Fallout 3 - Mothership Zeta Screens and Info

Ok, since sales have been talked about here lets bring something up....how many sales did fo1 and fo2 have in the same amount of time fo3 has been out?

Which had the highest sales?

Oooh, a tough one, which had the highest sales, a B-List product with healthy but limited interference and PR-support, or an AAA title released 10 years later to a larger market, with a production budget anywhere up from 20 million USD, and with a massive PR campaign.

Wow, that looks like they can be fairly compared, doesn't it?

I know this was true at the time when Troika folded (125k vs 75k IIRC), but I wonder how it would look now ... Bloodlines has proven to have long legs, and according to my contacts at one of the DigiDownload sites is doing very well in current release. Completely unrelated, just interesting ...

Aye, very interesting. Bloodlines' long legs are well known, though I would say ToEE and Arcanum might have better luck if they too were available for digital download. No way of knowing, tho', especially for us with no contacts inside DD sites, since they're all pretty secretive about sales numbers.

It definitely got a little better after I changed that setting so I'm probably sensitive to FOV stuff while other people have more issues with the up-and-down (head bobbing is a very common cause of motion sickness in FPS) or swaying from side-to-side stuff (which I have no problem with - Prey with its "4D" up-down-tilt-down-up-tilt-left-tilt-right-tilt-back-down environments sometimes made me a little dizzy but never sick). And then yet again other people get sick when stuff gets too fast and frantic (like in Quake 3 Arena).

It does seem to vary wildly what exactly causes it, no? I have a hard time pegging down what it is for me, but if there's one common denominator, it's an unpredictable camera. Whether it's through overdone bobbing or swaying, or simply because the camera gets jolted around a lot, like in Beyond Good & Evil. I can barely play that game.

I have the same issue with cinema verite films. But that's ok, they're usually not that interesting anyway.
Oct 19, 2006
@BrotherNone: As a sidenote ToEE is available as download (at least in Germany) at gamesplanet.
Dec 26, 2007
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