The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread

Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
I'm fine being the cleric, so let's just pencil me in for that. My intention is to tweak my healbot build to add something different, but I'm not sure what yet. For example, I could reroute a few feats and enhancements and make him a summons meister. Cool idea, if summons didn't suck rocks… Probably will get frustrated and punt, just copying Bot's healbot build, but for now I'll claim to have tweaks on deck.

The next question becomes one of XP. We're going to have a bit of a challenge keeping the group together. Peter wants to TR to keep his gear (makes sense), but I think he's going to be a 3rd lifer, which means his progress will be rather snail-ish even if he buys tomes and XP pots every day. Az, if he TR's, will only be a second lifer, but will have a greater tome running. If I TR Wouldii or RhoGu, they'll be second lifers, but it's highly unlikely I'll have any sort of tome running on them. If Corwin can't get someone in line to TR, he's looking at a first lifer. And on it goes… There's no way in hell we'll be able to keep everybody together, and that's before we even think about differences in playing time.

Also, does it make sense to table all this debate until the enhancement revamp goes thru? I hate to wait that long since Corwin will be running his druid 30 seconds after the expansion (and, thus, the revamp) goes live. We could get ourselves into a real pretzel if we wing it.

I know, I'm bitching nonstop about problems… My intent is actually to hammer out a plan ahead of time so everybody knows what's going on, but for now it's gonna sound like incessant bitching.

For my part, I'm actually seeing these learning tomes, along with the new level 7 start, being a scam. Maybe not so much for 3rd lifers, but definitely for the rest. We already level past content without getting to play it, even on our TRs. Putting significant XP boosts out there means that problem gets even worse. No real benefit to the players. So why do it? Well, I expect Turbine has determined that greater hearts are a major slice of their income. So how do you sell more greater hearts? Get your players there sooner.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
The intent was to get more people into the TR train while increasing revenue. I'd say it's been a fantastic success.

We have until June, and I know Jm and me can get Corwin's Bard up, IF he plays with us.

The multi-life issue probably won't be. Remember that my 4 main characters are already 2nd lifers. That means I'll likely be going 3rd life as well. As long as there are no single first lifers in group we should be fine. And even if there are, we run alts to keep from outleveling the 3x lifers.

You could try a Clonk build. 18 Cleric/2 Monk. Or a Machine Gun Nun 18/2 Artificer.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
The thing about the summons build is that you bring a little whoopass to the table without picking up aggro. I've heard stories about healers that pick up aggro all the time… ;)

That machine gun nun thing sounds like fun, if only for the name. I'd have a field day with the character cosmetics screen, even if nobody would ever see it.
:music: The hills are alive
With the sound of crossbows :music:
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
I don't think there will be a problem if I TR my TR. The gap in XP is not so big at low levels. With XP pots and tomes going I should be able to keep up with most of you. I can even PUG a bit to keep up if needed. I might reach 20 slightly later than you, but with my good gear you won't notice a difference.

What I think we should focus on is to coordinate when we get new low levels so we can play together to get them up. If we now focus on playing the mid levels up to 20 then we have toons to TR if we want to. Corwin can get his Druid and so on.

We play the low levels too, but it will take longer than this Summer before they're at level 20. So we can have different groups to play with as long as we stick together level wise (within 1-2 levels of each other).

Right now all of us have a toon in the 13-15 range we can play when we don't have a full group. Those will become level 20 before the Summer.

We can also focus a bit on getting Rhogu to 20 and Sherrille / Mariannelle too. Then we have more toons to TR when we decide to do it. There are still some quests we can do that will give us great loot. Cannith and Amrath quests are just some example. We could even do VoD or HoX together for the look we get there.
Do epic runs is also possible to do too. We already did one of the Red Fens quests as epic.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
What I don't want to do is to start another first life toon. Then it's more fun to use one of my TR's and start from level 1 again. As long as I prepare and have the GS items I need for the new class then it's not a problem.

This is the main reason I run Shroud with my level 20 toon as much as I do. I want to ensure I have enough ingredients to quickly craft new GS items for the classes I will play in the future. At the moment I enjoy being a paladin, cleric and favored soul. I don't think my playing style suits being a rogue, artificer, ranger or bard. I could play a fighter or Barbarian or even a monk. The main problem with being a monk is that I haven't kept any items needed for a monk (handwraps etc.) so he would start off quite weak. I think it's better to start a new class who can use the existing gear I collected so I can do quests on elite to keep the XP gain up. If I should go for a monk then it means I have to already now decide to run quests where monk equipment can drop (like Hound of Xoriat) and keep those. That is certainly possible, but will take time.

I think the Achilles heel of our group is the lack of casters. Dteowner has Phuury and we have Azraelck's Aerii at high level. Several quests are made so we really benefit from having a caster for crown control and dps. It's possible that a druid is a cross between a healer and caster so we get some caster capability in a druid.

Still, having a powerful caster in the group is definitely important. I have noticed how much smoother quests go with Aerii or Phuury in the group. Having a healer is nice, but healers don't do the same dps as casters do, despite having blade barrier and divine punishment.

I don't know if we have anyone who loves being a caster? Corwin did like to be a sorcerer, but my impression is that it was because he was just waiting for the druid. So Corwin will become a druid, that's for sure. :) I'm not sure if Jm would consider being a caster again. She did pretty well with Sherina being a wizard. Cm and me are not made to play casters so we would perform poorly as a sorcerer or wizard. Dteowner and Azraelcsk already have one.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
If I can be a wizzy, there's no excuses ya pukes!

Peter runs a sneaky finesse rogue. Corwin runs a barbarian. cm runs the caster. Az runs something that can't possibly self-heal, maybe half orc fighter. jm already has everything, so I'm not sure what would be contrary to her nature. Maybe we just make her play with no smokes...
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Monks are not really that hard to start up. We get the Garments of Equilibrium out of Lordsmarch 2, which I think you pulled last run we did, and you're mostly done. Light monk gets DR bypass for Cold Iron, Silver, and Byshek, and all Monks get DR bypass for Lawful and Adamantine. This covers pretty much every DR in the game, just add a holy wrap for some, which is trivial to acquire.

Beyond that, Stonedust Handwraps are also a easy drop, and serve well, especially upgraded with vampiric, for general use. Ghost touch for the odd times you need it, and the standard disruption/banish/smiting wraps, and you've got your weapon sets. There's also the bracers from Sentinels, but not really necessary.

Another thing is that you, and Jm and Corwin, equate Rangers with Ranged combat. Aragorn used a two-handed sword. Drizzt two Scimitars. Ranger is about covering a range of land, or ranging across an area. Fireflash was a front-line fighter through and through, two Khopeshes and the ability to self-heal while in combat. She switched to bow when it was tactically useful, but was, primarily, a melee.

I also don't think you would like Ranger, but that's because I think you like the click-based classes like Paladins more. Ranger Tempests simply lack the feats to take any tactical feats and have a harder time pushing them to useful DCs anyway. A Tactics-build Fighter you might like, or, like I said, a Light Monk.

The quests are made around 1 arcane, 1 divine, 2-3 melee, 1 other. Other often being a Rogue, but many quests don't require one specifically. The Rogue is more suited as a melee.

I could easily do a Wizard, even an 18/2 Rogue splash for traps. I doubt Jm will want to run Rogue again, after two lives, and 1 of Artificer. Since we intend to run Elites straight through as long as possible, we will need a trap-capable character in group. CM probably won't want a repeat of that, Corwin will want his Druid and you already said you don't like the class. That leaves me. Which is fine, I wanted to try out a Rogue.

Dte, I was actually interested in the MG Nun concept. There's a lot of synergy between the two classes, believe it or not. Master's Touch gives Clerics capable non-magical offense when needed, and the repeaters themselves give a fair bit of damage. Artificer also gets Force enhancements, which works on Blade Barrier. 20% more BB damage is always nice. And with 2 levels you get Rune Arm use, which of course has many many bonuses associated with it. Some very good caster rune arms out there.

You could still fit in Augment Summons, which is about the only thing needed for a "summoner" type. Problem is you only get one at a time, and they're not controllable. So they often become as much a liability as a use.

Problem is feats; being Human would help but still it will be feat tight.

A lot of synergy with monk too, with 1 higher DC in Ocean stance, and incredible Stunning Fist DCs. It's 10 + Half character level + STR + WIS, so even with the more moderate STR of a WIS-based Cleric it will likely break mid to upper 40's with a +10 wrap.

I don't think we should run anything we're not having fun with. Remember the point of a game is to have fun. As long as we're completing without major issues, and no one is causing problems for someone else, the make up shouldn't matter as much.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Dte, I was actually interested in the MG Nun concept. There's a lot of synergy between the two classes, believe it or not. Master's Touch gives Clerics capable non-magical offense when needed, and the repeaters themselves give a fair bit of damage. Artificer also gets Force enhancements, which works on Blade Barrier. 20% more BB damage is always nice. And with 2 levels you get Rune Arm use, which of course has many many bonuses associated with it. Some very good caster rune arms out there.

You could still fit in Augment Summons, which is about the only thing needed for a "summoner" type. Problem is you only get one at a time, and they're not controllable. So they often become as much a liability as a use.

Problem is feats; being Human would help but still it will be feat tight.

A lot of synergy with monk too, with 1 higher DC in Ocean stance, and incredible Stunning Fist DCs. It's 10 + Half character level + STR + WIS, so even with the more moderate STR of a WIS-based Cleric it will likely break mid to upper 40's with a +10 wrap.
The ranger past life would actually be helpful, too. You get bonus to hit with all ranged weapons, which would make the repeater a rather interesting toy. Would be an expensive proposition, though. I'd have to buy artificer and the greater heart. Still, very interesting concept. Will have to play with the character planner.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
:music: The hills are alive
With the sound of crossbows :music:


Okay, I have bought myself a cheap headset now. ;)

The headphones are working, but how the heck do I test the microphone ???

Plus, I don't really remember my old skype password anymore … How do I get it ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
First open your sound program and test it there, (a right click on the speaker icon will usually get you to it) then you can load up skype as well and make an "Echo" call to test all the sound with.
Oct 18, 2006
Missouri USA
Hm, seems to work now - how do I call that "Echo Service" ?
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Hey, I still have a level 20 Wiz and I'm building Phydaux as an 18/2 Wiz/Rogue. Casters abound!! :)
I know Rangers can melee, but as I rarely play melee builds (and usually get in strife when I do), I consciously chose to make my AA a ranged build which better suits my playstyle. My Bard and my Rogue are both melee builds. At least I'm not so old and set in my ways that I won't at least try different classes!! :p
Aug 31, 2006
The ranger past life would actually be helpful, too. You get bonus to hit with all ranged weapons, which would make the repeater a rather interesting toy. Would be an expensive proposition, though. I'd have to buy artificer and the greater heart. Still, very interesting concept. Will have to play with the character planner.

True. And it's a True Heart, not Greater. Greater is for taking a 28 point to 32 point, but is otherwise identical to a Lesser.

Not only expensive, you'd need to farm/buy repeaters and get the Rune Arms.

Alrik, add azrael4h to your skype contacts list, and give me a call.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Did so. If things go okay (and I assume so), then we could try it out Saturday evening (local time).

I apologize for being so tired yesterday, especially since you did a quest which I would've loved running through with you, too. Now that i know it, at least. ;)

If you want to do it again : From the second quest chain on the sorrow-dusk island I have completed the first quest so far.

Regarding the "caster etc. discussion" : I really love playing my caster, the Drow Wizard nowadays. He is level 6 now. So he could work together with some low-level toons as well. I would just have to know what to expect so that I can switch spells in a Tavern.

And as I already said, my Ranger is past the half of level 11 now. Don't know why that went so fast.

What I'm thinking of is making the Wizard 1 or 2 levels of a Rogue … What do you think about it ? (I'll be looking for WizRogue builds in the DDO forums as well, just to get an overview.)

And Patch 1 is indeed coming on Monday now.

Edit : Bonus points if you buy points online :

Edit : The complete list of what's new in the store :

New "free Item of the Week" : "Lesser Experience Elixir", coupon code : LEE590
1 per account.

Edit : I've been digging out an older, yet not uninteresting interview :
Last edited:
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
First: If you want to splash Rogue, it has to be done at level one. This is because you get 4x the skill points at level 1, and can put 4 points per skill. Taking Rogue anywhere else means you will be playing catchup on your Rogue skills. As Dte can attest, even splashing 2 Fighter on a Rogue can make life difficult on those skills until you get them caught up.

Second: It is best to not multiclass unless you have a clear gameplan. While it can add some power or (more often) versatility to a character, it can also make a horrible abomination that quickly becomes unplayable. Most of us, myself included, largely run pure-class characters. I have been the exception, with a Monk-splashed Paladin and an Exploiter taken to cap, and Dte has his Rogue with 2 Fighter levels. I have also attempted some deeper Bard MC builds before, including a 16/4 and a 16/2/2.

Ignore Wiindsong, I needed a new mule. I'll probably be running House K and Coin Lords stuff on her to get those up, but that's it.

I did something different though; Barbarian. Frenzy on full time (Rage doesn't last long enough), Vicious falchion of lesser vampirism. Cleave in big groups = lots of dead kobolds quickly. I wouldn't do this in a group, but for one whose just got to get through coin lords and house k stuff fast, it works very well; at level stuff dies very very quickly like this.
Last edited:
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
[u][b]Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.11.02[/b][/u]
[url=]DDO Character Planner Home Page[/url]

[B][U]Nunnery Gunner[/U][/B]
Level 20 Chaotic Neutral Human Female
(18 Cleric \ 2 Artificer) 
Hit Points: 310
Spell Points: 1526 
BAB: 14\14\19\24
Fortitude: 14
Reflex: 5
Will: 21

[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
[U](34 Point)[/U]       [U](Level 1)[/U]             [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=silver]Strength             10                    10
Dexterity             8                     8
Constitution         16                    17
Intelligence         14                    15
Wisdom               16                    25
Charisma             14                    14[/COLOR]

[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                 Base Skills         Modified Skills
[U]Skills[/U]           [U](Level 1)[/U]            [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=silver]Balance               1                     1
Bluff                 2                     2
Concentration         7                    26
Diplomacy             2                     2
Disable Device        6                    24
Haggle                2                     2
Heal                  3                     9
Hide                 -1                    -1
Intimidate            2                     2
Jump                  0                     0
Listen                3                     7
Move Silently        -1                    -1
Open Lock             3                     4
Perform               n/a                   n/a
Repair                2                     2
Search                6                    25
Spot                  5                    12
Swim                  0                     0
Tumble                0                     0.5
Use Magic Device      6                     7
[B][U]Level 1 (Artificer)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Mental Toughness[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Past Life) Past Life: Ranger[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Human Bonus) Toughness[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Artificer Crossbow Damage I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Artificer Energy of Creation I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 2 (Artificer)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Artificer Improved Rune Arm Use I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Artificer Intelligence I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 3 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Empower Healing Spell[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Follower of the Sovereign Host[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Racial Toughness I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Life Magic I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 4 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Improved Empower Healing I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Wisdom I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 5 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Human Adaptability Wisdom I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Prayer of Life I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Divine Vitality I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 6 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Zen Archery[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Racial Toughness II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Improved Heal I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Improved Heal II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Life Magic II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 7 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Improved Turning I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 8 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Radiant Servant I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 9 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Point Blank Shot[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Unyielding Sovereignty[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 10 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Wisdom II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 11 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Improved Empower Healing II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 12 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Improved Mental Toughness[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Wisdom III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 13 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 14 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Radiant Servant II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 15 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Combat Casting[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Improved Empower Healing III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 16 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Racial Toughness III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 17 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Life Magic III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 18 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Toughness[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Life Magic IV[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Divine Vitality II[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 19 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Divine Vitality III[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 20 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Prayer of Life II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Prayer of Life III[/COLOR]
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
Alrik, Az would love to run S'Dusk with you; he really enjoys fighting mephits!! :) I like the rogue/wiz combo it works, but I'd also suggest running a pure Wiz class first to cap as I did. You might find that the Arti class suits you as well; bit of a mix of ranged/rogue/caster. I'm finding it interesting and very good at running solo.
Aug 31, 2006
While you're taking Zen Archery, you need DEX to qualify for some of the important ranged feats, like Precise Shot. This will let you target something and not worry about what's between you and it. I would start at least at 14 DEX assuming a +2 tome, minimum. My Artificer will have 19 DEX to qualify for Improved Precise Shot, but Clerics are feat tight.

You can leave INT down as low as 10, and should get 3 skill points as a Human. Enough to max those concentration and UMD. Ship buffs or easily obtained items or even potions can cover your two level 1 artificer spells you'll want to cast, conjure bolt and master's touch. You don't need to worry about trap skills; I'll be handling that remember.

Artificer's Force Damage enhancement (Kinetic line IIRC) affects Blade Barrier damage. You only get the first tier, but 20% more damage for 1ap is a steal.

Mental Toughness and Improved Mental Toughness are not worth the feat slot. Neither is Combat Casting. You also don't need two Toughness'. You dumped Quicken Spell, which is essential for a Divine caster. Empower Spell and Maximize Spell can boost your Radiant burst, not just offensive spells, and are also essential caster feats. A Radiant Burst which is powerful enough to be used instead of sp healing is far more valuable than the paltry minimal sp you get from those two feats.

17 CON is doing nothing for you that 16 does not. You only get a stat modifier on every even number. I would either drop CON one and use Adaptability to even it out, or drop the Adaptability.

Likewise, WIS 25 is no better than WIS 24, thus Cleric Wisdom 3 is 6ap better spent elsewhere, unless you have an Epic Helm of the Moranan, the only +7 WIS item in the game, or a ToD ring with Exceptional WIS +1 on it.

UMD is an all-or-nothing skill. 7 points is worthless. Either max it or dump it entirely.

Prayer of life past what you need to qualify for Radiant Servant isn't worth the AP. If we have to rely on crits to heal through damage, we've lost. Get a Greater Arcane Lore rune arm and ditch them. The Smiting lines are more valuable.

Artificer energy of creation is useless. Again, put the points into the smiting line.

I'm not sure about taking the second Arty level early like that, but it's a catch-22. Without it, you can't use the rune arms, which can give some really good bonuses. With it, you don't get your important level 6 spells until we hit 13, instead of 12. Meaning no Heal, Blade Barrier, Banishment, or Cometfall.

[u][b]Character Plan by DDO Character Planner Version 03.11.01[/b][/u]
[url=]DDO Character Planner Home Page[/url]

Level 20 Lawful Good Human Male
(18 Cleric \ 2 Artificer) 
Hit Points: 308
Spell Points: 1312 
BAB: 14\14\19\24
Fortitude: 15
Reflex: 9
Will: 22

[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
Abilities        Base Stats          Modified Stats
[U](32 Point)[/U]       [U](Level 1)[/U]             [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=silver]Strength             10                    12
Dexterity            14                    16
Constitution         15                    18
Intelligence         11                    13
Wisdom               17                    26
Charisma              8                    10[/COLOR]

[B][U]Tomes Used[/U][/B]
[COLOR=silver]+2 Tome of Strength used at level 7
+2 Tome of Dexterity used at level 7
+2 Tome of Constitution used at level 7
+2 Tome of Intelligence used at level 7
+2 Tome of Wisdom used at level 7
+2 Tome of Charisma used at level 7
[B]                  Starting          Feat/Enhancement
                 Base Skills         Modified Skills
[U]Skills[/U]           [U](Level 1)[/U]            [U](Level 20)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=silver]Balance               4                     5
Bluff                -1                     0
Concentration         6                    27
Diplomacy            -1                     1
Disable Device        n/a                   n/a
Haggle                3                     4
Heal                  3                    10
Hide                  2                     3
Intimidate           -1                     0
Jump                  0                     1
Listen                3                     8
Move Silently         2                     3
Open Lock             n/a                   n/a
Perform              n/a                    n/a
Repair                0                     1
Search                0                     1
Spot                  7                    21
Swim                  0                     1
Tumble                n/a                   n/a
Use Magic Device      3                    23
[B][U]Level 1 (Artificer)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Point Blank Shot[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Human Bonus) Toughness[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 2 (Cleric)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 3 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Zen Archery[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 4 (Cleric)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 5 (Artificer)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 6 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Empower Healing Spell[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 7 (Cleric)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 8 (Cleric)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 9 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Precise Shot[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 10 (Cleric)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 11 (Cleric)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 12 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Maximize Spell[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 13 (Cleric)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 14 (Cleric)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 15 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Empower Spell[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 16 (Cleric)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 17 (Cleric)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 18 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lightblue]Feat: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver](Selected) Quicken Spell[/COLOR]

[B][U]Level 19 (Cleric)[/U][/B]

[B][U]Level 20 (Cleric)[/U][/B]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Artificer Crossbow Damage I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Artificer Improved Rune Arm Use I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Radiant Servant I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Radiant Servant II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Unyielding Sovereignty[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Follower of the Sovereign Host[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Human Adaptability Wisdom I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Human Improved Recovery I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Human Versatility I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Human Versatility II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Human Versatility III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Improved Empower Healing I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Improved Empower Healing II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Racial Toughness I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Racial Toughness II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Racial Toughness III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Improved Heal I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Improved Heal II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Prayer of Smiting I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Prayer of Smiting II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Prayer of Smiting III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Prayer of Life I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Prayer of Incredible Smiting I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Prayer of Incredible Smiting II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Prayer of Incredible Life I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Force Manipulation I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Smiting I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Smiting II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Smiting III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Life Magic I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Life Magic II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Life Magic III[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Life Magic IV[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Wisdom I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Divine Vitality I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Divine Vitality II[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Improved Turning I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery I[/COLOR]
[COLOR=lemonchiffon]Enhancement: [/COLOR][COLOR=silver]Cleric Wand and Scroll Mastery II[/COLOR]

For a couple hundred sp and 22 hp, you gain the ability to heal efficiently in raids, improve your offensive capabilities considerably, and your burst won't be worthless. You lose trap skills, which you shouldn't be worrying about anyway, and some turning ability, which is situational. Keep the right gear on and you'll have enough turns to keep the aura up full time and burst when needed. Being able to leave charred and diced corpses in your wake will help prevent as much needed healing.

Add 2 to CHA, since I noticed late that you are TRing Wouldii according to this build.

Your spell penetration will suffer either way, and there's simply not enough feats on a Cleric to take everything.

I pushed the second Artificer level back, and assumed at least a +2 DEX tome to qualify for Precise Shot. I put all tomes in however, at 7. INT will be useful to push your Spot up further. A +2 CON tome basically covers the second Toughness feat I changed out.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
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