Grimoire Forever

You mean the Mac game from about 20 years ago? I played it most the way through, then my save games got corrupted and I gave up on it.
Ho ho, a survivor? Yep that game! Well I never got any savegame corrupted plus it was easy to make backup... but well perhaps you hadn't like I had, a top end hardware connected to the Mac +, a Hard Drive with the amazing capacity of 50Mo, woo that deserve respect! (in fact I don't remember the HD capacity!)

I probably played it only in 1990 or 91 but also had the hint book and finished it. Alas I gave the whole pack to a friend that left for a foreign country a long time ago and even couldn't remember his first name!!

If you remember any puzzles you found, please tell me. I played it again recently and finished it but had to use some weird tricks and failed to solve some intriguing puzzles like the musical riddle, a riddle about 10 steps, and even how free the princess before freeing the Citadel itself.
Oct 14, 2007
Sorry, I don't remember any of the puzzles, it has been far too long. Last time I played it was when it was new in 1989. I think I still have my copy of the game buried somewhere in the garage, but I am not up for searching through that mess.

I did a bit of internet searching. Mostly what I found was your posts on various sites. But, I also found these few things:

Here is someone describing the game and a couple puzzles. After reading this, I remember falling down the elevator shaft messing up my game, too.

Answers to a few Citadel questions:

Some more hints:

Yet more hints:

Here is a usenet post I made about Citadel 7 years ago, no real useful info though:

To tie this all back in to Grimoire, we just need Cleve to jump in and say that he found a copy of the hint book stored in his bunker.
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Sep 22, 2008
Man I'm actually thinking of playing grimoire again....I played it for abit after the jump that had to be edited and I haven't really gotten back to it in a long time.
Apr 17, 2007
Wooa Baf you are kicking my ass! :biggrin: Thanks a lot I'm very impressed according the time I spend to search without to find anything. Yes newsgroups, I wonder why I didn't think of it! Thanks a lot for those numerous links, I'll take some time reading all of that.

About the elevator, well ok it's a bug almost systematic, if you use it and save and quit the game when you are still in the dungeon then you lost it. You could finish the game without it but it's a nasty bug.

The solution to avoid this bug isn't that complicate, always taking care to get back to town before to save, or don't use the elevator, or bring it back to it's original starting level. Frankly the game design requires to came back often to town so the solution to avoid the problem isn't a problem. Yes I got this bug too but just took some save back.

  • Funny I discovered riddle 2 had more than one answer. :)
  • I also discovered how use the crystal ball something I didn't succeed by myself.
  • Alas no answer to my questions. I wonder if an email of someone posting answers could still work.
  • Your comment that the game is buggy as well is quite exagerate. You problably played it in multi finder, system 7 and colors when it requires finder, system 6.0.8 and black and white.
  • And one post made a mysterious comment about trance, there's perhaps a special thing to do with that but in manual and that works, it's to slow down poison progression giving you time to bring the PC back to town and temple.
  • Woo by making more search through the links you provided I found a post giving the answer for the musical riddle but not how he found it. Strangely he mentioned the hint book had a typo when I don't remember problems with this riddle.
    ABEDABGAB I think this is played with A as the furthest note from the mouthpiece
  • Mmm and I also found the way to free the princess well not fully. In fact I was on the right trick to succeed it but failed to find all stuff to achieve it.
    You can find skull wands throughout the Citadel, you have to find them all in order to free the princess.
  • Well nothing more but quote some other guy that suffered on some other riddles as I did, like how succeed with the fortune teller hag, where's the hint about the musical riddle, and so on. :biggrin: Ha if a game puzzle killer could play it or someone find back the hint book...
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Oct 14, 2007
Glad I could get you looking in the right place for the answers.
Sep 22, 2008
I just saw the 2008 Vaporware awards and of course, Duke Nukem Forever got top honors agan. I wonder if Grimoire was even mentioned?

At any rate, Happy New Year and may this be the year of Grimoire's release.
Nov 8, 2008
I'm afraid Grimoire is going to be like the Wheel of Time series. It will never end because the maker will die. Probably of advanced old age :D
Oct 18, 2006
I believe WoT:Book 12 (aka Memory of Light) is estimated to be finished and is supposed to be out Fall 2009.

I think its an unfair because RJ was actually publishing stuff. The argument is was he dragging out the series to cash in or did he really lose control and let the series get away from him? Sadly, we'll never know.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
I think RJ had alot of health issues the last few years of his life.

As for Grimiore, as I've said before I've played it too bad he didn't release it already.
Apr 17, 2007
RJ had a skeletal disease, and his health was not made better by his hobby of smoking cigars , he posted a message before he died that he'd get an operation with a chance of survivla that change was not that big though he was always optimistic. Before he died he told the planned ending to his family, supposingly it is what will be in the last book. A pity the biggest fantasy masterpiece ever could not get a suitable finish though.
Oct 25, 2006
They are going to publish the final book, just written by another writer apparently RJ picked this person.
Apr 17, 2007
Sounds a bit like the rest of the Beatles completing these two songs John Lennon had made ... Thus making them kind of "complete" again.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
They are going to publish the final book, just written by another writer apparently RJ picked this person.
Yep. Wife and a nephew (IIRC) are using notes and extensive conversations to wrap it up. With all the story threads dangling around, book 12 will have to be about 3000 pages long to tie them all up.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Nah, I could finish it all off in one chapter; what'shisname escapes his bindings/prison and destroys everything. The End!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
I think Brandon Sanderson is the guy finishing the book. He wrote the Elantris series. It's a fairly good read.
Oct 18, 2006
The main question I would like answered is the main question from the very first book. What did RJ have in mind for the prophecy "The blood of the Dragon Reborn on the rocks of Shayol Ghul will free mankind from the Shadow."

The obvious answer would be he has to die but I think we all know that isn't what RJ had in mind. Another obvious one is that his children will have to be there. How this happens, since they will only be babies by the time the final battle happens, I'm not entirely sure.

If that question is put to rest in a logical way and not a rushed ending, then I'll be a happy camper.
Feb 3, 2007
Another Grimoire website bites the dust:

I've lost count, but I think this was about the 6th website for the game. The good news is this means it will only be about 6 more months till a new site pops up and we get a new release date.
Sep 22, 2008
just release it open source! let other people finish, modernize, add stuff to it. Make it an open platform for other open source party based RPGs.
Sep 23, 2008
There is the definite possibility that Cleve got locked in his shelter and forgot to pay his bill!! :) Usually when I threaten to release the beta it brings him out of the woodwork to post an update!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
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