RPGWatch Feature: NWN2 Mysteries of Westgate Review


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
The drama leading up to the release of Mysteries of Westgate can finally get left behind as we take a detailed look at this 'hot off the presses' Adventure Pack for Neverwinter Nights 2. Here's a snippet from our review:
In terms of writing, you will find something interesting at every turn. The main plot is interesting and full of twists and turns, some of which are fairly predictable and others are surprising. The characters you encounter are fully drawn and provide both insight and color into the world around you. There are sixteen side quests aside from all of the quests associated with completing the main story. Some of these quests are pretty straightforward, but others will stay with you for much of the game, at times making you wonder if they will tie into the main quest. There is a great mix of humor and pathos, of witty party banter and more serious over-arching exposition.
Read it all here.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Nice review, Mike - I enjoyed editing/reading it.

I'm about two hours in and I've been impressed, so far. The NWN2 base feels a bit clunky and cramped now but the characters and dialogue looking promising. A good number of dialogue and skill checks, although I've yet to do anything significant at this early stage.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Thank you for the timely review, txa1265. I'm a sucker for city adventure and I have been starving for a content-heavy role-playing experience. In fact, I haven't played a game recently except some good works released in 2007. So, there is no question I'm going to put my hands on the game once I find enough free time.

PS How about replacing the part about the DRM issue to an independent article, leaving just a brief comment and a link to that article. I think a game should be evaluated by its own right. Indeed, as a commercial product, such an issue is not ignorable. And yet, I think the game has already gotten more than enough interferences and I cannot but feel sorry for the designers. Also, I believe DRM issue is worth an independent article. Just my two cents.
Jul 20, 2007
I don't have the impression the DRM influenced the rating. It's not mentioned as Pro / Contra in the summary. I think, it's an important info 'though, because it's part of the deal. On the other hand, I don't think there is a need for just another DRM discussion. We already had them a lot.

Great review, Mike.
Oct 18, 2006
Caution - Off Topic
I don't have the impression the DRM influenced the rating.
Neither do I.
On the other hand, I don't think there is a need for just another DRM discussion. We already had them a lot.
Same here, which is why I'd like those who would like to talk about it to discuss it in a different place, which would serve both of groups.
Jul 20, 2007
I am for leaving it as it is. Taking it out would streamline the article a bit more, but it is an important issue and I don't feel that the article lacks cohesion and clarity. The DRM comments are clearly seperated from the review of the actual game. Great review. Probably going to buy MoW based on it.
Dec 24, 2008
London, UK
The DRM-debacle was handled well in the article and being very reasonable. Do not remove it please since it IS a very important factor for many potential buyers. Well written article. I want the game badly, but I can't go against my principles, not even this time ;(
Feb 15, 2009
Well, I don't mind as long as this comment space will not be filled with yet another DRM debate.

As for the content, how did NPC interactions and dialogs turn out? Is there possible party member civil war or, at least leaving party member? Does the protagonist's relationship with the other party member have any impact on the main plot? Also, IIRC, I read that dialog skill check seems to include a certain randomness. Is it true? If someone is going to answer, please keep it spoiler-free. Yes, I may be asking too much.
Jul 20, 2007
PS How about replacing the part about the DRM issue to an independent article, leaving just a brief comment and a link to that article. .

I like it the way it is, he doesn't skirt around discussing what's turned out to be an explosive issue and he puts it all in the context of how much it's worth buying whatever the drm issues and need to take a stand.
Feb 2, 2007
Also, the review mentions "good story-telling" but I'm wondering how linear it is. Does it have multiple endings as well? The reviewer mentions some reloads but I wonder how much variety is in the game.

As for the game-play, it seems to be quite combat-heavy but is it possible to solve some quests in a different way? Such as relying on stealth skills and conversation skills. I think, at least, the latter seems to be involved but both of them are important for city adventure, IMO.

Sorry if I sound asking too much but, as I said, I'm a sucker for city adventures...maybe, I'd better simply buy the game but I don't have solid time at the moment...
Jul 20, 2007
Thieves sometimes get some more options, also if you have some social skills it could end different, but I think most quests are linear.

You have two paths to choose. Or let's say 2x2. In the beginning you can decide between The Church of Lathander or the Ebon Claws, that's no spoiler so far.


After some quests both storylines reunite again and the story follows a single path 'til near to the endgame. There again you have two options to choose from. These decision has impact on the end sequence.

The cool thing imho is, both ways are totally consistent. There are no open ends. But when you play the other way round you get some different insights, and that's the best thing about MoW.

As I have to say, the good way is much more satiesfying in terms of story, but the bad end is just so cool you really shouldn't miss it.
Oct 18, 2006
Nope, no chance.
Oct 18, 2006
Thanks to all for the nice comments - also thanks to Avantenor for subtly telling what I was barely hinting at in the review.

And thanks to Ossian for the fun game!
Oct 18, 2006
@Avantenor Thank you for your detailed and yet thoughtful reply. It's very helpful.

As for skill check and companions, I've found an official answer at Bioware NWN2 forum.
Whats the skill usage like in MoW?
As an aside, pretty much all the skill checks are rolled like in P&P. In other words, we don't utilize a check that just looks at the skill rank and passes or fails based on that alone. Because a random d20 is generated, it is possible to both fail checks you shouldn't and pass checks you shouldn't.

A few cases are different. Some require you have at least one rank in a skill to pass, so for example if the DC is 18, you can't just pass by lucking into a roll of 19. A few other checks have other restrictions, which I won't divulge for now, and this is one.

Sticky: MoW Community Update: Companions
Is it possible to betray companions? Can they leave and /or betray the PC?

Yes to both.

different companions
As you can see the sticky post above and Gamebanshee's review, there are only limited number of companions. It seems MoW may surpass other modules in some places while it is still a module in some other places.

Thanks to all for the nice comments - also thanks to Avantenor for subtly telling what I was barely hinting at in the review.
Yes, it's not the problem about your review as well as other ones. The problem here is that some people like myself has little control over curiosity.
Jul 20, 2007
Very nice review, txa. Looking forward to playing the game once I make it back to base camp (in another two weeks, I expect).
Oct 19, 2006
It is interesting to note Dhruin's 'clunky NWN2' initial comment. I agree - but whereas in the FO3 DLC I felt that the design accentuated negative elements of the original, in MoW I feel there is just nothing they could do.

I was thinking about this because I started working through the Premium Modules in NWN again and still feel the camera there works better.
Oct 18, 2006
I was thinking about this because I started working through the Premium Modules in NWN again and still feel the camera there works better.

My impression is that actually you can set up the NWN2 camera to be just the same as NWN, however the movement of the characters is quite different (especially in rotations), so it feels different if you use the driving view, but it's not a camera thing.
Oct 18, 2006
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