Skyrim - Remaster vs. Vanilla Comparison

You guys are impossible. When CDPR does something like this, everybody praises them and their grandmas, but when it's Bethesda handing out something…

Can you give an example of what CDPR did? Are you talking about the EE versions of Witcher 1 and Witcher 2? IIRC, the EE versions didn't have any string attached .
Oct 8, 2009
I made a mistake of buying the PS3 version. I don't own many console games, but even after all the patches this one is easily the worst one from the technical point of view. I'm wondering if they'll offer any sort of discount for PS players who already own the game...
Oct 18, 2006
I made a mistake of buying the PS3 version. I don't own many console games, but even after all the patches this one is easily the worst one from the technical point of view. I'm wondering if they'll offer any sort of discount for PS players who already own the game…

Must be hit and miss between console users. I logged over 200 hours on the PS3 version and the only issues I ran into was the occasional bug where someone would start flying around in the sky, and that stupid bug where if you mounted a weapon on a rack in your home, it would stay there permanently. But that got fixed in a patch.
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Only if you have legendary edition of Skyrim or Skyrim+all dlcs.
You'd expected to receive all the DLCs in the remaster version for free, even though you didn't bought them (for whatever reason) for the original Skyrim?
And you're talking about ripping off?

Let's get it straight: those complaining here didn't had any interest in this remaster version anyway. Those actually interested and missing some of the DLC, can snatch it for cheap in the next Steam summer sale - that is, in one week.

I'm wondering if they'll offer any sort of discount for PS players who already own the game…
Why should they? Did Sony offer you a discount for the PS4 because you owned a PS before? No? Yet Bethesda should...
May 25, 2013
So-called "Remastered" version looks worse. I guess that's one way to hide the inadequacies of an obsolete engine that can't render more than 50ft away without crashing: cover everything in a murky haze of puke to lure in all the lemmings.

But I am indeed looking forward to all console players whining to mod authors to upload their 5 year old mods to
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
CDpr did not leave their game utterly broken.

Neither did Bethesda. Both had their share of problems on release, but were perfectly playing for the vast majority. And I don't care much about your "you're letting us fix your own game, grrrbl!" conviction. It's a sandbox game with strong modding capabilities, a completely different ball game, in my eyes.

They're patching even smallstuff basically noone noticed while Beth left 2 gamebreak bugs in Skyrim's main story never fixed and hundreds of other glitches and annoyances elsewhere. That's where praises on CDpr come from.

What main quest bugs are still there? Most if not all got fixed by the community. If don't like it, see above (you must really hate open source software, lol). That said, there are still plenty of glitches left in The Witcher 3 "that never got fixed" and probably never will, including crashes-to-desktop. That's game development for you.

It should not matter to the matter at hand, though.

Can you give an example of what CDPR did? Are you talking about the EE versions of Witcher 1 and Witcher 2? IIRC, the EE versions didn't have any string attached .

Yeah, I meant the EE versions. The Witcher also had a lot of issues on release, so it really needed that EE. I don't consider needing all DLC as "strings attached," though. For all I know, they are using DLC assets in the update.
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
Thaurin, don't let the Skyrim-basher pussies get to you :D Haters are gonna hate. It's just jealousy anyway. They know the remaster will outsell Witcher 3 and it'll be the 2nd time Skyrim has slaughtered Europe's CDPR.

P.S. I love these threads. Watching the blood pressure rise when Bethesda conquers the world over and over again. I mean when Fallout 4 was released Bethesda said that they had ported Skyrim to the consoles as a test, so you knew this was coming.
Oct 18, 2006
Why should they? Did Sony offer you a discount for the PS4 because you owned a PS before? No? Yet Bethesda should…
I'm not saying they should. I'm wondering if they will. What I of-course-fully-subjectively-perceive to be their incompetence with handling the PS stopped me from even considering buying F4 for example. In Skyrim I encountered e.g. ridiculous loading times, short drawing distances and disappearing save games. In my humble opinion they left the game in a broken state. Now why would I want to pay for what is basically a patch?

Also, I don't get the Bethesda / CDPR comparison. Their games are completely different and I don't think they're really competing against each other. Why the hate?
Oct 18, 2006
Also, I don't get the Bethesda / CDPR comparison. Their games are completely different and I don't think they're really competing against each other. Why the hate?

I was comparing both companies' updates of their respective games, but you're right. They are very different and I enjoy both franchises in different ways (you can do both, you know :)).
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
I paid for a game years ago, enjoyed it, and now without asking the developer is giving me an enhanced version of that game for free...?

I don't see how *anyone* could really have an issue with this. Skyrim felt lifeless to me compared to games like Age of Decadence or Wasteland 2 or Pillars of Eternity, but it was a good game and being offered a free enhanced version of something good is... unexpected and great.

I don't see how anyone could possibly look at this as a bad thing. :D
Jun 5, 2015
High, high up in the mountains of the southwestern
I'm not saying they should. I'm wondering if they will. What I of-course-fully-subjectively-perceive to be their incompetence with handling the PS stopped me from even considering buying F4 for example. In Skyrim I encountered e.g. ridiculous loading times, short drawing distances and disappearing save games. In my humble opinion they left the game in a broken state.
1. No they won't.
2. The potential problems the Playstation could run into, was well known at that time. Of course the Sony fans always managed to dismiss it and claimed the fault be on game devs side.
Fact is: you could run into the situation of having to much quests (30+) open (and therefor scripts running), two dragons roaming on the other side of the world, all the while a dragon attacking your region, where a siege was about to happen.
And the Playstation simply had the most problems handling such situations - that's simply a hardware issue of an aging system.

Now why would I want to pay for what is basically a patch?
A reworked edition for a NEW system is basically a patch? Since when?
May 25, 2013
Thaurin, don't let the Skyrim-basher pussies get to you :D Haters are gonna hate. It's just jealousy anyway. They know the remaster will outsell Witcher 3 and it'll be the 2nd time Skyrim has slaughtered Europe's CDPR.

P.S. I love these threads. Watching the blood pressure rise when Bethesda conquers the world over and over again. I mean when Fallout 4 was released Bethesda said that they had ported Skyrim to the consoles as a test, so you knew this was coming.

Right? How dare people have fun playing Bethesda games! OMG!
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Neither did Bethesda.

Err, what? Keep holding that mouse Thaurin, it's a long way down. :p Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch Version History.html

And some of the easily fixable/noticeable issues such as UI and proper hotkey binding for Dual wielding were never fixed, if I remember right.
It's not an issue of sales or some childish tantrum about who is the king of rpg's/whatever that most people have with's that for a large company with huge pool of $, very long development cycles and ton of experience ( practically reusing the same engine for almost twenty years), they lack the same level of professionalism you'd expect for this kind of developer.
Jun 5, 2015
Yeah, if it were only grievances against Bethesda for their quest design, storytelling, and character building (or lack thereof), you would not catch me on here beating a dead horse all that often. The thing that just aggravates me to no end is their complete complacency and molasses-like level of innovation - and the willingness of people to apologize for them and buy into the hype every time.

They actually remind me a lot of Blizzard in how they've become content in how they defined a genre a decade ago… and have rested on their coffers ever since.
Nov 10, 2008
Florida, USA
Because non braindead people don't have fun playing those game.

What are we, in high school again? "Let's tell people they're stupid for liking something so that the popular crowd will think I'm funny and like me!" Grow up
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
Fair enough but the legendary edition goes for around £5 (v £40 for consoles) these days so they are not asking much when it comes to PC users…

You can definitely get it cheap if you wait. Steam's summer sale is right around the corner. I bought the legendary edition during last year's Christmas sale for ~$7.50. The only reason I bought it though was so that I can play Skywind when it gets released. Until then it will remain uninstalled.
Dec 16, 2013
203 Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch Version History.html

And some of the easily fixable/noticeable issues such as UI and proper hotkey binding for Dual wielding were never fixed, if I remember right.
It's not an issue of sales or some childish tantrum about who is the king of rpg's/whatever that most people have with Bethesda…it's that for a large company with huge pool of $, very long development cycles and ton of experience ( practically reusing the same engine for almost twenty years), they lack the same level of professionalism you'd expect for this kind of developer.

It's always funny when people say that and I've not run into any major issues myself (admittedly with mods). I like the UI and have no problems with the hotkey binding, either. Furthermore, do you wanna bet how many fixes the unofficial patch for The Witcher 3 or another game would contain if they released with an editor like that of Skyrim?
Oct 18, 2006
The Netherlands
You guys are impossible. When CDPR does something like this, everybody praises them and their grandmas, but when it's Bethesda handing out something….

First of all, CDPR has never done something like this. Second, I think you're overreacting just a tad. :)

The fanboys need to stop wetting their pants. People critiquing some aspects of a game doesn't necessarily mean they're "bashing" it. The change in style on some of the visuals in the remastered version is certainly open to subjective opinion.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
First of all, CDPR has never done something like this. Second, I think you're overreacting just a tad. :)

The fanboys need to stop wetting their pants. People critiquing some aspects of a game doesn't necessarily mean they're "bashing" it. The change in style on some of the visuals in the remastered version is certainly open to subjective opinion.

Critique is good and should be encouraged. Telling people they shouldn't like something they like, is questionable.
Feb 19, 2009
Calgary, Alberta
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