Mordheim - Released today


The Elder Spy
Staff Member
Original Sin Donor
Original Sin 2 Donor
October 18, 2006
Mordheim: City of the Damned launched today:

Release Note - Full Release (version

Hello Everyone,

Rogue Factor and Focus Home Interactive are proud to present you the full release of Mordheim: City of the Damned!
After a tremendous year in Early Access and with the help of our amazing community of players, we have finally reached the last step toward one of our greatest and proudest achievement.

Here is a list of all the latest updates that come with this version (

  • Up to 7 Languages available to play the game: English, Français, Deutsch, Español, Italiano, Polski, Русский
  • Unlocked progression to Rank 10 for Warriors and Warbands (max rank)
  • Unlocked story missions of Act 2
  • Added the introduction video for Mordheim: City of the Damned!
  • Voice over for Prologue and Epilogue of Story missions have been added
  • It will now be possible to select a Morale threshold for PvP matches. Be aware that once this threshold is reached, a Morale check will trigger
  • In Skirmish missions, we added a Rating restriction field when creating a lobby
  • Added multiple sound FX and narrator lines during missions and in the menus
  • New musics for all bosses
General Fixes
  • Fixed the opacity of Quest Helpers to make them more visible in all maps
  • The Tiring debuff effect has been reduced from -20% to -15%
  • The Dual Wield debuff effect has been reduced from -30% to -25%
  • Fixed a quest FX that was not placed properly in the second mission of the Mercenaries
  • Changed the starting position of the Chaos Ogre in Mercenaries Story mission 4
  • When a caster suffers from the curse “Smite” or “Tzeentch’s Wrath”, during the next injury roll it can only get one of the following results:
  • Amnesia
  • Trauma
  • Deep Wound
  • Full Recovery
  • Near Death
  • Fixed an issue in Tutorial 2 where the keys to cycle between targets were displaying A & D instead of Q & E
  • Modified the text for the achievements about looting Chests. It will now properly indicate you must search Loot Points
  • A message has been added on Round start to let Player know that Out of Action warriors dragged themselves away from the battlefield, thus taking their weapons with them
  • It is now possible to view the Injury Tab while training skills and spells
  • We’ve split the Buff and Debuff panels in two different panels instead of being on the same one
  • Repositioned the Offense and Strategy Points and grouped them 2 by 2 to improve their visibility
  • Moved the Hired Sword list in the Reserve panel and specified it was View Only (no hired swords can be hired from there)
  • Fixed multiple assets issues with LODs and materials
  • Fixed buff animation not playing on the Bloodletter
  • Updated all shouting sounds for all Warriors and Daemons
  • Changed references to "Campaign" in the Main Menu to "Warband"
  • Fixed issues with the attack camera
  • Multiple miscellaneous bugfixes and tweaks
More information.
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Oct 18, 2006
I was reading up on this game and it seems like a class act. When someone has played enough to make an impression, please let me know your opinion towards it.
Dec 12, 2007
ugh…lost most of my post somehow…so here's a quick summary of what I originally wrote =P.

I've played a little over 100 hours of Mordheim so far, so I guess I can say that I like the game. I think of it a little as a Final Fantasy Tactics set in Warhammer universe…The way the combat plays out it reminds me a bit of Valkyria Chronicles as well if you have played that.

Things I like:
- Guess Im a bit of a masochist but I like the fact that it is unforgiving and makes you plan carefully your moves. Members of your troop WILL die, WILL have lasting injuries. Mind I've lost members, but here are some of the creative injuries you will see.

Some examples:
1- One of my archer lost an arm and I've since switched him to a sword and dodge build and use him as a decoy when my other units are in trouble.
2- One of my warrior lost an eye and is less accurate but now has more initiative and has since switched to a tanky build.
3-One of my hero unit had a cracked skull and is now ''stupid'' he must now take a roll to see if he will act or not this turn when not in combat.
4- One of my warrior lost a leg and uh…he has a hard time climbing up buildings with a a wooden leg

- Ability to create a variety of character builds by being able to chose where you put the stats and which skills your characters learn as they level up.

- Being able to customize even more through the help of gear and various enchantments. (For example you could create archers/gunners that debuff targets for poison, while having your leader charge in with poisoned dual blades.)

- The 4 (current) types of Warband play vastly differently and make it interesting to replay. I have 3 different campaigns going on at once currently. (Speedy/dodgy Skavens with poisons, ambush attacks… Mercs with a good combination of parrying, heavy armor and ranged attacks (Magic, Guns and Bows)… and Occult with various debuff/curses and mutations.

- Being able to customize the appearance of your Warband.

-Veteran system (hard to explain but its basically an incentive to create new warbands and keep replaying)

- Ability to integrate (or not) multiplayer games into your single player campaign. If you like you can play a match against your friends and have the results (loot, death, xp etc) count toward your respective single player campaigns.

Things people may dislike:

-Its unforgiving :p...can't save and reload at will, so you have to live with your decisions and unlucky rolls. Missing 2 shots in a row with 95% chance to hit, IS frustrating.

(Its a little tricky, because those numbers take into account their resists, stats and gear...but if the character has a special skill that allows him to dodge or such that can cheat the number you actually see. Like he could have 60% to dodge the first 2 attacks directed toward him. There are skills that allow you to break through those defensive skills and such...but its still annoying as hell when you are on the losing end heh.)

-Like any tactical combat games it can get repetitive.
(I think they put in a lot of stuff that lessen the problem that is typical to the genre...but It still is what it is...Though if like me you like working through character stats and gears, then you may end up spending more time doing that than on the maps :p)

-***This may have changed with the release and I havent played in the past 2 days...but in Early Access the single player campaigns were a little short.
Oct 18, 2006
Thanks for the details, Galaad. How large are the groups you control? Also, how's the exploration? I read something about finding treasure. Is that just highlighted loot on the battlefield?
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
You start with like 4-5 members and go up to 10 slots unlocked if my memory is right. Some slot in your warband can only accomodate certain type of warrior and certain units like the Impressive unit (The Skaven's Rat Ogre for example) take the place of 3 other warrior.

You also have a certain amount of reserve slots, where you can keep backups when your troops get injured. I basically keep older injured warriors there to serve as replacements.

As for the loot…There is two types and they show on the maps: Wyrd Stones and loot (chest, bodies etc)

They appear as marker on the map, so its not the best for exploration…But its often harder than it seems. You navigate city ruins while fighting for your life. So it may be that you have to enter through the back and climb to the third floor to get to the marker.

Wyrdstones are always very important to collect as they are the main reason why you are there in Mordheim and the main objective of the campaign.

Collecting loot is optional but it helps a lot to pay for your troops. For the first few maps the loot is pretty generic, but as you push deeper you will find rare magical items and recipes for enchanting. Its nice if you can take the time to loot chests and what not…. But you are fighting, and spreading your forces makes you weaker, so you gotta balance looking for loot and actually surviving =P.

I've dragged on battles once or twice to get more loot and ended up with a critical hit and stun to the face and regretting it…Theres also a few maps were random neutral (deadly) npc demons. Never go solo.

One thing I like to do, is go to the ennemy's warband cart and pillage their chest, there's often a bit of gold and some goodies….you can also steal their idol, which demoralize them and can help you rout them.
Oct 18, 2006
Sounds really nice! I'm gonna get this in the winter sale most likely, since I'm swamped with games I want to play and don't have much time before Christmas holidays...
Feb 21, 2015
BW, Germany
Thanks for the details; sounds like it has an engaging level of complexity and those injuries add intrigue. It's looking to be my next stop after Fallout 4 for sure. Thanks mate.
Dec 12, 2007
Same here.
May 6, 2013
A turn-based strategy with a party of 10, permadeath and detailed injuries? I'm not sure how this one wasn't on my radar, but it sure is now. Thanks, Galaad.
Sep 16, 2010
Re: complaints about length of single-player campaign, how many SP hours are there? I'm also growing intrigued.
Oct 18, 2006
I've had this sit in Early Access for a long time and the number and size of updates was impressive. Unsure wether to play now or wait for patches.
Re: complaints about length of single-player campaign, how many SP hours are there? I'm also growing intrigued.

Now, I don't have the game yet, so take this with a grain of salt. It's just what I gather from reading stuff on this here Internet. Galaad or someone else, please correct me if this is wrong:

Not sure on the hours, but each warband, of which there are 4, has 8 unique campaign missions. So, for the game in total, there are 32 (8 x 4). Now, that's not all the missions in the campaign. There are more-generic missions between the unique ones. For example, you will need to be of a certain rank before taking on the next unique mission, so there's some filler combat in there. Not sure how much.

Also, as I understand it, there is a skirmish mode vs. AI, so you can always knock out a single fight if you want.

I've read they hope to add more warbands as DLC. Oh, I also read they also hope to add a base component to the game, like in Xcom. That would be nice, but I'm not sure I'll hold my breath for that one.

Edit: the combat looks good in the videos I just watched. Looked to have a decent number of options and abilities. Nifty rules like using strategic points to jump over a broken balcony or climb a wall, if your character has the jumping or climbing ability. The races -- or warbands-- look pretty unique. They don't appear to have taken the lazy man's approach to game balance by making each faction mostly the same in their abilities. Also, I can be a dual-wielding rat, which is nice. :)

I'd like to see more single-player, but I think I just may get this game sooner rather than later.
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Sep 16, 2010
Is grinding needed to complete? (and by needed I mean if you do some battles only to become more powerful, and not because they're related to the story or side quests).
Sep 23, 2008
Is grinding needed to complete? (and by needed I mean if you do some battles only to become more powerful, and not because they're related to the story or side quests).

Perhaps someone else who has played the game could answer better, but from what I have read, the answer seems to be yes.
Sep 16, 2010
Unfortunately I can't fully confirm how many missions there are in the campaign as I honestly haven't paid attention that.

There is a grinding of sort I guess? Not so much to be able to be strong enough to continue but, you need to regularly collect wyrdstones from missions so that you are able to meet the quota set by your main faction.

After completing a few maps, a campaign mission will eventually show on the map...and then you can chose to take it on immediately or keep powering up your Warband. But I never felt like I had to keep on grinding a lot to take on the next step. I guess though, that since you fear to lose due to the nature of the game, it leads you to grind a bit anyway just to be safe =P. I had to reroll quite a few warbands at first heh.

Just a random note, there is a certain evaluation of how hard a mission should be on the campaign map (Normal, Hard, Brutal, Deadly)...and at first due to how unforgiving the game can be I tended to avoid anything above hard.

Though I've recently been doing Brutal and deadly and managed to its not complete suicide once you know what you are doing :). But the foes you will meet will have special enchanted items like you do (Which you usually can loot if you kill them btw).
Oct 18, 2006
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