Fallout 4 - Comparison with The Witcher 3 @ Inquisitr


The Elder Spy
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October 18, 2006
Inquisitr compared the open world games Fallout 4 and the Witcher 3:

With the release of Fallout 4 last week, gamers have now seen two massively open world RPGs hit shelves this past year. Many people have met Fallout 4 with rave reviews, while others have panned Fallout 4 for not doing anything decisively new with the series.

However, how does Fallout 4 stack up against the other great RPG to release this year, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt?

Some would say you cannot compare the two; Fallout 4 is a different game and a different experience when compared to The Witcher 3. However, you can, and should compare the two games as benchmarks for what role-playing games should be in 2015.

Two Different Directions

Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3 are reflective of two different studios going in two different directions. Both games were in development at the same time, and to Fallout 4’s detriment, Witcher released first. As a result, CD Projekt Red’s game sets a fantastically high bar, but it’s a bar that has to be discussed. However, as it’s been discussed before, where The Witcher emphasized everything from exemplary gameplay to stunning visuals, it’s been put on record that Fallout 4 sacrificed visuals for complex game systems that, in the end, are entirely ancillary.


All in all, both games are good in their own right. Yet, when compared — as they should be — you can see what a game should be in 2015. The Witcher 3, by direct comparison, is an achievement, and example, of a studio who’s emphasis on delivering the whole package can be seen across the board, rather than Fallout 4’s seemingly scattered focus. Fallout 4 is a good game, but it’s not a definitive RPG for 2015; rather, it’s a game that feels as though it could have been released a few years ago, and as a result, is disappointing on multiple fronts.
More information.
Oct 18, 2006
imo incomparable, witcher is from another galaxy, fallout a joke made in the lunch break :lol:
I don't know about Fallout 4, not having played it, but The Witcher 3, while an awesome and unique game, does not really offer much in terms of RPG mechanics. Even a game from another technical era (just looking at the F4 screenshots :)) could be better in that regard...
Oct 18, 2006
Well i won't say that Fallout 4 is a bad game but it's definitely not what I expected from a Fallout game.

I think they are two quite different games and i would not compare them using the same criteria, can only judge them as how much i enjoy them.

Having said that, i think that the witcher 3 as a game is -light years ahead- more enjoyable and interesting than Fallout 4. Even months after release i can easily get into it and play for hours whereas I am already reaching my limits with Fallout 4. I think its because it doesn't feel any different than the previous Fallouts and i have played them a lot.
Sep 18, 2009
I am enjoying Fallout 4 a whole lot, it is in my view much better than Fallout 3, and comparable so far to Fallout New Vegas. I enjoyed Witcher 3 much more, though, that is one of the best games evarrr.
Oct 23, 2006
Witcher 3 is a game made from a storytelling tradition that attempts to implement open world exploration.

Fallout 4 is a game made from an open world tradition that attempts to implement stronger storytelling.

Personally, I think both games succeed brilliantly where they're traditionally strong. As for what they're trying to do that's new for the series, well, that's subjective.

I'm not far enough into Fallout 4 to be sure - but it seems it only partially succeeds. Certainly, it's not in the same league as Witcher 3 for storytelling. Not by a long shot. But, so far, it's quite a bit better than Fallout 3 in terms of dialogue. That's not hard to achieve, though.

Witcher 3, in my opinion, largely fails at providing a satisfying open world for exploration. It's a pale shadow of Fallout 4 in that way.

However, the two games are really quite different - and the comparison can easily just be fuel on an unnecessary fire.
Fo4 is miles better than Fo3. I played Fo3 for 1 hour before uninstalling, Fo4 I am already 10+ hours in :)
Fo4 definitely does its strengths better than last two fallout games.
Oct 3, 2014
Oh, and as for the article in question - the author clearly doesn't understand the nuances of mechanics and gameplay - as he utterly fails to mention how weak Witcher 3 is when it comes to loot, character progression, "Witcher senses" auto-resolution detective mode, crafting and so on.

I'd also say the combat, while entertaining and fluid, gets sort of stale once you tire of Geralt's limited arsenal - so I can't agree that's a hallmark of excellence either. It's just good, no more and no less.

Not unlike so many of its other fans - he seems to think these things are not part of the "gameplay" - as it's near perfect in the eyes of many.

I couldn't disagree more, though, and I'd take Fallout 4 combat/progression and moment-to-moment gameplay any time.

Taking a very bad screenshot from Fallout 4 with awful lighting - and taking some of the best Witcher 3 can offer isn't a smart way to do a one-to-one comparison, either.

Clearly, Witcher 3 models and faces look much better - but the difference is a bit less pronounced than those shots indicate.

But those things aren't really the "point" of either game. Again, Witcher 3 is about story - and it's great at story.

Fallout 4 is about freedom and exploration and it has both in spades - and it's great for those things.
The only thing that can (and should) be compared in these two games is UI.
Apr 12, 2009
I don't know about Fallout 4, not having played it, but The Witcher 3, while an awesome and unique game, does not really offer much in terms of RPG mechanics. Even a game from another technical era (just looking at the F4 screenshots :)) could be better in that regard…
It could...
May 27, 2007
Porto, Portugal
Very much agree with Inquisitr. The Witcher 3 is a step forward, a ground-breaking achievement that opens doors to a future breed of great action RPGs. Fallout 4 is a good game, but too little and too late. The feeling I get playing Fallout 4 is "more of the same". The world is dull and your actions often inconsequential… I can't care for the lives or worries of my fellow wastelanders and companions because the game doesn't invite me to interact and empathise with its environment like Mass Effect or The Witcher do, to mention a couple of acclaimed titles.

I still bought Fallout 4 and it was a worthy buy (already played around 60 hours and will play more most likely) but that is not where I hope the future of RPGs is headed to.
Apr 11, 2015
Didn't think I'll go defending Bethesda but have to.

First to repeat previous post of mine, it's apples and oranges. The only thing to compare there is the gathering process which is in games - UI.
And I think we can agree which game got UI at least okay and which game has it totally wrong.

FO4 is more of the same if you accept it's grinding design. So just refuse it. A settler got kidnapped for xth time or a settlement got attacked? Ignore the bloody MMO mechanics and explore areas you haven't explore already. Settlers will die so what. More others will come in your settlements.
Remember, there is a crapload of players out there that play games only if there is grinding inside. To some people it's pot, to some it's gambling machines and to some it's grinding that makes them happy. To you none of these things might be loveable, but then you seek if there is something else in the game that makes it worth your time. And FO4 has enough different content to make it worth.

It's true that your actions are often inconsequential, but the game was not advertised as C&C heavy nor was expected to be such.
It's also true that a bit of C&C does exist - unlike other Beth openworld games, you can't be a chief of all factions, in FO4 you have to choose which one(s) you'll destroy, if at all.
An example of side C&C, there is a flooded area you stumble upon and help a guy to fix pumps, later when you return the water will be gone however the area is now full of hostiles that took a chance to make their "stronghold" there. If you never helped that guy in the first place, there would be no trashmobs later.

The world is not dull. Beth took something from F:NV, every here and there you find logs, tapes and other hints on what is (was) going on. For example on a computer you read hints where a location of shelter is because whomever the journal was he described the "path" to his son. Based on that you jump on a blue container, drop through a hole and…

Finally, after Lydia who's only line was repeating "I'm married" if you married her, did you really expect Bethesda will go character development in FO4?
Accept that the best you can get are onliners from sidekicks and that's it.
But this time at least by sucking up to companions, eventually you get a nifty perk from each one (except from the dog). So you have a reason not to keep only Lydia all the time by your side.

Back on the first point - comparing TW3 with FO4 is like comparing apples and oranges.
Apr 12, 2009
Fallout 4 wins in weapon variety, explorable locations, crafting, loot variety, player character choice, (infinite vs. old Geralt), number of tweak-able player characteristics, settlement building, number of companions, mod community, and amount of foul language.

Witcher 3 wins in graphics, storytelling and it has a horse.
Oct 18, 2006
It's true that your actions are often inconsequential, but the game was not advertised as C&C heavy nor was expected to be such.
It's also true that a bit of C&C does exist - unlike other Beth openworld games, you can't be a chief of all factions, in FO4 you have to choose which one(s) you'll destroy, if at all.
An example of side C&C, there is a flooded area you stumble upon and help a guy to fix pumps, later when you return the water will be gone however the area is now full of hostiles that took a chance to make their "stronghold" there. If you never helped that guy in the first place, there would be no trashmobs later.
Such a bad example. If you read that one guy log book it is clear he is part of the raiders there to clear the area so they can use it as base of operations. And you can DO NOTHING about it. That is not C&C, that is crap. C&C means choice and consequence, mostly when you have basic idea what that choice means. In this case you can easily know that your helping will help raiders but you cannot do anything but ignore the quest. You cannot confront him after reading that log and get him to turn sides or get him to tell you where the raiders are not so you can go and kill them. Or maybe he tells you to let them for additional reward. That would be true C&C.
And the most funny part, this was closest to interesting side quest that I found in 10+ hours of playing.
The world is not dull. Beth took something from F:NV, every here and there you find logs, tapes and other hints on what is (was) going on. For example on a computer you read hints where a location of shelter is because whomever the journal was he described the "path" to his son. Based on that you jump on a blue container, drop through a hole and…
It is very very dull. All places that looked interesting from distance when you come there have a couple of hostile enemies and that is it. All the logs and little papers are super basic and not very interesting. Grim Dawn has more interesting lore papers and that game is pure Diablo like aRPG. Enough said.
Oct 3, 2014
It is a bit disappointing to compare two games in terms of innovations and visuals.
I always thought that any modern random shooter has better visuals and mechanics than any modern CRPG game. And I'm fine with it. While visuals and innovations are important and certainly should be discussed, but in my opinion the comparison can only be trustworthy if you can find good and bad sides of both games. In this review I failed to notice any good side of Fallout 4 which makes me believe that reviewer's opinion is biased and can not be taken very seriously.
Apr 26, 2008
Why would anybody want to compare the two? The only thing they have in common is that they both are computer games. it's like comparing football and soccer.
Jan 10, 2008
I'd say TW3 has better visuals, music, writing, characters, AI, voice acting, and a better UI.

Fallout 4 has better character development, crafting, exploration, and a better loot system.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
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