The End!

I didn't like in Deus Ex that all the possible endings were left open until right near the end - you could keep a saved game at that point and quite easily see every ending without too much effort. I'd have preferred it if the plot had diverged earlier on, it would have given more incentive to replay the game.

If you consider it an rpg, then yeah, it's a bad design choice.
But I think that, considering Deus Ex wasn't an rpg, it was a good compromise for players who just play the game once, not to mention that Deus Ex is still hugely replayable thanks to its gameplay and all the little choices inside the game itself (even if they don't alter the ending game sequence at all).
And you have to admit that the quotations were a nice touch. ;)

P.S. : Someone mentioned Bloodlines, that really had pretty much the same issue (and the endgaming bits were much worse as far as gameplay goes). I think that only two endings were dependent of your previous choices, and even then it was basically something very simple, like, 'have you insulted this guy or not?'.
Apr 15, 2010
Here's site full of cool endings. ;)
Mar 9, 2009
I have to add DA: Awakening to the list.

It's quite long, and very cool how your actions in both games affect it, assuming you imported your character from DA:O.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Good game with good ending: The Witcher. That's a cliffhanger done right. You get most of the background explained, you get your curiosity tickled of what might come next, but you have nevertheless the feeling that you finished your task at hand for the moment.

Good game with bad ending: KotoR 2. I really liked the game, but that ending... I guess enough has been said about it.

I cannot really contribute to mediocre games with bad endings, because I usually don't finish them. I really have to force myself to finish NWN 2 one day, so I can finally try out the fabled MotB, which everyone is so ecstatic about. Unfortunately, I forgot the details of game play in the meanwhile and always fail the battle of which I have the last save.
Mar 28, 2008
While I thought the endgame battle and dialogue of Morrowind was poor, I enjoyed the subtlety of emerging from the dungeon to a starry nighttime sky, the blight gone. No cheering crowds, just nature itself acknowledging my victory.
I agree. It was a very nice ending.

Though the latest novel leaves a big bad aftertaste to that ending, but you can always ignore it.
Mar 28, 2008
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