President Biden

I think there's a parallel between campaign finance and the Afghanistan affair, in the sense that it's corrupt money that directed so much. If we look at the geopolitics in a ruthless, Kissinger sort of way, I don't think there was a coherent strategy directed by some clear vision of the national interest. Instead, things were shaped by petty profiteers.

I haven't checked the figures, but I read that far more was spent (adjusted for inflation) on Afghanistan than on the Marshall Plan after WWII. Many would say the idea of nation building in Afghanistan was a doomed project, but I wonder how much better it could have gone if it had been managed by people at least sincere and serious within their own framework, rather than a clusterfuck of fast bucks all round.
Nov 8, 2014
Another grotesque example of our long-known military-industrial complex, which is but one, though particularly twisted, branch of the poisoned, corrupted tree. It's grown worse, just as every root, fiber and leaf of this dying tree has.

I admire Biden for having the courage to rip off that Band-Aid, even though I still have complaints with the logistics of how it was done. I find it easier to forgive a courageous man. Easier still when the only alternative to a courageous man is some kind of cocktail of varying measures of autocracy, authoritarianism and some kind of weird apartheid oligarchy.

And the future is all I think about with that cocktail staring me in the face. Forgiving Biden took all of a day for me, a minute maybe. Only a proper rebuke from the voters will knock the new GOP off its warpath. It's the only remedy. But I fear my countrymen don't feel the same way I do. I fear they will do what they almost always do, what drunks so often do, fall back on their old habits, prejudices and fears to fill in the void left by genuine understanding. History tells us this will mean the Democrats turning out to vote in routinely low numbers during a midterm election, and the Republicans likely taking over both houses of Congress, as part of a childish, if conscious, effort to achieve balance.

The way I see it, the only hope for democracy in America lies with women. Maybe the recent efforts of the Texas Republicans, with other states biting each other's backs for position in the chute, and our activist sleeper-cell Supreme Court to outdo The Handmaid's Tale will rile women up enough to punish the GOP at the polls. Get your game face on, ladies. You just might be our only hope.
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Sep 16, 2010
There are many past empires one could consult about invading Afghanistan, and the steep price that may be inflicted. The British had to try three times before they got the message, and the Russians failed at least three times as well. I do hope the US gets the message at one and zero. If memory serves, the last true invader to succeed there was Genghis Khan, and that was likely eight centuries ago. Afghanistan is where foreign armies travel to learn humility.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
"Everybody got it wrong" on Taliban strategy, says UK defence chief.

Carter said that “everybody got it wrong” on the Taliban’s strategy. “There’s been a lot of talk about a failure of intelligence and all of that; the plain fact is, and I said to you on that programme when you interviewed me on 11 July, that there are a number of scenarios that could play out and one of them certainly would be a collapse and state fracture,” he told the BBC’s The Andrew Marr Show.

“It was the pace of it that surprised us and I don’t think we realised quite what the Taliban were up to. They weren’t really fighting for the cities they eventually captured, they were negotiating for them, and I think you’ll find a lot of money changed hands as they managed to buy off those who might have fought for them.”

Nov 8, 2014
I wonder if making it rain will work out any better for the Taliban than it did for us. You can buy some cooperation but not hearts and minds.
Sep 16, 2010
I suspect another consideration may have been, "Well, they're going to win now, and when they do, they might string me up by my balls from a lamp post."
Nov 8, 2014
And that kind of shit is short lived, too. We've tried that plenty, too.
Sep 16, 2010
Hope so. Afghanistan was on a very different path back in the day, before they became a square to control on the board (again).
Nov 8, 2014
I like watching their cricket team play. More of that, please.

Money can't buy you love, but maybe cricket can.
Sep 16, 2010
You never know. I'm fairly sure they wouldn't have tolerated that last time around.
Nov 8, 2014
They've been making the right noises, but it's early still. They're not comfortably seated yet. I'm not very hopeful, either. I've seen human nature on display too much, the kind that shows itself when people are comfortable. But I also know this is true, even if it's sung by a tantric douchebag like Sting:

This is the only path, if you want it requited, but who says they're looking for love? Lots of us are satisfied with just a bit of the ol' quick and dirty. I bet Sting has told a few lies along those lines himself. In the meantime, Branford Marsalis can blow a mean horn.
Sep 16, 2010
Man, I really enjoy the older Police music, but that stalker-song "Every Breath You Take" almost destroyed my faith in the band. Though, when I think about it, it could be an absolute smash theme song for the upcoming regime!
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
I like The Police well enough. It's just Sting that irritates we when I hear an interview with him. It's probably the whole tantric-sex thing. :p

Edit: Just in case no one knows what I'm talking about, in case Sting isn't known for this (and I wanted to confirm it myself, because I can never be too sure of my memory these days. :p ), you can judge the smug Sting for yourselves:

Personally, Sting, it sounds like a bit of a drag to me, unless you squeeze a nap, a sandwich and a round #2 in there. I'm a simple kind of guy. :)
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Sep 16, 2010
Yeah, quite a few of the musically-inclined artists seem to have some rather odd inclinations. Perhaps it's just artists in general, I do my best to ignore it all whenever possible.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Lol, yeah - I don't think Sting's done anything too awful, he's just a bit too... Sting. That Under the Volcano documentary was amusing, and they fought like cats and dogs. Stuart Copeland recalled him jogging up the hill to the studio with a demo tape for Every Breath You Take, and thinking, "Oh FFS, it's another hit. Alright, let's just record the damn thing!"
Nov 8, 2014
Yet those lyrics.....until Creep came along what, almost two decades later, the Police had a solid lock on stalker songs. =p. And on top of that, what an absolutely awful song, even the music is bad, rofl.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Yet those lyrics…..until Creep came along what, almost two decades later, the Police had a solid lock on stalker songs. =p. And on top of that, what an absolutely awful song, even the music is bad, rofl.

I'll see your Every Breath You Take, and raise you Don't Stand So Close To Me. :p
Nov 8, 2014
I think "Every Breath" could be considered a romantic song, if it weren't Sting singing it to you.
Sep 16, 2010
Unless he's singing it to Biden, this thread has gone OFF TOPIC!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
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