Skyrim Skyrim and Morrowind

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
I also don't really have time to trawl through tons of mods which, for me, are an essential part of the game.

The last time I installed Morrowind I spent a day getting it all properly modded up. There is that huge, all-in-one graphics mod now that makes it a bit easier, but it's still quite a long processes to get everything just the way you like it.
Jul 3, 2011
I have played Morrowind for longer than I care to mention and, recently, I have tried it again but abandoned this idea very quickly. Reasons? Graphically this game has really aged and I have played it so long that I remember every quest and side quest. I also don't really have time to trawl through tons of mods which, for me, are an essential part of the game.

You don't need a ton of mods to upgrade Morrowind. Just get MGSO.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I have perfected the Morrowind experience w/ a series of graphical overhaul mods that make the game look really good, while retaining the devs original vision when it comes to the actual content of the game. And I've added a few kung-fu themed outfits for my character ='.'=

But it can be done, Morrowind can look gorgeous if you want to either take JDR's approach above or cherry pick thru pages of world/character reskins and mods. It's worth doing if youre going to play MW. I dont even know what they are anymore, I think I'm just going to save my data to a DVD so it'll be plug and play install from now on!

@Skaven - sorry Keeper Skaven, the only mods I did to Oblivion were personally tweaking some armors. Besides that, my Oblivion experience was primarily vanilla.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Call me a dinosaur, but I just play Morrowind with a widescreen hack and AA/AF forced on it at ungodly high levels. Nothing else.
Jan 28, 2011
I've got a Morrowind mod list somewhere here in these forums. I swear to god we need a sticky mod thread for each individual Beth game. I've done these lists for just about all of them multiple times and it takes me forever and a day.

In any event, Morrowind looks absolutely stunning now. If you have 3D Vision it looks a lot better than Skyrim right now. That will change once we get some modders to fix the 3D issues that always occur with Beth games. The serious ones are always the sky and water.

3D aside there is a guy who put together the best Morrowind Graphical improvements into one download. It's over a gig to download, but *I think* this is the one I used last time I loaded up Morrowind to get ready for another replay. Never did get around to a full replay, but I did check out the what it did to the game and it was absolutely gorgeous.

Here's the link.

Youtube showing off the game with the overhaul.

Now don't expect it to be like Skyrim, but it is such a huge difference over vanilla Morrowind. It'll take you a while to download and install correctly, but once your done it works great.

When I do replay Morrowind I repost my list of mods. I've got them here somewhere, but I always put these huge lists complete with links into threads like this where you can't tell from the title that there is a mod list in it. I really need to stop doing that :)

@Sammy thanks anyways. Don't know how you're going to do Oblivion without any mods. You might want to try at least one. OOO did make Oblivion bearable for awhile. When combined with MMM it makes it even better.

I can't remember what crafting mod I used in Oblivion. It was huge and did all kinds of things. It might have been in MMM + Hunting and Crafting, but I can't recall. It's been too long since I replayed this one. It also made the world a bit more interesting.

Man, I'm going to have to find these lists I made. I can't remember anything. I have them on my hard drive, but there are so many of them I can't recall which work together. Old age sucks sometimes.

In any event I'm off to Skyrim before I start installing all of these again. I'm very tempted to right now, but going to pass until I've completed this game…..LMAO Who am I kidding? I'm going to reinstall Morrowind next weekend and I know it :D
Feb 3, 2007
@Sammy thanks anyways. Don't know how you're going to do Oblivion without any mods. You might want to try at least one. OOO did make Oblivion bearable for awhile. When combined with MMM it makes it even better.

For someone (like me) who likes to keep the game as close to the developers' intentions and lore correct as possible I would suggest Francesco's mod instead. It makes the leveling much more tolerable (pretty much like Skyrim actually) and tweaks some other annoyances like the merchant system and enemy AI, but it doesn't try and make it a whole new game or add new content.

For Morrowind I use nothing but a widescreen hack but for Oblivion I use Francesco's mod and Darn's UI.
Jan 28, 2011
Why not at least use the retextures for Morrowind? It won't affect the game at all other than updating the graphics. The youtube video shows off the new and improved Morrowind. Doesn't really matter, just saying that it won't change the actual game itself. It'll just make it look better. Especially those NPCs. I always hate how ugly dark elves are in TES games. It's like they went out of their way to make them as god awful ugly as possible.

For me Oblivion needs a lot of help to be bearable. Bethesda's intentions for Oblivion do not coincide with what I like in a game :D
Feb 3, 2007
Morrowind must look the way it does, so no visual changes for me. Beautiful people in Morrowind ... well, sacrilege ^^.
Aug 31, 2006
Not just Morrowind, my Dark Elf is uglier than sin and he was the best looking out of the bunch. I'm not taking five years to customize my facial features so I just went one of the presets.

Beth has a warped vision of what dunmer look like. They don't need to be "fey" beautiful, but come on let's not whack them with the ugly stick over and over again please.
Feb 3, 2007
My Oblivion Dunmer was quite the pretty boy, but ... that was Oblivion. My Skyrim Bosmer looks like Mutter Drombusch which I think is acceptable ^^.
Aug 31, 2006
Overall I like the new look for the races. They actually look fairly unique now, with some overlapping features between similar races, but dark elves in particular seemed to get the ugly end of the revision spectrum. They all look like you could use their face for sandpaper. Maybe I just haven't met any of the hotties yet. :p
Jul 3, 2011
Morrowind was the game that actively made me dislike the TES series (and Oblivion was just more of the same), but since I like Skyrim so much I must admit that it's a bit tempting to go back to Vvardenfell and kick some cliff racers' bu….oh, God, no, never again!
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Apr 2, 2011
Overall I like the new look for the races. They actually look fairly unique now, with some overlapping features between similar races, but dark elves in particular seemed to get the ugly end of the revision spectrum. They all look like you could use their face for sandpaper. Maybe I just haven't met any of the hotties yet. :p

It would be awesome if people somehow modded the new race designs into Morrowind and Oblivion. Not sure how possible that is, but I would use that mod.
Jan 28, 2011
Morrowind was the game that actively made me dislike the TES series (and Oblivion was just more of the same), but since I like Skyrim so much I must admit that it's a bit tempting to go back to Vvardenfell and kick some cliff racers' bu….oh, God, no, never again!

You can mod out cliffracers completely. It even adds in some lore about the extinction of cliffracers. Here's the mod.
Feb 3, 2007
I'm another one of those gamers who doesn't like to change too much about a game with mods. For me, it's all about visual and gameplay tweaks. I refuse to install anything that makes any changes to quests or lore, or anything that adds fan-made NPCs, items, etc.

A graphical overhaul is a must for Morrowind though. Unless you're just masochistic. :)
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
After Skyrim, I wouldn't dream of ever going back to their past games.

As far as I'm concerned, Skyrim is the game they've tried to make since Arena - and it's the only one I think can be considered wholesome.

I never got the love for Morrowind, and I never will. I'd rather go back to Oblivion again - but since Skyrim is infinitely better in pretty much every way, I wouldn't be able to stand it.

Skyrim has me a lot more excited about the future of Bethesda than their past.

It seems doing Fallout 3 made a difference, and apparently they've learned a lesson about game design. Not sure what else might explain these gigantic leaps forward for them.
I usually add in a multi-mark mod for Morrowind, just to make it a bit easier to get around. I've tried a few different don't-walk-so-slow mods, and there was one magicka regen mod that made playing a wizard slightly a bit easier. I don't use mods that add in quests or lore-breaking stuff.

I think that even after playing Skyrim, I could get into Morrowind again after a few minutes of playing. The big problem these days is tracking down mods for it, since everyone who makes them seems to love going home and taking their toys with them if they decide they're done playing. Oblivion's even worse in that regard. The last time I looked at a must-have mod list, half of the mods didn't exist anymore.
Jul 3, 2011
Not really sure where you're getting your mods from, but I normally don't get those kinds of problems. Sure, once in a blue moon someone will have taken their mod off, but I can always find the "must haves"

Here's a huge list of mods
that I check whenever I'm wanting to refresh my memory on what kind of mods are out there and what were the better ones. Most of the links still work though some send you to a site that makes you login.

Overall I haven't found too many that totally disappeared or at least mods that I was interested in haven't disappeared. I try to stick to Planet Elder Scrolls and Nexus to get them since it is one huge storage shed for all these mods and it makes searching for them easy. :)
Feb 3, 2007
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