One game, one movie, one cd.



Ok. You are stranded on the cliched desert island. Bored beyond belief. You find the magic lamp and rub it. the genie says he wont give you three wishes, but he will give you one game, one movie, and one cd. What are your choices.

For me the game has to be infinitely replayable, obviously. So I think I would go with Sacred 2. Simply because there are just SO many character combinations. I mean one game is going to drive you insane anyways, but at least it can be a little different every time.

The movie for me I think would be Caddyshack. I thought long and hard about the gangster films, Godfathers, Goodfellas, etc. But Caddyshack just makes me laugh. No matter how many times I have seen it. Great cast. One of the best comedy films of all time, imo.

One cd. Thats REAL tough. My favorite band is Led Zeppelin. I think of their albums, I would have to go with Physical Graffiti. Classic album & great variety of songs. Nice and mellow to flat out rockers.

Your choices??
1. The X-Superbox. - For the sheer size and number of hours it would consume.

2. Porn (Duh… it's a desert island.)

3. Metallica's "Master of Puppets".
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
1. The latest and greatest MMO (I assume the genie will provide internet access for gaming only).

2. Hmm... Godfather.

3. Something timeless. Probably classical music - or something by Lisa Gerrard.
1 - Skyrim if it is heavily modded
2 - Something long I guess, Lord of the Rings perhaps (not a big movie person)
3 - Book of Secrets of Loreena McKennit
Jun 4, 2008
1. BG2 with mods

2. Butterfly Effect

3. Rotting Christ - Theogonia

I don't think I'd keep my sanity for long.

Wedding singer

Don't really care too much about music. I'd ask to pick another game instead, but if I had too choose I guess an 80's greatest hits cd or something.
I would linger, refraining myself of making a choice, enjoying the genie's company until I'd get tired of him. Then I would kill myself. Leaving the genie behind, alone and outside his precious lamp. That'll teach him.
1) Jagged Alliance 2 (with all mods available) ;)
2) Chuck - all episodes (seasons 1 to 5)
3) Jimi Hendrix: Electric Ladyland
Oct 18, 2006
1/ Thief 2 (if fan missions are allowed)...if not, maybe HoMM3.
2/ The Ninth Gate (Goodfellas is a good one though Icefire)
3/ Judas Priest, Sad Wings of Destiny
Aug 12, 2007
Skyrim, which I haven't played yet.
Spiritchaser by Dead Can Dance
1. Uh, what a difficult choice ! … In the end, it'd probably The Secret Of Monkey Island …
Other coices would be : Drakensang 2, Indy 4, Maniac Mansion 1 (because of the many possibilities) … Or, even better : DOTT, because it CONTAINS Maniac Mansion 1 … :lol: Or Startrail.

2. The Last Unicorn. Only once in a year watched. Like a very good wine.
Other coice would be The Dark Crystal.

3. The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway by Genesis. Definitively. There's so many new things once can discover within it even years after the first listening.
Second would be Tubular Bells II, though.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
1. The latest and greatest MMO (I assume the genie will provide internet access for gaming only).

I had to think about this for a while. ONE game only and you must name it. You're stuck with it forever, after all.
okay, okay:

1) Jagged Alliance 2 (with all mods available)
2) The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (1966)
3) Jimi Hendrix: Electric Ladyland
maybe I could convince the genie to create a movie with Omega as main actress, main themes are spies, spiders and car washing… :plotting:
Oct 18, 2006
The desert island thing is an interesting spin. I could pick the movie or game that I rate (or the ones that I like) the most much more easily than I would pick the single representative of the medium that I would be stuck with for decades. When it comes to music it's simpler since it is created, consumed and judged with heavy focus on its "replayability" while I tend to judge the other 2 mediums on what their perceived absolute value is after a single "perfect" exposure.

Therefore I could imagine myself being bored or at the very least not quite as excited after viewing for ~20 times the likes of Godfather, Shawshank Redemption and Stalker and that's without even going to the highly rated and very entertaining one-trick ponies. The same holds true for games where the deeply personal experience that PS:T was will probably lose its charm after *knowing* the teachings of Zerthimon will stimulate my thought as much as a virtual farm.

1. FIFA (embarrassing choice but if multiplayer games are not allowed this might be the only one that survives the time test)
2. Solaris (gambling my sanity, sorta like choosing Castaway)
3. Illmatic by Nas
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
Skyrim, Mame32 would be my 2nd choice

Upside Down - an off Broadway musical

Acappella Gold, Wagner's ride of the Valkyrie would be a good 2nd. That music reminds me of rain, thanks to Bugs Bunny, and it'd be perfect on a desert isle.

Weird, my music and movie choice are both Biblical in nature, yet I'm not really a practicing believer….Still, they're probably what I'd choose :) I'd probably take the Bible too, for my only book if there was a 4th choice….
Oct 18, 2006
Game, probably M&M 6 or 7, though Wiz 8 would be another consideration (all of them for length)
Movie The Sound of Music
CD Toss up between ABBA Gold, or The Seekers 50th Anniversary Compilation (In a pinch I could be convinced to take the Andre Rieu Collection instead. )
Aug 31, 2006
Game: Chrono trigger

Movie: This is so hard i dunno, havent seen a "brilliant" movie these days.

CD: I would go with the NKJV Bible on Audio CD.
Jul 22, 2012
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