Game Informer - 10 RPG Franchises We Want

Being Bioware's parent company, EA could comission them to make the game. BUT EA would certainly intrude the development process too much (since the beggining, since the screenplay writing maybe), and the resulting game could be everything. Except Ultima.

PS: I don't know if 'screenplay writing' is a valid English language construction. If you were Brazilian, I'd write 'roteiro' instead.

Close enough, scrypt writing:)
Apr 17, 2007
I personally don't care about sequels. I just want a variety of games with various type of gameplay (TB, RTwP, action, etc) and stories (you know not all about saving the world from a big bad) released each years.

Like BioWare Neverwiner or Obsidian Neverwinter 2? It's basically two different type of games.

Aside from the pretty awful "henchman" style companion in NWN, I don't really see any fundamental stylistic differences between the two.

Personally I just want a single-player Dungeons & Dragons based cRPG that includes a tool-set that allows users who are not professional programmers to create their own campaigns.

I found both the Official campaigns for NWN1 and its expansions pretty dreadful (never completed HotU because I just couldn't stand the endless hordes of enemies in a combat system I don't really like that much). Although they had some great characters, I didn't like Obsidian's official NWN2 campaign much better because it was chock full of filler like trash encounters and endless mobs of enemies, and extremely linear. Mask of the Betrayer was pretty good, but really the only reason I want "NW3" is because some of the RPGs I ever played were player made modules for NWN 1 & 2.

And personally I'd strongly prefer a tactical turn-based combat system rather than RTwP. Basically what I really want is "a highly mod-able ToEE", preferrably with a longer more complex and well written official story campaign.

Sadly, this seems increasingly unlikely as the powers that be seem to think a D&D cRPG won't make them any money and instead create casual / console oriented stuff like Sword Coast Legends and Neverwinter (MMO).

*Well, at least there's the Siege of Dragonspear, but as someone who dislikes the clunky IE RTwP combat I can't really say I'm looking forward to it.
Last edited:
Apr 9, 2013
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