in the quarter finals:p

I'd put my money on Italy (not the most entertaining team to watch but one has to respect their control and skill) as winners, with Croatia or the Czech republic as potential upsets. Italy's only weakness is some sort of mental retardation that makes them stop playing after scoring a goal, which tends to bite them if the opposition manages to equalise...
Nov 4, 2006
I'm for the Dutch. I sincerely doubt they will win, but it's just like buying that lottery ticket every time. You know statistically it's useless but you still buy them.
Aug 30, 2006
I'm not explicitely for any country (although I'm German), but mostly I tend to be for the rather weak ones. ;)

Here, the selling of fan-stuff has already begun. ;)
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I'm for Australia if it's playing. If not, I'm for whoever wins!! I don't follow the sport. :)
Aug 31, 2006
Really love the big football tournaments, even though my lot haven't qualified for one since Japan/Korea. Hope we get good open football with a lot of great matches and very little of the diving/rolling around/sniper in the stands kinda thing.

I'd like to see Croatia do well, and maybe the Swedes. Also have a soft spot for the Dutch, but they seem to implode in every major tournament I can remember despite having some of the best footballers on the planet. Van Basten was my hero as a kid :)
Jan 20, 2008
Also have a soft spot for the Dutch, but they seem to implode in every major tournament I can remember despite having some of the best footballers on the planet.

You should see why they get kicked out of the tournament -> taking a penalty seems pretty hard for them.
Oct 19, 2006
Belgium - Flanders - Antwerp
The problem is that Germany plays relatively attractive football since Klinsmann started the revolution and kicked all the old guys out. (Players, coaches, scouts ... at least a dozen people formerly considered "esential" had to go or share their power, including King Kahn.)
The Germans are best when they play ugly, efficient football and grind their opponents down. Actually playing demands cleverness, something Italy was more skilled at in the WC. I´m not sure the team is experienced enough now. I´m sure they will play a good role though.

The good thing about the Euro is the complete absence of weak teams. Every team is capable of winning this tournament if it consistently plays at 100%, as proven by Greece's well deserved triumph 4 years ago.
Aug 30, 2006
You should see why they get kicked out of the tournament -> taking a penalty seems pretty hard for them.

Didnt you knock us out on penalties in the last Euro? :p But there does seem to be some sort of curse over the Netherlands (as for Spain) that prevents the team to be more than the sum of its parts.


I think it is pretty harsh to diss Klinsmann's performance, he did manage a third place in the WC with a young team:p

Now Germany is one of few countries that can afford to be dissatisfied with a third place in the World Cup, but with the exception of 2002 that's your best performance for quite some time. You even failed to pass the group stage in Portugal 2004.

EDIT: I'd actually argue that this EC has more weak teams than normal since the host countries are fairly weak. Together with Poland they are the only ones to not be at least high second tier teams...
Nov 4, 2006
I don't think we have qualified ourselves for a European Championship the last few decades. (We were a co-organisator at Euro 2000 )

My mistake, I thought you were Dutch:)
Nov 4, 2006

I think it is pretty harsh to diss Klinsmann's performance, he did manage a third place in the WC with a young team:p

Now Germany is one of few countries that can afford to be dissatisfied with a third place in the World Cup, but with the exception of 2002 that's your best performance for quite some time. You even failed to pass the group stage in Portugal 2004.
You misunderstood me. I didn´t say something negative about him.
Klinsmann took over after Rudi Völler´s term proved that the organisational structure in place from the very beginning was no longer good enough to create a world-class national team. Then, thank god, the bosses of the DFB (German Football Association) accepted the reality and decided to allow a focused, uncompromising, ruthless guy like Klinsmann to take over. Imagine that - the world´s biggest national organisation for a single sport , with millions of members, allows a "dictator" to crush the old system and replace it with a bleeding edge new one. Everybody would have believed that´s unthinkable!
He broke up the old structures, redefined the way the national teams work, from youth to the main teams, replaced coaches, enforced football education standards for Bundesliga clubs, brought in external influence like motivation coaches, etc. He tore the whole thing apart. After the WC Klinsmann did the right thing: He left and handed the majority of his power over to Jogi Löw. It was right because Klinsmann used his sympathy bonus to push through the changes. While doing so he pissed a lot of people off, which is of course inevitable. He resigned at the top. Nobody here in Germany expected our team to be successful at the WC. We considered it a transition period. But Klinsmann motivated them perfectly and said from day one: "We want the title! That´s the mission. Concentrate, do your job, and no excuses." At a time when everybody else was happy if they somehow survived the group stage. It turned out Klinsmann was right. Then he left the building and took all the bad blood with him. His former assistant Löw took over, fine-tuned the system and has, AFAIK, the best results of all national coaches ever.
The 3rd place was considered a huge success, and most people here think it was the correct result.

EDIT: I'd actually argue that this EC has more weak teams than normal since the host countries are fairly weak. Together with Poland they are the only ones to not be at least high second tier teams...
Poland is a bit stronger than Austria and Switzerland. Yes, this time the tournament is a bit weaker than usual, but that´s part of the system. It´s good the smaller nations also get the chance to organize such an event.
Aug 30, 2006
Poland is a bit stronger than Austria and Switzerland. Yes, this time the tournament is a bit weaker than usual, but that´s part of the system. It´s good the smaller nations also get the chance to organize such an event.

Yup, as long as the tournament isnt hosted by the likes of Malta I'm fine with it. Hopefull us Nordics will get together to host the thing (at least we and the Danes field quite reasonable teams) soon.

Thanks for the clarification of Klinsmann's work:) The only other German I've discussed footbal with was a tad more jingoistic and not particularly informative.
Nov 4, 2006
I think Sweden will go through to the knock-out stage as usual, but unless everyone on the team play above what I think is possible, coupled with some luck, I think it's impossible for us to win.

I'm leaning to Italy or France, although Germany are naturally very good as well, as are Spain even though they never win any tournaments. My outsider candidate would be Croatia.
May 31, 2008
Spain is like the Dutch team: Always with good players and sometimes even with a good team, but they never seem to win a title.

Yup, thats correct. I think the pressure seems to get to the Spanish. The Dutch just seem to end up fighting between themselves and implode. The talent available to both teams is frightening, it's just the mentality that seems to be lacking unlike the Germans.
Jan 20, 2008
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