Good Old Games - Will Be Back!!!

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Little BRO Rat
February 3, 2007
Well it's official! This whole thing was a joke. GoG's homepage has a video with the managing director and co-founder of GoG dressed up as monks and apologizing for their sins. A little funny actually seeing them dressed up as monks apologizing for their prank. They gave some reasons as to why it went wrong like saying that back in the day people could be a little more silly. They also spoke about that they gave plenty of hints in the orginal message and tried in the writing to give everyone a *wink, wink* *Nudge, nudge* "Say no more" "Say no more".
I think if they just gave everyone a heads up that GoG will be down on a certain date AND THEN posted that message a lot of people wouldn't of been so mad, but that's just my opinion.
Personally, I don't care. They're back and even better than ever with Baldur's Gate and it's expansions being released. It's confirmed they will have other RPGs with the D&D license. Is that another hint that Planescape will be coming soon?
The new and improved GoG will launch at 8:00 am EDT with all of it's new additions. So go grab your GoG downloads when they reopen because I know a lot of people were worried about that.
More information.
Feb 3, 2007
Yes, but how many patches and unofficial patches do you have to hunt down to get it to run properly. Personally, I HATE GREEN WATER!!!!! and degreenifier never worked properly for me. If they fixed that little hiccup then I'm getting this.
Feb 3, 2007
for the curious, BG + expansion will be 9.99. They stated as much in the press conference, plus talking about some of the overhauled/new services. See here.

Dunno about Torment. License confusion kept Interplay from even relaunching that one. NWN seems more likely. Or BG2.

I'm not as upset as some but I find it hard to interpret the trollish "we were just kidding guys, stop being so serious!" when you're talking about pulling people's property away and them getting upset might not be the right attitude to take.

Amateurish all around.
Oct 19, 2006
BG isn't a good deal. You can get all BG games with expansions in a nice package for about 10€ in Europe.

Yes, but you won't get to work on a high-end Win7 system without about a dozen or so tweaks and patches. If the GoG version runs without problems I don't give a crap about spending 10$ because I really would like to play that game again.
Oct 24, 2006
for the curious, BG + expansion will be 9.99. They stated as much in the press conference, plus talking about some of the overhauled/new services. See here.

Dunno about Torment. License confusion kept Interplay from even relaunching that one. NWN seems more likely. Or BG2.

I'm not as upset as some but I find it hard to interpret the trollish "we were just kidding guys, stop being so serious!" when you're talking about pulling people's property away and them getting upset might not be the right attitude to take.

Amateurish all around.

Damn……Raining on my parade already.;) About Planescape, I guess it's silly because I don't really have any problems getting it to run on my new computer. It's just the CD is looking a little haggard and wouldn't mind buying it from them sometime in the near future.

Amateurish sure, but whatever. People make mistakes, nothing was lost and they are finally out of beta. I say chock this up to lessons learned and move on and give me some GOOD OLD GAMES again :D
Feb 3, 2007
BG isn't a good deal. You can get all BG games with expansions in a nice package for about 10€ in Europe.

I've got that compilation, and it's nice not to have BG + TOSC on 6 disks, but for the extras GOG generally throws in + no disks, I reckon $9.99 is a good deal. And being GOG, sales are inevitable some time.
Mar 15, 2010
It's just the CD is looking a little haggard and wouldn't mind buying it from them sometime in the near future.

My PS:T CD has been scratched up beyond use for years, and I lost BG II, uh, somehow, years ago as well. I'd certainly appreciate another go.

Amateurish sure, but whatever. People make mistakes, nothing was lost and they are finally out of beta.

Sure. But I get the people who are upset over this. A reputation of reliability is your most important asset in digital download, and as such this is just ugly.

but for the extras GOG generally throws in + no disks, I reckon $9.99 is a good deal

I took screencaps of the presentation. The extras listed for BG were: 2 manuals (125 pages), 5 HD wallpapers, 2 maps, soundtrack, 5 avatars, 47 artworks, 2 reference cards.

Nothing special but nice. But the game is listed as compatible with Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 (32 and 64 bit), and that's more noteworthy, if they fixed it up to be compatible with most builds on said platforms.
Oct 19, 2006
BG isn't a good deal. You can get all BG games with expansions in a nice package for about 10€ in Europe. list that pack at $30 + shipping (or $18 if you use a 3rd party). Would cost less to buy it from GOG in my case, if BG 2 cost the same as BG1. But I already own both games.

I'm not as upset as some but I find it hard to interpret the trollish "we were just kidding guys, stop being so serious!" when you're talking about pulling people's property away and them getting upset might not be the right attitude to take.

The original website notice mentioned that people would be able to downloads their purchased games later (aka once technical problems are solved). People got all piss off because they can't read.
Oct 13, 2007
The original website notice mentioned that people would be able to downloads their purchased games later (aka once technical problems are solved).

That negates not accurately informing people about their property's future (is a one-time download upcoming? Temporary servers? Or is GOG not going at all?) how? If there was a proper reason for it, ok, but keeping people in the dark because you think it makes for good PR is ugly.

I don't want to be all "grab the pitchfork", but let's not make too many excuses for em either. Ugly PR is ugly.
Oct 19, 2006
Sure. But I get the people who are upset over this. A reputation of reliability is your most important asset in digital download, and as such this is just ugly.

Agreed. They can go screw themselves with an eggplant. I have no patience for this kind of crap. Then again, I'm the kind of person who will stop buying a product because the commercials piss me off.
Oct 3, 2007
Even in the UK it's a comparable price. The amazon like RPG provided has it listed for £11.96. That's just under $19 at the current exchange rate, so $9.99 for BG+TotSC and another $9.99 for BG2+ToB (when they offer it) is basically the same price.

Add in no shipping or taxes and it's actually cheaper.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
Bastards. :) It is good they have the D&D licenses at last.
Oct 30, 2006
That negates not accurately informing people about their property's future (is a one-time download upcoming? Temporary servers? Or is GOG not going at all?) how? If there was a proper reason for it, ok, but keeping people in the dark because you think it makes for good PR is ugly.

I don't want to be all "grab the pitchfork", but let's not make too many excuses for em either. Ugly PR is ugly.

I'm note making excuses, I'm saying that lots of people got pissed off because they can't read.

The official notice said:
On a technical note, this week we'll put in place a solution to allow everyone to re-download their games. Stay tuned to this page and follow us on Twitter and Facebook for updates.
They didn't have to put more information than that at that point (it was Sunday night anyway). Later they informed that an official press release was coming Wednesday (which was an update) and Wednesday they gave us the information on how and when we could download our games.

I quite glad they did what they did actually…
  • demonstrated how online services can be ambiguous in term of "what do I own?".
  • demonstrated most people will believe any crap posted online, usually starting by the "worst" option first (GOG was bought, no more DRM-free) and won't bother reading official statements.
  • demonstrated that once somebody learn they "lost" access to something, they need to have access to that something NOW.
  • demonstrated that customer prefer to move to companies that force DRM and online connection for single player games on you because of a badly handled joke.

I found the whole thing extremely hilarious.
Oct 13, 2007
…also demonstrating what a bunch of crabby little old ladies people are turning into.

Do we really need to be so dismissive of people who change a decision on how they spend their money? Sales is about trust, GOG should have known that, this is what happens. I don't see why we'd need to insult people for making their own calls on who they trust with their money and why.

Giving me a headache.
Oct 19, 2006
Well I got a chuckle out of it, but I suppose its easy to laugh with only a single purchase from them, safely on my harddrive... I am glad though that they are still around, I had (and have) every intention to eventually buy some of the classics from them when I get around to it.
Still, what an extremely whacky idea... I'd be interested in some numbers a few months down the road on wether this has harmed or helped them.
Oct 18, 2006
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