InSomnia - Interview @ TGG


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
TGG has interviewed Anatoliy Guyduk of Studio Mono about InSomnia:

Some of you might already have seen my “InSomnia” video. Well, for those who haven´t done that yet. I really enjoyed Studio Mono´s tech demo of their upcoming retro-futuristic/dieselpunk RPG “InSomnia”. And thus I decided to do an interview with Studio Mono, so I got a chance to talk to Anatoliy Guyduk about their plans for “InSomnia“. And with that said, please enjoy my interview =)

Robin TGG
Could you perhaps tell us how Studio Mono and “InSomnia” came about?

Guyduk Studio Mono
Hi! It all started quite long time ago when few of my other friends and I started to discuss the possibility of developing of an RPG. At first this was more like joke, but by the end we asked ourselves: why the hell not? This made me write first design document of the project, which took about two weeks to complete. After that I started looking for programmers who could implement all these ideas in form of working code. I searched for all information online I could find about game development, asked friends of my friends to join the cause etc. So, step by step, month after month the vision of the project grew stronger, we had new people to help us and add some personal input. We tried things and learnt stuff. My home was like a focal point at first, but then we were able to find a small office, moved a few old PCs there. This is when we decided to create a studio and called it Mono.

Robin TGG
What can you tell us about “InSomnia´s” story and its main characters? And how big do you think the world of “InSomnia” will be in the final version? (hours of gameplay and the actual km size of the world).

Guyduk Studio Mono
The story takes place onboard a gigantic space metropolis, which started its journey through the universe over 400 years ago. This ship is inhabited by descendants of a once great civilization who were forced to leave its dying planet in search of a new home. The last hope for these people is to reach the Evacuation Point, which is a distant planet where they plan to start the history of humanity once again. This is exactly when the player enters the scene – to find out the real reasons for what remains of humankind to proceed with this dangerous trip, and face a new threat that might easily kill everyone who’s left.

Regarding the size of the world, I certainly can’t tell how many KMs are there. InSomnia consists of a number of locations of differing sizes, all of which are connected with the help of global map, with occasional random encounters with generic content happening in between. However, it will take up to 33-50 hours to complete the main storyline. So the game is pretty expansive!.

-> Kickstarter

More information.
Oct 18, 2006
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