Risen 2 - Five Fixes Will Make It Outstanding

. . . you know that the Watch has a very strong Gothic Fanbase, myself included. Someone who cites similarity to one of my favorite games (from the same developer no less) as negative evidence, and tells me he hated "everything" about Risen clearly signals me that we don't have much in common . . .

Exactly, when someone says this:
. . .reminded me of the Gothics crap . . .
I see that person as not having the same idea of good game mechanics as I have. As I play a very good but hard game called Witcher 2, I marvel at how backwards its open game feel is, compared to the 2003 Gothic 2. Its nice that I know a lot here will probably know exactly . . . exactly . . .what I'm talking about.
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
Big popups telling me what to do next - no.

Is this the result of the floating question marks or/and exclamation marks over the top of people's heads ? (Even Spellforce 1 had them !!!)

What I find quite disturbing is that they are teaching a newer generation of gamers … what's the word ? dict.leo.org uses words like … "accommodativeness" …

Gamers grow into EXPECTING that there is some sort of clue out there … And the same generation is the same - I fear - that begins to believe games like Ultima are "unplayable" because there just is NO clue whatsoever out there … That everything must be done … "cueless" … And this evokes a feeling of uncertainty within people … A feeling that is common to older gamers who just aren't used that much to floating sentence signs … But whixh is uncommon to gamers who have grown into the use of them …

It's a bit like with the wights in Terry Pratchett's novel "The Carpet People" in the end …
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
When the game is free roam like in Morrowind i didn't need any help to short things out , almost all areas were accessible and i could ignore MQ forever.
Directions by quest givers were more than okay and i didn't mind getting lost or failing a quest.
But in Risen there is only the main quest and nothing else , so is in G3 with the Orc guard after the first city , NO other way around so instead of me having to read and re-read quest log trying to figure out what to do next game could have some help provided , don't you think?
I mean you always know your options in VtM or TW and this does not make them dumped down RPGs or anything
Jun 22, 2009
Athens (the original one)
@ TSL:

Our mails to your server bounced, including the answer to your question. Please register again from a neutral mail account.
Aug 30, 2006
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