Expeditions: Viking - Preview @RPS


Staff Member
February 13, 2014
New Zealand
At RockPaperShotgun they describe Expeditions: Vikings as a choice heavy RPG that is looking very promising.

Expeditions is a remarkably responsive RPG, starting from the kind of character you choose to be and then rolling onward with it. It's a game about behaviour as much as it is about twatting people with swords, this ongoing choice to (try and) be a benign ruler, a savage one, simply a blunt one or an ever-changing mix of all of the above.

Characters can be recruited to your ‘hind', essentially a party but which also has a role to play in the management of your village, if you manage to impress them in conversation or in battle, or they can be lost forever - potentially even become a sworn enemy. Potentially even seizing your throne from you.

This is only a preview build of a full game not due until a few months into 2017, so I can't say for certain that its choice and consequences will be as knotty and far-reaching as it seems to imply, but certainly its first major chapter leans heavy on that stuff. It's more of a ruling sim with quests'n'combat thrown in than it is yer traditional hero's journey. Grant mercy to these guys, but piss off those other guys because you look weak as a result - that sort of thing. Also, inept wolf-hunting, honor duels and finding lost brothers. RPG norms but parsed through a slight history filter.

There's probably nothing new under the sun, sure, but it's put together with a certain density that makes this stuff feel convincing and foundational to who your beleaguered character is, rather than a series of transitory kerfuffle.

In order to embrace this role, you've got to shrug off a certain crudity in presentation, both on a graphical front and in terms of the rather functional dialogue. Any or all of this might improve along the march to release (and it needs a technical spit and polish too), but even so I reckon Expeditions is achieving what it set out to do.
More information.
Feb 13, 2014
New Zealand
Their last game was super buggy for a while, day one purchase might not be a good idea :D :D

An early purchase might be a good plan instead.

Are you talking about Clandestine or Conquistadors?
Apr 9, 2013
Ok, their last Expeditions game was buggy at release.

Ah OK. I picked up Expeditions: Conquistador a year or more after it came out so I have no idea what it was like at release. But, that was their first game (or their first PC game as they apparently had some mobile Conquistadors game released in 2012) and their budget was pretty low...

I think the fact that they delayed Viking until next year is a good sign that they're taking QA seriously and taking time to polish it. Of course, it does seem like most RPGs released these days have significant bugs at release so I don't necessarily disagree that waiting until you at least see some reviews is probably a good idea.
Apr 9, 2013
I don't think reading reviews is needed, I am 100% sure this game is going to be awesome.. after first round of patching passes :)
Oct 3, 2014
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