Favourite RPG Developer?

Favourite RPG Developer?

  • Interplay / Black Isle

    Votes: 44 28.4%
  • Bethsoft

    Votes: 6 3.9%
  • BioWare

    Votes: 23 14.8%
  • Blizzard

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • Piranha Bytes

    Votes: 25 16.1%
  • Troika

    Votes: 27 17.4%
  • Sir-tech

    Votes: 9 5.8%
  • Origin

    Votes: 12 7.7%
  • NWC

    Votes: 4 2.6%
  • Spiderweb

    Votes: 2 1.3%

  • Total voters
I voted Interplay / blackisle. Silver medal goes to Piranha Bytes. And third place is reserved for Bioware. Troika is worth of mentioning too ofcourse.. Vampire is a great rpg, but Bioware has more games under it's belt :)
Oct 19, 2006
There fallout end PS:T were before my time as an rpg gamer
there is only one on the list that blew my socks off with its first 2 games and an add - on, although there third was a flop. and there next one promises to be a diamant (lets wait to see if it is a rough diamant or not)

You guys all know I am talking about PB

Without gothic I owuld have never joined the dot and later transferred here.
Oct 18, 2006
What was BOS?

Brotherhood of Steel. Better known as POS ;)

I don't remember all the details about the whole dumping of Fallout 3 and BG 3. All I know is that they were making it and decided to go with a console title instead, forever ruining their image and sending Interplay off of the stock market and into this quasi alive state they are in now.

Can't believe how fast that company went down. It was a giant in the gaming industry and then boom it's gone.

Edit: It seems like a lot of people have forgiven Interplay. It by far is surpassing every other developer. Maybe that old coot who owns it still has a fighting chance of reviving the company if he can ever get enough money.
Feb 3, 2007
That was a really hard choice--torn between Black Isle, Troika, and my first rpg love of the Might and Magics and HoMM, NWC, but had to go with Black Isle as overall favorite. Troika without bugs and problems (and a slightly longer life span) would otherwise win, and NWC, despite being a landmark developer, stuck with the tried and true, used the same engines over and over, and ultimately never really departed from the same model in each title, whereas Black Isle hit the sweet spot with every one of their titles I played, and each was somewhat different.
Oct 18, 2006
Just out of curiosity, why didn't Obsidian make the list?
Jul 31, 2007
Since this won't be too oftopic I'll grab the opportunity to enrich my knowledge about some things.

I thought Interplay were just publishers like EA,they had control of the project/game but the development was up to Black Isle and other developers.
Why is it that Interplay's name is in the list?
After Interplay went out of business so did Black Isle why?
What is Obsidian's connection to Black Isle?

If this is too off topic please delete this post
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
I vote Sirtech. Mainly because I rate Wizardry 8 so highly.
Almost chose Origin, due to the Ultima series, and if I wasn't such a big Wiz 8 fanboy they would have been a shoo-in.

Really, the only "modern" developer I would choose there is Troika. Buggy, yes, but never bland.
Oct 18, 2006
New Zealand
Since this won't be too oftopic I'll grab the opportunity to enrich my knowledge about some things.

I thought Interplay were just publishers like EA,they had control of the project/game but the development was up to Black Isle and other developers.

Black Isle was a division of Interplay, i.e. an in-house studio and label (Baldur's Gate -developed by BioWare- was published under the Black Isle label). Black Isle was not an independent entity.
Likewise, your EA comparison is lacking. EA has always been a developer as well, not just a pure publisher. EA has quite a large variety of internal studios that were either acquired or built up from the ground or consolidated from several studios that they acquired or created or closed etc.

After Interplay went out of business so did Black Isle why?

See above. Black Isle was a part of Interplay.

What is Obsidian's connection to Black Isle?

The founding members of Obsidian worked at Black Isle before BI/IPLY went out of business.
Oct 18, 2006
Fallout 2 was my introduction to crpg... and what a fine introduction it was, so I'm going with Black Isle. But PB holds a very close second for the magic that is Gothic 1 & 2. Furthermore, I'll alway have a warm spot in my heart for Origin, who made what could be my all time favorite game: Crusader: No Remorse. Btw, what rpg(s) did Origin make?
Nov 17, 2006
I went with Origin. Mainly for everything they did prior to about 1993 or so. All the way up until their first year or two with EA. But I still remember Ultima III and IV blowing my mind when I was a kid, and Ultima VII and the Underworld Games just being *magical* for me when I was in college.

Even so, it was a difficult choice.
Oct 9, 2007
Furthermore, I'll alway have a warm spot in my heart for Origin, who made what could be my all time favorite game: Crusader: No Remorse. Btw, what rpg(s) did Origin make?

Crusader: No Remorse, now that was a great game. It irked me in No Regret that they got rid of some of the RPG elements(I really like being able to buy weapons in that base), but still was fun.

Origin has been making RPGs since I was a little kid (I'm 33 now) My intro to real RPGs was Ultima 3. Origin made The Ultima series, Wincommader series (Luke Skywalker was in some of the games :)) Privateer series, and I think is one more but I just can't seem to remember right now.

Do youself a favor and if you don't mind older games, go try out those games now. You won't be disappointed.
Feb 3, 2007
If we had a category called "Infinity Engine developers" (both Black Isle and BioWare) it would win by a landslide it seems.
Oct 18, 2006
I voted for PB ... but I'm missing SSI or New World Computing (Might and Magic anyone?). Sadly my first choice would have been Attic (Das Schwarze Auge / Realms of Arkania) ... but that's maybe a very local phenomenon ; - )
Dec 12, 2006
The poll is a bit condusing, since it includes companies that do not exist anymore (or barely exist).

I picked Origin, because 15-20 years ago they were unstoppable. Of the companies in their current form, I would pick Bioware or Bethesda.
Dec 24, 2008
London, UK
If Looking Glass had been on there, I'd have strongly considered them. Troika almost got the nod from me. But in the end, Origin just brought me too many great games throughout my formative gaming years on the Apple ][ and later for DOS. So they got my vote. Black Isle would come in fourth for me.
Oct 18, 2006
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