Risen - Screens @ Worthplaying

Looks good enough but... I mean.... Crysis was a year and a half ago, right? Oblivion looked at least this good and that was three years ago.
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
Looks good enough but... I mean.... Crysis was a year and a half ago, right? Oblivion looked at least this good and that was three years ago.

Risen is supposed to be similar to the first 2 Gothic games, and they were more about atmosphere and gameplay, not graphics. Crysis and Oblivion had about as much depth as a puddle of water.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
JDR come on oblivion was more then that, no matter the hate mongered by some people on here.
Apr 17, 2007
JDR come on oblivion was more then that, no matter the hate mongered by some people on here.

Depends what part you're talking about. The background lore was great in Oblivion, as with all the Elder Scrolls games. The actual gameplay however......
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Looks good enough but... I mean.... Crysis was a year and a half ago, right? Oblivion looked at least this good and that was three years ago.


I see graphical possibilities reaching their limit within the next ten years, and the new and exciting becoming fewer and farther between.

I for one am glad that PB isn't trying to reinvent the wheel graphics-wise. As long as they get the gameplay right, the graphics on these screenshots are more than enough eye candy for me!
Oct 20, 2006
Midwest, USA
Aye. Risen looks good enough for me.

For me game design has reached a point where graphics are starting to lose their appeal. Sure fancy visuals can drop my jaw every now and then, but that effect lasts only 5mins. Graphics are already realistic enough...heh I can easily go back 10 years and fully enjoy the games that have been released since then.

I wish devs would begin developing better storylines, a.i and gameplay with same eagerness as they do better visuals..
Oct 19, 2006
JDR come on oblivion was more then that, no matter the hate mongered by some people on here.

Let's see - almost no choices, absolutely no choices with consequences, lousy writing, bland characters, mediocre character models, decent (not great) combat because of broken leveling system, core feature (gates) is boring and unimaginative ...

Yeah, it really is just an average game.
Oct 18, 2006

I see graphical possibilities reaching their limit within the next ten years, and the new and exciting becoming fewer and farther between.

I see that you are wrong :biggrin: . Seriously, ever since consoles have taken over and are dominating the gaming world, we will continue to see phases of rapid and drastic improvements in graphical quality at the beginning of any new next gen console cycle before we enter a plateau phase where the capabilities of the current gen of consoles are maxed out.
We are currently in a plateau phase. There have barely been any improvements in the visual quality of games in the last 12, maybe even 18 months or so. The reason being that the X360 and the PS3 just can't handle more. We will have to wait for the next gen of consoles (hopefully bringing DirectX 11+ support with them) before we will see any substantial advances in computer game graphics.

That is unless a PC-exclusive developer is going to set out on a mission to make a PC-exclusive game/engine, pushing the boundaries of what is possible with our favorite platform and is actually successful on this endeavor. Well, and then maybe hell will freeze over, too, and pigs will learn to fly ;) .
Oct 18, 2006
Very nice, though I still miss the Gothic 1 palette a bit.
Next step : see this is movement !
Nov 6, 2006
That is unless a PC-exclusive developer is going to set out on a mission to make a PC-exclusive game/engine, pushing the boundaries of what is possible with our favorite platform and is actually successful on this endeavor. Well, and then maybe hell will freeze over, too, and pigs will learn to fly ;) .

Weeeellll, this particular event reportedly already has taken place, as you should be quite aware of, actually.
And helpful soul that i always am to lost and confused minds all around, i can even give you about the exact date and time.
It took hell to freeze over 2 days (other readings talk about 14 years), occuring finally during 25th and 26th of April in 1994.

Always there to help you out, Moe
Yours old Ragon
:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:
Jan 22, 2007
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