Fable 3 - Not an RPG

I wouldn't call any of the Fable games RPG-s. Quests and upgradeable stats alone don't make a game an RPG. I remember waiting for Project Ego and being really impressed by just about anything i read about it. When Fable finally shipped it was one of the biggest disappointments i have ever had with a game. Maybe only Gothic 3 and Oblivion come close.
Sep 30, 2008
The only problems that would arise would be if he didn't include any riddles … Because adventures have a long tradition to contain riddles. ;) What is an adventure without riddles anyway ? ;)
A streamlined adventure! ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Actually, Fable tends to have riddles - secret doors and what not that you can only open by solving various riddles. They're more a bonus than a requirement, but you can get some of the best items in the game there (in Fable 2, you can even get a very nice house by solving a riddle).

Besides, I don't see riddles as a requirement in adventure games. Well, I guess that depends on how to define a riddle. Does Leisure Suit Larry contain riddles?
Oct 18, 2006
The only riddle most gamers need is whether to use shotgun or assault rifle. Thats what next-gen adventures are all about.

Or sword, bow or dagger ... can't leave outb fantasy ;)
Oct 18, 2006
Hardly. "Most" gamers don't even pick up games labelled "adventure game". It's not as if the genre is the latest and greatest among console gamers - there's a reason most RPGs that are actually closer to the adventure genre still get labelled "RPG".

I can't even remember the last time I played a game the general crowd considered an adventure game..

Sadly, there seems to be some truth to that, at least judging by many recent titles.

What titles would that be? We're talking about adventure games here, not RPGs.
Oct 18, 2006
Hardly. "Most" gamers don't even pick up games labelled "adventure game". It's not as if the genre is the latest and greatest among console gamers - there's a reason most RPGs that are actually closer to the adventure genre still get labelled "RPG".

I can't even remember the last time I played a game the general crowd considered an adventure game..

What titles would that be? We're talking about adventure games here, not RPGs.
Zelda, Castlevania, Uncharted, Ratchet & Clank, God of War ... and so on are all considered action adventures ...
Oct 18, 2006
Hardly. "Most" gamers don't even pick up games labelled "adventure game". It's not as if the genre is the latest and greatest among console gamers - there's a reason most RPGs that are actually closer to the adventure genre still get labelled "RPG".

I don't think he was referring to pure "adventure games" in that sense, but rather the broader definition of adventure/action/RPG.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I'm definetly not talking about next-gen action adventures - an "action adventure" can be anything. There's not a genre definition out there that's as wide as that one, nor do I see it as a possibility that such a wide genre can, in any way, degenerate. It already consists of every type of game imaginable.

Adventure, on the other hand, has remained fairly pure over the years, and I don't think Fable will change that. I also think Fable 3 suits the wide genre "action adventure" very well - it's not an RPG, but it's definetly in the same category as Zelda.
Oct 18, 2006
Just imagine it : Leave all of the fights & battles out. Then it is nothing but an Adventure game.

That's not what I consider an adventure game at all. I shudder when a reviewer or PR blurb calls something an adventure game while it's clearly not. Well, otherwise the definition has changed over the years, perhaps much like it appears to have with RPG games.

An RPG without combat still doesn't have the same kind of puzzles and inventory management. You have your adventure/RPG hybrids, like the Quest For Glory series, for that completely turns the feel around for me. Adventure games are that really laid back kind of game that have you walking around talking to characters, experiencing the story and *thinking*.

But on the other hand, nowadays role-playing games follow far too much the formula of "I fight, therefore i play a role". Which is utter nonsense in my eyes, but that's just how everyone believes the way it is.

This is where I agree, but I realize that some RPG fans will look at it the same way as I look at adventure games. I can play a game like Mass Effect 2 and experience the same role-playing feel that I can with other, more traditional cRPG games. The combat and even the levelling system is actually secondary to me. I guess what appeals to me in RPG and adventure games are some of the same elements, but they are still very different games in terms of gameplay!

With exceptions like Beyond Good & Evil.

Which has nothing to do with adventure games to me!

I can't even remember the last time I played a game the general crowd considered an adventure game..

You can't? You didn't pick up any of the Telltale adventure games like Sam & Max, Wallace & Gromit or Tales of Monkey Island?? I still have the finish the last two series, though. But they did already announce that more Sam & Max will arrive!

There really are plenty of quality adventure games being release, many more than I know of. Those guys are adventuregamers.com know all about it.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
You can't? You didn't pick up any of the Telltale adventure games like Sam & Max, Wallace & Gromit or Tales of Monkey Island?? I still have the finish the last two series, though. But they did already announce that more Sam & Max will arrive!

There really are plenty of quality adventure games being release, many more than I know of. Those guys are adventuregamers.com know all about it.

True, but they are still very much pure adventure games, and were picked up by the adventure game crowd, not the action-adventure-God-of-War crowd. Monkey Island is staying true to its roots in my opinion, and a good example of how well adventure games are doing. It also proves that there's no indication that "next gen adventure games" will be any different. :)
Oct 18, 2006
Monkey island was nice suprise but I think most gamers still prefer the God-of-war / Batman arkham asylum way of adventure.

Allthough I guess there could be som exceptions like Alan Wake or Heavy Rain. It will be interesting to see how true they are to the adventure roots.
Dec 28, 2006
Europa Universalis
Alan Wake will be an action-adventure. I believe Heavy Rain will be too, although heavier on the adventure elements.

The last full game I played that I consider an adventure title was Dreamfall: The Longest Journey, which appeared at the tail end of the Xbox's lifecycle, 5 years ago. Since then, there have been no adventure games released on the 360. Not full games, anyhow. There have been a few XBL Arcade releases, like the remake of Secret of Monkey Island, Sam and Max, etc..

Seems like this Arcade system, at least on consoles, is probably the future for adventure gaming. Doubt we'll see any $60 releases. Console gamers just don't buy them.
Sep 6, 2009
Heavy Rain is more like Indigo Prophesy, which is a 'real time adventure' ... still true to the genre but with a real-time cinematic feel.
Oct 18, 2006
Cool, because I enjoyed Indigo Prophecy. But I wouldn't dismiss Sam & Max, etc. on Xbox Live Arcade because they're not $60 stand-alone titles. The two seasons as a whole are a complete package in my eyes and better than most any "full" adventure games in years, anyway.

But yeah, full-length DVD releases probably won't happen soon for the consoles. More so on the PC, though. I was amazed to see how many come out.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
"Some games are more suited for the intimacy of the PC, and others are best played from the couch in front of a larger TV screen. We ultimately realised that the most compelling way to experience "Alan Wake" was on the Xbox 360 platform, so we focused on making it an Xbox 360 exclusive. Both Microsoft and Remedy have long histories in PC game development. This decision was about matching this specific game to the right platform." said a Microsoft spokesperson.

Don't you just love it when a pr person talks utter bullshit without blinking an eye. I bet even he doesn't belive that. It must be a fun job to lie gamers and get paid for it. Like some fella commented:

Because you can't connect your PC to the HDTV in the living room now can you?
Oct 19, 2006

I've seen follow up info indicating that Alan Wake is a 6 month exclusive, and after that, they will "re-assess." I've also heard the PC infrastructure is done, as you'd expect it to be after 6(?) years in development and only months from release. So there's no reason to cancel it completely.

MS just wants to claim a 360 exclusive. I'll bet PC gets it eventually.
Sep 6, 2009
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