Divinity 2 *spoilers ahead* High on Divinity 2 for 3 days straight. review.


August 3, 2009
Okay, so I go to Uni and it is at the begining of the semester and I know if I do not play this game outright right now (this is the first week of the semester and all lectures are pritty much just introductions on how to not plagurise) then I will not play it untill the end of semester (which is november 18).

With so many delicious RPG's slated for a release these comming months (Alpha Protocol, Dragon age OMG ^^) might as well give Divinity 2 a go before they all come knocking on mah door by the good express post delivery man.

(My background in RPG's is oldschool, I love epic storylines such as Baldur's gate 1/2/throne of bhaal. I love Planescape Torment and probably consider myself to be an rpg elitist (at odds with some people at times) where storyline/ voiceover/ human and warth or darkness of a game is the core experience and determinate on whether I either love it or find it to be a generic dribble.

Anyways onto the actual game itself. Even though I had everything turned onto max in the graphics department (and toiting x4 AA with adverage 30 FPS) the graphics for the game was okay. It wasn't spectacular for a game that you would expect comming out of an age where DX10 was supposedly the new DX9 but whatever. Also at some points I noticed they had no shadow points and it was weird to be standing near a light but not have shadow on your character (but only noticed that once).

As for the textures and scenery, from afar they looks pritty cool but upclose they look like my texture slot was on nothing (even though had it on max).

Anyways enough about the graphics because many of you aren't as hungry for graphics eye candy as I am probably and onto the storyline and gameplay.

I would have to say given if they had more time and money they could've made a much more epic game as some of the parts of the storyline felt abandoned.

The start village (and not tutorial island) was quiet well made, the game really shines once you leave this place (after 16 hours of gameplay for me) and start on your journey as a Dragon Slayer.

Larian Studios really made a nice disorientating atmosphere (This is my first divinity game I've played) by having a character (Talana) forcefully give you her powers of a Dragon Knight.

I would have to say at this point I was really disorientated as wasn't I a dragon slayer afew seconds ago? (From this point Larian could've had two separate storylines and endings one as a dragon slayer and one as a dragon knight).

The disorientation was quiet a nice addition to the atmosphere of the storyline and it wasn't an all clean cut good versus evil type of thing (which becomes a clean cut good versus evil once you get deeper into the game).

After more gameplay I excepted my dragon knight powers (well there is only 1 storyline here and that is your a dragon knight now haha too bad) and started just to play on as a dragon knight.

The combat system could've been way better (In most cases it is either you overpower your enemies or your enemies overpower you) and I would find myself either gettinged killed outright because I was missing a level or if I was one level higher than the enemies I encountered I would be the once sliceing through them like wheat to the scythe.

I remeber the music was pritty epic too it captured the mood that you were in when you were fighting and facing off with the bosses.

As for the quests I would have to say they are once of the best parts of the game, they felt originial and uncliched. I remeber some absolutely halarious moument where a guy soul melded his soul to a chicken's soul and you had to run around finding (or killing) chickens to end the quest.

I better wrap this up as I have to leave for uni now but I would have to say divinity two was one of the more enjoyable experiences (This is comming from a epic boring playthrough of Drakensang... Where they have quest's as cliched as you fighting rats... At least Baldur's Gate made fun of you fighting rats).

I would have to say I expected a much more epic ending than the stupid one I got after hours of playful. The storyline felt unresolved and again I would have to say some characters felt like they were just shoved aside due to time constraints (like your dragon slayer captain turned enemy) and others were just completely ignorned and forgotten (like the wizard who's name escapes my memory right now but don't know whatever happened to him in the ending and WHY couldn't he prevent the ending if he was all so mighty).

Not only is the ending quiet unsatisfactory and stupid (The girl whom you are trying to save is actually the one who gives you the shits and screws you over after you save her) but Larian Studios has the nerve to make you sit through a scenimatic of the girl and her boyfriend Damian destroy the valley and cliff citys you have strived to save which makes you feel totally like there is a expansion comming or divinity 3 is comming next year and a new hero is comming to take your place because you are now trapped in a stone for all eternity.

I would have to say only the ending and bits of the storyline is crap, all the rest and parts of the game was increadibly enjoyable.
Thank you for reading and sorry for the spelling errors I wrote it very quickly, I will answer any questions that come up.
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Aug 3, 2009
You weren't kidding about the "spoilers", I stopped reading about halfway through.

Next time just use the "spoiler tag" to cover up those parts so people can read the entire post.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Done that to avoid people accidentally reading too much!!
Aug 31, 2006
Sorry about not putting the tag on the spoilers bits like you said. Will do next time.
Aug 3, 2009
I am woundering if 2 or 3 days was enough to play through the game for you? after you are done do you have some interest to go back to play more/in a different way ?
Oct 25, 2006
2 or 3 days is possible. Several reviews said you can finish the game in ca. 25 hours if you stay close to the main storyline.

It's also clear that many quests have multiple solutions. So there is replay value. FWIW, one of the GameStar reviewers wrote that she is through the game now 2.5 times and is having a lot of fun.
Aug 30, 2006
My eyes burned last night ... I dropped out quickly like JDR13 ... thanks Corwin!
Oct 18, 2006
Gayboi, I see this is the first game in the series you've played... I highly recommend Divine Divinity (the 1st game).

That is all :)
Feb 24, 2007
After two days of playing, I can definitely say that Divinity 2 is successful about carrying all the good and addictive parts of Divinity 1 to the 3d world. It's the worthy successor of Divine Divinity. If you are a fan of The Witcher, definitely give it a try. You won't disappointed. My only complaint about the game is the small fonts that make my eyes watered. Same problem with Sacred 2. It's so hard to see the dialogs in the laptop screen. At least give us an option to change the fonts dammit.
Oct 30, 2006
Oh no! The first part under the spoiler tag wasn't so spoilerish, as you get told that first part in all of the pre-views and trailers anyway, so I had thought that was the main spoilerish part, but now I'm sorry that I carried on reading...

Warning: There are end spoilers at the bottom of that 'review' post. Do not read the last few paragraphs inside the spoiler tags if you had not played the game yet. I'm already regretting that I didn't avert my eyes fast enough...- I already saw much more there than I would have wanted to see... :'(

I wonder if the OP wouldn't consider editing out the part that gives the ending away, as knowing all of that would really spoil the whole game for anybody who had not reached the end yet.
Nov 23, 2007
I still don't understand why some people don't understand the concept of "spoiling other gamers" at all.

There is kind of an easter egg finding thread in the German-language :div2: forum section at Larian, which appears to contain no spoiler tags at all. The people just don't use them.

That's why I'm keeping away from it.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
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