Rampant Games - Puzzles and RPGs

I liked puzzles when games were more simple, because they added a complexity to the game that would not have been there otherwise, but now they tend to annoy me. There were a few in either BG2 or IWD2 that drove me up a wall (can't remember which game it was now). I don't mind having to figure out how to do something, so say encountering an obstacle in the form of a puzzle that I have to solve with in the game, but I need at least a nudge in the right direction.

The ones I really hated where were the correct sequence was in the pattern on a wall or the ground, especially if it were in a different room. Since 99.99% of the time the walls and ground are just decoration, it never registered to look for the clues there until I searched for an answer online. I find that the whole experience just really takes me out of my 'game zone' unless it is well incorporated into the dialogue or action of the game.
Jan 10, 2008
Austin, TX
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