Lords of Xulima - Map Available


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
Numatian Games shows the digital high resolution map that is one of the perks of the Indiegogo campaign in their latest update of Lords of Xulima.


We’ve dedicated a lot of time and effort into perfecting it because, for us, it is a really inspiring view of the world we have envisioned. We hope it will be for you, too!

From within the game you’ll be able to consult this map whenever you'd like. Additionally, all of those who supported our campaign will receive a high definition digital version. For those fortunate few who chose the special boxed edition of the game, we're also preparing a full color poster of the map! The original image has 16 megapixels.

We have to admit that we were inspired by the maps of classic games like Might & Magic and Wizardry. Those maps were full of vibrant colors, with mysterious locations and intriguing creatures. At the same time, they were accurate and creative representations of the actual game world. For us, they were authentic works of art. I remember one of the most memorable moments of my childhood, opening the box of my first RPG: "Might and Magic II" for the Super NES (what times!). As I unfolded the map of the World of Cron for the first time, I was totally blown away. I can't remember whether I fainted or not, but either way it remains an incredible source of inspiration to this day.

Sometimes, it seems like the art of making these imaginative and beautiful maps has been lost... like so many other great aspects of old-school RPGs. In my opinion, the maps for some of today’s games are… well, I think an image here is worth more than a thousand words. Here you have the maps for Oblivion, Dragon Age and Skyrim. These games seem to lack a captivating, global view of the world; a certain identity or personality which makes you want to explore it and discover its secrets.I hope you enjoy viewing this piece as much as we did creating it. The map of Xulima is sure to be an invaluable companion as you explore its mysterious regions!
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
It indeed resembles the map design of might&magic games, which is a plus. And I totally agree with his opinion about the map of todays RPGs. I'm eager to receive my box. Yummy :)
Oct 30, 2006
Beautiful work! Little islands, snow and desert areas, wow!

Could add a little grit layer to make it old a bit.
Mar 21, 2013
Looking forward to this game, but that's a lot of hype for just a map.
Yep, I'm looking forward to this one as well.
Oct 18, 2006
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