Risen Stuck in Volcano Temple (Spoiler + bug)


October 19, 2009
Alright so I'm fairly certain this is a bug. I hit the two winches to raise the big ass gate without a problem then went down to talk to the Inquisitor. He rambled on a bit before telling me to check out the spinney stone pillars before grabbing a bunch of schmucks and running off into the next room through the gate.

I, of course, don't pay attention because I want to go do something else before heading deeper into the volcano so right before Inquisitor jackass dashes to his doom I teleport back to Harbor Town.

Of course when I get back down there, I find a giant stone slab has crushed a bunch of recruits and the Inquisitor is nowhere to be found, possibly on the other side of said slab. There appears to be no way of lifting this thing up. There's a lever you can just barely see on the other side of the slab to the left and you are able to hit it with telekinesis, but it doesn't do shit.

So did I just break my game and have to watch all those hours of wandering around doing awesome shit go down the tube? Or can one of you guys help me out here, call me an idiot, and point out what I missed?
Oct 19, 2009
I think you broke the game. To pass that I used Telekinesis, to turn the lever from a distance. In fact that whole temple required the use of many spell scrolls, namely telekinesis, levitation and transform into nautilus. I Hated that temple!
Oct 7, 2009
Yeah I think I broke the game too.

I figured out that if I quit the game after flicking the lever down when I come back the giant stone slab of doom is gone, but so is the Inquisitor.

I raped and pillaged my way through the lizard town without much of a fuss, crapped all over the ghouls in the mushroom kingdom, and rescued Dork (Drok) the ogre.

But there's no damned Inquisitor so now I'm stuck there and well and truly f-d.
Oct 19, 2009
I don't know the cheat command needed, but there is one to 'replace' lost NPC's. Check WoR if no-one here knows how to do it.
Aug 31, 2006
I tried it.

The command is <spawn> so I tried <spawn Inquisitor> and *pamf* the Inquisitor appears and does abso-fucking-lutely nothing. He just stands there. So I spawn a pair of boars and some wolves to get his attention. He just stands there calmly smoking his brugleweed as though he's the coolest customer in town despite getting ravaged by a selection of angry mammals.

I'm sad :(
Oct 19, 2009
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