Indiegogo - Fantasy Dimension campaign started


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
A new crowdfunding campaign - Fantasy Dimension - has started at Indiegogo:

Fantasy Dimension is:
  • Dark Fantasy Theme - no disneyland, no japan.
  • Turn Based Tactical Combat - fight groups of enemies, plan every move, choose from variety skills and spells.
  • Party Based - specialize up to 6 characters.
  • Freedom Character Creation - no classes, create own by mixing any skills and spells.
  • 100% Line Art - two color illustration graphics like in old books.
  • Imagination - no computer effects, played like a paper game.
  • 5 Difficulty Modes - changeable during play.
  • Multiplatform - browser based, Windows, Linux, Mac, Android, iOS.
  • FREE - ads based.
Game starts with party creation. Player chooses unique traits (they are not available in later progress) and starting skills or spells, for up to 6 characters.

In the town, party buy and sell items, learn or extend skills and spells for experience points, and visit some places. When each member is prepared for combat, they leave main gates, choose 1 of 5 difficulty modes and location type to travel. There is a chance that before they meet the enemy, some event may occur.

On the battlefield, there is turn based combat, divided into whole turns and their phases. On each phase, player or enemy choose 1 of their unused members to do 1 action, which can be basic attack, defense, use of item, use of skill or use of spell. Each skill and spell can be used once per certain number of turns. Side which has more available characters, may have more than 1 move in their phase. After all characters on the battlefield have been used, new turn begins. Winning the battle will result in coins, items and experience points. If player will lost 1 or more party members, then new ones can be recruited in the town.

To progress each character, player can spend experience points on learning new skills and spells, or extend current. Freedom in character creation allows every party member to have access to any knowledge. There are multi level skills and spells, but most of them do not depend on others to learn. The only thing that can make each character to be more unique are traits set at the beginning.

-> Info from ociebieda

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
Piotr Dziki is not asking for much - $500 should be achievable.
Oct 18, 2006
Friend suggested this post.
Thanks for sharing.

The game uses precisely checked Public Domain and Creative Commons 0 line arts, mainly from old books that have 100 years or more.
There are few attribution arts too, so artists will be credited.
There is no copyright infringement, and safe source of every image is docummented.
It is not as easy to find enough detailed and public domain arts that fit each other in the game, as it may look like for the first though.
It takes a lot of time.
Good line art artists are too expensive for such game, so Public Domain has been chosen.
I always loved line arts in old books, and didnt saw much 100% line art games except text adventures.
I am not an artist, I am programmer with love to fantasy theme, turn based tactics, video games, and also board games (Talisman is my favorite).
I hope that using Public Domain art is not a bad thing, when it is legal, and when using paid artist would generate too much cost for such project to create.
Feel free to ask questions or give suggestions, if you have any.
Jun 14, 2015
Welcome at RPGWatch speedstar :party:

What size / playtime is planned for the game?
Oct 18, 2006
"Freedom Character Creation - no classes, create own by mixing any skills and spells."

Not a fan of this at all. I can tolerate it in single character games ( still don't like the one guy can do everything approach) but in a game with a party I just end up with 6 very similar characters because that's the kind of character I enjoy playing.

I realize this is more a discipline problem on my part than a fault with the game. This is the reason I prefer more strict class rules with some dual or multi class options like earlier dnd.

So I won't be backing but if it releases I'll check out the mechanics to see if its something I could play.
You just have to define the various characters in your head and build them as their own avatars and like characters you've imagined, not all the same. Simple. :)
Seems good but 2 colors? Dont think I can bear it, I have not played monochromatic games since my old ZX spectrum. I do have fond memories but today would be impossible.
Jan 2, 2015
Playtime for a game.
Well, it depends on a skill of the player.
The higher difficulty (5 modes, changeble during play) you choose, the more experience points you can get, but also the easier you may lost party members.
No resurrections, but instead an option for recruit new member.
Less members, means more experience for others.
When all your members will reach maximum character progress, then generally you can continue on higher difficulty mode.
Skills and spells are mostly multilevel (up to 4, or 10).
Developing character does not mean he is much stronger like in most RPG games, but has more choices for current situation.
This is not going to be like popular, the higher level, the more health and damage you get, but also enemies get it more too, and this loops ;P
It is going to be more like, the higher level you are, the more cards to play you have in your Magic The Gathering.
So, my hope is that tactical part will keep the player after reaching his maximum, to play something like endless chess parts.

As about no classes.
I always didnt liked to be forced to few choices.
Here you have a choice.
You can build character of your dreams, or still play like with classes, by choosing warrior style things for warrior, and spells for a sorcerer.
It is your choice.
And note that it is tactically not good to have all members having exactly the same development.
You need a warrior style on your front, you need ranger style for better reach, you need socrerer for mass effects and enhanting, you need a healer for quick support in critical situations.
So in fact, you need to get different things for each member.
There is also something that is called traits, which make your character to be more unique.
You set them at the beginning only.
These are things that you cant learn, like for example having vampirism, being non material, having wings and could fly, being smaller and harder to hit, being fully resist to something, and other similar.
You have only 4 points to spent on traits.
Some may cost all 4 points, some may cost 1.

As about 2 colors.
Well, it depends on what someone like.
It is targeted to players who like old book drawings and use their imagination.
There are already many games in colorful graphics or with 3D objects.
When compared to ZX, there is some difference in pixel details ;P

Thank you all for your suggestions.
Jun 14, 2015
Dark Fantasy Theme - no disneyland, no japan.

Why act like a douche? Why not just say "no anime" or something and still get your point across? I am assuming here that you are not raciest but someone who don't like anime!
Oct 8, 2009
Maybe you are right, it should be no anime.
Japan has been used due to popular jRPG (japan RPG).
I used to watch anime in the past.
I am sorry if someone feels offended.
Jun 14, 2015
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