Hexplore was fun.


October 20, 2006
I just finished playing Hexplore and I found it to be a fun game. While it would crash on my XP machine (no matter what compatibility mode I tried), it ran with out a problem on my Win98 PC. The maps were fun puzzles to solve. Starting out I had to refer to a couple of walkthroughs, but once I figured out how the puzzles/levels were setup, I nearly never needed to consult a walkthrough. The final battle was too easy (with some potions and a buff), but overall the game was a fun, light, RPG vacation from the more recent overcomplicated/flawed/unfinishable RPGs I've played recently.
Oct 20, 2006
I had written up a mini-retro review a while back for here ... not sure what happened (and I'd forgotten it until now).
Oct 18, 2006
I just finished playing Hexplore and I found it to be a fun game. While it would crash on my XP machine (no matter what compatibility mode I tried), it ran with out a problem on my Win98 PC. The maps were fun puzzles to solve. Starting out I had to refer to a couple of walkthroughs, but once I figured out how the puzzles/levels were setup, I nearly never needed to consult a walkthrough. The final battle was too easy (with some potions and a buff), but overall the game was a fun, light, RPG vacation from the more recent overcomplicated/flawed/unfinishable RPGs I've played recently.

Hi everyone :)

First Sorry for my bad englisch ^^

You got problems with Hexplore? I got this problem too. I searched over 3 days at google to find a Fix that make Hexplore running Perfect under XP, and in found one -.- i uploadet it to my FTP.

Extract Hexplore-fix.rar and overwrite the Hexplore.exe in your Game folder and Play :) , or read the Readme.txt

I hope i can Help you Guys to make Hexplore Play.

Here is the Patch Hexplore Update for modern PC's (Link Updated)

This EXER Works i testet it, i complete Hexplore today again :)

Last edited:
Oct 24, 2009

It works!

I played the Hexplore demo back when I was a kid, at the time the first Diablo was released. I liked this game even more than Blizzard's one but couldn't find it anywhere. I don't live in a developed country so licensed software was not even offered to the market back then.

Years later, in 2004, on a visit to the USA I managed to find an used copy of Hexplore over Ebay only to find later that the game doesn't work on modern PCs anymore.

Over the years I tried to run it in every known to me way but failed every time. By the time someone thought of the CPU slowdown method, I was already running a dual core which was way too fast for Hexplore even at 100% usage.

And now I somehow thought of Hexplore and here it is - a thread only few months old with an actual patch that fixes the problem! I cannot believe it! To hell with Dragon Age! I am almost 30 now, with wife and job, but I will be playing Hexplore tonight :)!

Thank you!
Jan 16, 2010
Heh, have fun!

… and what ever happened to your mini retro-review, Mike? I don't know anything about this game but if there are such enthusiastic people around it can't be uninteresting. ;)
Aug 30, 2006
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