The Cesspool

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I'm both Codexer and Watcher and I have no idea about what issues do you have with another forum ;) RPGCodex is full od spam and crap but it's good enough to keep me logging in and reading (although I try to skip most of - annoying unfortunately - spam), same goes to RPGWatch. The difference is that I don't expect same thing from both forums. When I log in on Watch I expect to read interesting, longer posts and discussions while when I log in on Codex I expect some hilarious discussions with people showing their 'true' feelings. One thing that annoys me is too much spam on Codex, but it's not bad enough to let me stop reading. And Codexers, while being bitches on forum, can be really nice and social even on internet - I played Haven & Hearth with some of them and guess what - they were really good in teamwork and never bitched about things others screwed (except WHO THE FUCK ATE WHOLE WARDROBE OF PIROZHKI? ;) ). Codex is the place where you can let go all your rage and thoughts (even totally stupid) while Watch is more of a 'proper' forum with people trying to keep 'intelligent' discussions.
Jun 16, 2008
Rhetoric of a schoolyard bully gives no points when it comes to making a point in front of mature adults.
where are the mature adults

all I see is a subset of manboons. pomp and circumstance wankers with fragile sensibilities and inflated egos. always looking for something to get righteously indignant about
Feb 18, 2010
Your posts are nothing but a tool to ignite emotional reactions within the readers, very special reactions: Thos if feelings of inferiority, and feelings of being hurt.
Why I do believe you mean butthurt.

azraelck said:
The fact that your forum deliberately posts misdirecting links, often to porn (which also screws up the kid-safe part as well; fake links little Johnny thinks lead to a new game lead to some gangbang website instead)
Gangbang? Nah, fuck that shit. This is where it's at.

azraelck said:
shutting down arguments made for the sake of arguing
This is the fine line we decided the Codex should never cross. If two people want to yell and scream type words at each other, why stop them? As you said, censorship is a form of safety. Who are we supposed to be keeping safe?

Jan 23, 2009
Adelaide, Australia
Rhetoric of a schoolyard bully gives no points when it comes to making a point in front of mature adults.
If you get into a fight with a codexer he'll pull you down to his level and you'll both be covered in cesspool filth. The thing is, he likes it.
Feb 18, 2010
Heh, what is this, Anarchs vs. Camarilla? Remember that we all like blood.. I mean RPGs.
If every site were the same, we'd only need one for the whole internet.
^ This.

I'm not a regular visitor to the Codex, but they did have some nice discussions going over there. And apparently they are not against kittens, which is a relief.
Aug 30, 2006
Remember that we all like blood.. I mean RPGs.

If you like Diablo or Oblivion I do not wish to be your friend, and I will loathe your family, and every post you make. It's nothing personal, I just don't think people who like Diablo or Oblivion should be considered human and be allowed to stay on forums I visit. It's bad enough with people who question the authority of Bioware on RPGWatch.
Oct 26, 2006
If you like Diablo or Oblivion I do not wish to be your friend, and I will loathe your family, and every post you make. It's nothing personal, I just don't think people who like Diablo or Oblivion should be considered human and be allowed to stay on forums I visit
ladies and gentlemen imagine the people you've come across in your life who would say something like this out loud

and this 12yr old aspie was going on about the points involved in the rhetoric of mature adults a couple hours ago
Feb 18, 2010
ladies and gentlemen imagine the people you've come across in your life who would say something like this out loud

and this 12yr old aspie was going on about the points involved in the rhetoric of mature adults a couple hours ago

If you took that in full seriousness and failed to do homework on his prior posts, then subtlety is lost on you ... and the fool is you ;)
Oct 18, 2006
The RPG Codex is a dangerous dungeon meant for high level players only. Commonly encountered creatures over there include Neo-Nazi Trolls, dungeon junkie furries, transsexual succubi, and multiheaded abominations. Cleveland Mark Blakemore, of the Grimoire RPG fame, is the final boss and is capable of casting the instant death spell ITZ. If you manage to defeat him then Chris Avellone will fly down from the heavens on a chariot made of gold and give you a pint of his urine, which will grant you a powerful blessing.
Feb 18, 2010
I'm not going to go through some no name scrub's post history. jesus
Feb 18, 2010
Who honestly cares about 'casual swearing'? I mean, the delicate sensibilities of some … I do find it somewhat amusing how many people here have no problem with faux-politeness and passive aggressive comments that are far more insulting or offensive than just calling someone a 'fucking asshole' or something similar. At least that's honest, and you're not trying to mask your jackassedness in a veneer of civility.
Mar 5, 2009
Who honestly cares about 'casual swearing'? I mean, the delicate sensibilities of some … I do find it somewhat amusing how many people here have no problem with faux-politeness and passive aggressive comments that are far more insulting or offensive than just calling someone a 'fucking asshole' or something similar. At least that's honest, and you're not trying to mask your jackassedness in a veneer of civility.

Because this is an RPG site, where we discuss games. You're not supposed to call anyone a "fucking asshole" simply because they have a different opinion than yours about a matter that is entirely subjective.

In fact, I see no reason at all to do any sort of personal attacks on a site where the only real interest is gaming, where everything is related to taste and personal preference.

In any case, I tend to visit most RPG sites while searching the web for gaming news. The Codex does come up with news from time to time before others, so it's worth visiting for such information. I generally don't post a whole lot other than on the Watch, and even here I tend to post merely to offer help regarding games I know a lot about (which usually means I've replayed them quite a few times), though I don't mind a good discussion regarding the overall quality of a game, or the different aspects of it.
Oct 18, 2006
Because this is an RPG site, where we discuss games. You're not supposed to call anyone a "fucking asshole" simply because they have a different opinion than yours about a matter that is entirely subjective.

In fact, I see no reason at all to do any sort of personal attacks on a site where the only real interest is gaming, where everything is related to taste and personal preference.

Ah, so being passive aggressive when you insult them and hiding behind false civility when you are actually saying far more demeaning things about a person, their character, and their subjective opinion is acceptable then?

Good to know, chief.
Mar 5, 2009
Can't someone just lock this topic and close registrations for a few days?
Aug 17, 2008
Dear Green Place
Who honestly cares about 'casual swearing'?

The problem is not the "casual swearing" as such/in itself, but rather the amount of it.

One could infuse a "casual swearing" every now and then, just to test out the moderators whether they will delete this or not.

If not - hurray ! - then the swearing can go on in a much larger scale - but still increased by very small numbers.

I'd call this poisioning or corruption - step by step, little by little.

Because some people find fun in undermining Authorities - and battling against moderators is a welcome test-area for them.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
The problem is not the "casual swearing" as such/in itself, but rather the amount of it.

One could infuse a "casual swearing" every now and then, just to test out the moderators whether they will delete this or not.

If not - hurray ! - then the swearing can go on in a much larger scale - but still increased by very small numbers.

I'd call this poisioning or corruption - step by step, little by little.

Because some people find fun in undermining Authorities - and battling against moderators is a welcome test-area for them.

Right, but I don't understand why we're enforcing a White Anglo Saxon Protestant morality on forum posts when the subject matter of our games quite often involves rape, torture, mass murder, genocide, and war. There's a difference between dropping the n-word and saying "I fucking hated that game."

Slippery slope arguments are illogical, IMO. Anyways, the main point I am making is this:

As 'offensive' as some people may find swearing, have any of you actually READ the posts on just the *games* section of this forum? People *rip* into each other behind this mask of civility/politeness just because they have a differing opinion on a *game*. I don't particularly care either way, I just personally believe at least the guy who calls someone an asshole is being open and honest and not trying to skirt some sort of WASP-y morality guideline.

If you guys disagree with me, fine by me. I obviously don't run the forums, nor would I ever care too. Just my two cents.
Mar 5, 2009
Ah, so being passive aggressive when you insult them and hiding behind false civility when you are actually saying far more demeaning things about a person, their character, and their subjective opinion is acceptable then?

Good to know, chief.

I suppose you didn't read my entire post? Why should there be any insulting in the first place? We're discussing computer games; having different opinions about a game is hardly reason enough to insult each other.

That being said - I'm not saying insulting doesn't exist around here, nor do I condone that behavior any more than I do direct insulting. I'm just saying: I consider such behavior completely pointless on a site like RPGWatch.
Oct 18, 2006
Can't someone just lock this topic and close registrations for a few days?

And the reason for that is others hurt your feelings by disagreeing with something? Or you're just hurt because someone from another forum joins here?
Jun 16, 2008
I suppose you didn't read my entire post? Why should there be any insulting in the first place? We're discussing computer games; having different opinions about a game is hardly reason enough to insult each other.

That being said - I'm not saying insulting doesn't exist around here, nor do I condone that behavior any more than I do direct insulting. I'm just saying: I consider such behavior completely pointless on a site like RPGWatch.

I don't understand why someone would insult someone over a game. On the P&R forum its almost to be expected, because that's stuff that, y'know, matters in the grand scheme of things.

Watching people start shanking each other over whether or not they found certain aspects of System Shock 1 palatable is ... yeah.
Mar 5, 2009
I have to agree with Rith somewhat here. Insults and flame wars do happen at The Watch, just like anywhere else on the internet. I know a lot of posters who frequently get fed up almost to the point of never coming back, because of the hostility of the discussions on minor gaming preferences, let alone some of the stuff that goes on in the P & R forum. Just because there's no swearing doesn't mean people are unable to be jerks.

I blame the anonymity of the internet, where anyone can hide behind a little picture and take out their neuroses and aggressions on strangers with no repercussions in RL. Banning egregious swearing does help keep things more adult at times, but it doesn't eliminate basic human (and I use the word loosely) nature--look at the sophomoric level of the really negative posts in this thread--they're juvenile at best and pathetic at worst, and the hostility is just as great whether there's a fuck in there or not.
Oct 18, 2006
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