Some Icewind Dale love

I've missed the auto-pause, the fixed camera, the ease with which one can select enemies in combat, the ease with which one can select and tell one's characters what to do... In combat in vanilla NWN2 and even in 1.10/MotB it usually felt like I spent more time fighting the game than the enemy.

This is the reason why i started to play IWD again. I got frustrating with the cameras and sterile environments in NWN2, and porly gameplay moment. Not a bad game, just frustrating wrestling with the mouse ...

Strange thing, I never liked IWD, but after buying the Ultimate AD&D box this summer and playing IWD again at work its fun. Not that i have to think alot. Mostly smash and bash... :) But i decided i should try to finish it altogether now.

I am in chapter 4 and doing progress. However. I hate my party. I would want my POR party instead...
Oct 18, 2006
Damn you for starting this thread! Damn you! :D
You're welcome.
I often think about replaying IWD/HoW--and now that I realize how much I've actually forgotten it sounds even better. I'm having a lot of trouble getting into Mask of the Betrayer(camera--ugh)--maybe a little replay of this game would help.
It might get worse if you get used to the smoothness of IWD...

Strange thing, I never liked IWD, but after buying the Ultimate AD&D box this summer and playing IWD again at work its fun. Not that i have to think alot. Mostly smash and bash... :) But i decided i should try to finish it altogether now.
I noticed early on that the game was too easy so I set the difficulty to impossible, unticked the "max HP at level up" and more than halved my characters' base HP in Dalekeeper. My characters die in a couple of hits so I need to make use of crowd control, area of effect spells, summons, heals, buffs and the almighty reload to make it through the tough fights. It's slow but also immensely enjoyable - it feels like I'm making the most of my playthrough.
Nov 18, 2006
I noticed early on that the game was too easy so I set the difficulty to impossible, unticked the "max HP at level up" and more than halved my characters' base HP in Dalekeeper. My characters die in a couple of hits so I need to make use of crowd control, area of effect spells, summons, heals, buffs and the almighty reload to make it through the tough fights. It's slow but also immensely enjoyable - it feels like I'm making the most of my playthrough.

Wow. Sounds like your having so much fun. I'm envious. Currently playing
NWN2 which is a good game in my opinion but has nothing against IWD1.
By the way.. are there any other unofficial patches/fixes/tweaking thingies for IWD other than that G3 thing (which seems excellent..) ?
I had a look around at the various IE modding sites and found very little having to do with IWD I or II at all. There is a item/spell/store/script mod with one new quest called Auril's Bane for IWD but I'm not sure how well it plays with the tweak pack installed. Oh, and there is a Pseudo 3E Conversion Pack by the same guy. And a fixpack.
Nov 18, 2006
Yeah, that's a shame - the total lack of modding. There's a moderate amount of mods for BG 1&2, 30 truckloads of mods for NWN 1&2, but basically zero for IWD 1&2 ?

(I'd be looking more for the large / new story / new quests / Total Conversion type of mods)
Jul 23, 2007
The infinity engine wasnt intended for modding in the first place, and the IWDs always had a much smaller fan base, so the mod distribution between those games is hardly surprising.

It's a pity the conversion of BG2 to 3rd ed (using the IWD2 engine) wasnt finished though. I really dont like the lack of character customization in the 2nd ed ruleset.
Nov 4, 2006
The infinity engine wasnt intended for modding in the first place, and the IWDs always had a much smaller fan base, so the mod distribution between those games is hardly surprising.

Yep, spot-on correct, which is a shame really. The BG games were good (I liked the first far more than the second) but the IWD games were so much more interesting to me. Some large mods, like total conversions, new quests and such, would be great for either IWD1 or IWD2. IWD on the IWD2 engine would be fantastic.

It's a pity the conversion of BG2 to 3rd ed (using the IWD2 engine) wasnt finished though. I really dont like the lack of character customization in the 2nd ed ruleset.

Yeah, damn that Weimer guy for going back to school instead of completing that mod!
For the BG you can at least use Shadowkeeper (for BG2) or Gatekeeper (for BG1) to slightly expand your character options (for example you can use those to make, say, a Halfling Ranger). It's better than nothing, but yeah, the computerised version of AD&D really lacks the customisation of the 3E rules.
Jun 17, 2007
I preferred the older rules too.
Nov 11, 2006
Orange County, California
YOU DID IT ! damn..... THANK YOU !

OK, after your post and this points:

I've missed the auto-pause, the fixed camera, the ease with which one can select enemies in combat, the ease with which one can select and tell one's characters what to do... In combat in vanilla NWN2 and even in 1.10/MotB it usually felt like I spent more time fighting the game than the enemy.

i installed IWD2 again. And again i am happy. No cubersome interface problems, after i changed the hotkeys i can play smoothhhhhhh and really can enjoy the handpaint environments. This is a better game experience than NWN2 or other "younger" RPGs.

I hope in a few years someone will again discover the isometric view for an new rpg, based on a strong Ruleset like D&D or GURPS and with LOVE for this forgetten Genre.

I am not alone, and this makes me happy. (but think about it, only roundabout 1000 from millions of gamers ? sigh *)
Jun 23, 2007
Germany, Franken
Seriously... How can you people NOT miss dual-classing?

Quite easily actually.

This new system is inferior in every way.

So you don't like being able to build your characters with individual specifications through feats, skills, multi-classing and freedom from racial class limitations?
You don't like having a system which makes skill checks for dialogue options? You like being bound to largely each character being essentially identical to another of the same class? You like having stats that have to be huge to get any real benefit rather than a more individualised stat spread still making a difference?

I grew up on AD&D and it was hard for me to let go for what seemed to be a more mainstream or simplified 3rd edition, but really, 3E does a lot right at very little expense to D&D as a whole.
Jun 17, 2007
I rather like the Infinity Engine's 2E implementation, especially BG2's with its class kits. Sure, the 3E rules allow more customization (which I like) but there's also something about the restrictiveness about the 2E that I actually find appealing.

Yeah, damn that Weimer guy for going back to school instead of completing that mod!
I think The Broken Hourglass is taking up a lot of his time.

i installed IWD2 again. And again i am happy
Glad to hear my little thread inspired some happiness in the world. ;) That said, I think you might like TBH (link above), whenever it's finished. It is heavily inspired by the Infinity Engine games. The future for those liking "old-school" RPGs seems to be in the hands of indie-developers as the big buck moved on long ago.

I'm in the Severed Hand now, btw.
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Nov 18, 2006
Man I loved this game.

When I first looked at BG I found it way too tedius. But when I ran IWD the game focus and art direction changed me. Of all the IE games IWD and IWD2 are my favourites.

Considering IWD came out on the same day Diablo II it was surprise success. The linear gameplay was supposed to be its downfall but as you all know, IWD is not Diablo. Its a shame that BG2, ToB, and NWN became more and more like Diablo.

The linearity of the game to me simply made it more focussed. The BG games could get you seriously distracted with all their branches. Morrowind/Oblivion are the worst examples of that.

Like most people I was disgusted with Heart of Winter - $30 for a 10 hour expansion - please!? Fortunately, Trials of the Luremaster sold them a few more copies of HoW.

Apparently the IE modders recently managed to get IWD to run in IWD2 and in BG2 so it can have an updated interface.

Also, Trials of the Luremaster was remade for NWN.

Obsidian managed to buy the rights for IWD from Interplay as they left but they've been sitting on it ever since giving out scant information.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
Lucky Day, how did BG2, ToB, and NWN become more like Diablo?

Also, why would IE modders bother to update the interface for IWD? As long as you had HOW installed you could run it at 800x600. Other than the resolution, there wasn't a huge difference in the UI between the games.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I think you can play IWD1 at even higher unsupported resolutions, but my memory might be off. The only reason to update to IWD 2 is the ruleset.

And while I frequently used dual classing I find the system illogical and arbitrary in how abilities from the different classes "add up". It makes more sense to me to add a certain "amount" of abilities per level up to the existing whole, as per 3rd ed. The 3rd edition rules also offer a sensible price paid for multiclassing, while say a Fighter7/Cleric15 hasnt really sacrificed much clerical prowess and XP for fairly strong fighter abilities. And there are other changes I like too, such as how dexterity affects armour class differently if you are wearing plate compared to wearing leather (the latter armour is practically useless in 2nd ed, but in 3rd ed a dex based fighter with a leather fetisch actually make for a viable character).

And then there's the general issue of character customization. To me 2nd ed defines the characters by their equipment, and thats it (other differences between characters and even between some of the classes and kits are minor). Luckily BG is so strong in other departments that it succeeds in spite of this ruleset.
Nov 4, 2006
Man I loved this game.
Like most people I was disgusted with Heart of Winter - $30 for a 10 hour expansion - please!? Fortunately, Trials of the Luremaster sold them a few more copies of HoW.

Obsidian managed to buy the rights for IWD from Interplay as they left but they've been sitting on it ever since giving out scant information.

Yeah I loved it too... (I'm still loving it actually :D )
But HoW adds much more to the game than just the new quests!
And they DID make luremaster to make up for that :D
that obsidian thing.. very interesting.. where did you find this out?

I rather like the Infinity Engine's 2E implementation, especially BG2's with its class kits. Sure, the 3E rules allow more customization (which I like) but there's also something about the restrictiveness about the 2E that I actually find appealing.


So you don't like being able to build your characters with individual specifications through feats, skills, multi-classing and freedom from racial class limitations?
You don't like having a system which makes skill checks for dialogue options? You like being bound to largely each character being essentially identical to another of the same class? You like having stats that have to be huge to get any real benefit rather than a more individualised stat spread still making a difference?

Yes! :D But I have to admit... the way NWN2 implemented the newer ruleset has been very nice so far. I'm a pure ranger but it has been so much more rewarding than NWN1 or IWD2 for example. With the cool "dual-weapon / archery" specialization and all. Sorry if I offended you with my heresy :D
I rather like the Infinity Engine's 2E implementation, especially BG2's with its class kits. Sure, the 3E rules allow more customization (which I like) but there's also something about the restrictiveness about the 2E that I actually find appealing.

I think The Broken Hourglass is taking up a lot of his time.

Glad to hear my little thread inspired some happiness in the world. ;) That said, I think you might like TBH (link above), whenever it's finished. It is heavily inspired by the Infinity Engine games. The future for those liking "old-school" RPGs seems to be in the hands of indie-developers as the big buck moved on long ago.

I'm in the Severed Hand now, btw.

The Severed Hand area... WOW.

Talk about complexity, artistry, ambience, atmosphere... GALORE ! And the distinct & unique NPC's strewn throughout. That 2-D isometric view was like a painting, I could just sit & stare. Gosh I loved that place.

And the battles... LETHAL !!!
Jul 23, 2007
If any of you find any cool/useful IWD1 (or 2... ) stuff from the net please post 'em here! Those unofficial fix paks are great.
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