The Totally NEW Team Corwin Thread


As we kick off summer, many things are going on behind the scenes in Dungeons and Dragons Online, and I wanted to talk about some of the fun things coming up for the game.

We have been doing a lot to combat lag in the game, and though we have improved the experience we have work to do. We are still looking into long lag spikes which we need to solve, and we are also working on some fixes for stacking effects that could be causing individual characters and the party they are traveling with to lag. Our investigations into server performance continue and this is our number one priority.

The next thing I wanted to talk about is some upcoming content; we are currently working on bringing you a new classic module experience! We are hard at work on our adaptation of Assault on the Slave Lords, originally presented in the A1 to A3 series of modules. We remember playing through the Slavers series fondly, and we want to bring these modules to life for our players with some of our own twists and turns. The dungeons will be offered at level 8 on Heroic, and will also have a CR 32 Legendary version as well.

As you probably know, we have already begun discussing the update to Cannith Crafting. Ever since we updated random loot players have been asking for an update to this crafting system, and the project is in full swing. It is a big system that will provide a good way to fill in gear holes as you level.

Players have asked about class passes, and the next two classes to be looked at will likely be Monk and Favored Soul. We are currently looking into the core code behind unarmed attacks and hand wraps to see if that needs to be revamped. We are also looking into giving Favored Soul its third tree. Both are big tasks, but we wanted players to know these are the next classes we are looking at once we are past Cannith Crafting.

We’d also like to offer the players another open enhancement tree (like Harper) at some point to open up more build options, and we are looking to see where that might fit in.

We were fairly happy with the Night Revels festival in the fall last year, and this year we will be looking to add more haunted dungeons a maybe some other surprises. The festival was fairly popular so we’d like to expand on it a bit. We would also like to revamp the rewards for the mimic festival and bring that back; maybe with rewards, based on player feedback, that are less random.

Another system we want to tackle is the augment system. Players have been asking for new augments, but the current incarnation of augments are created by hand as crafting interactions. We will be looking into the feasibility of moving existing and future augments into a new system that will work like the slotting system that our Legendary Greensteel crafting system uses. The technical complexity comes with how we will allow players to convert existing items to use new augments. If we can tackle these problems, then we can do some interesting things with augment slots and more regularly include augments as part of our ongoing loot.

The far future has a lot of promise, and looking past the end of the year we would definitely like to bring Tiefling and Aasimar to our players at some point. Tiefling in particular is a popular race for Dungeons and Dragons and we would like you to have those races as options for your characters. We will need to determine whether we plan on including tails on Tieflings, and how the horns of the race will interact with helmets. Both of these are interesting problems to tackle and we have already had some discussion about them even though these races would be fairly far into the future.

We just wanted to talk about the long term plans we will be looking into, and we wanted to say thanks for joining us in game.


New Producer's Letter! Some of the points are that they are working on bringing the Slavers series of modules to DDO. For PnP veterans, this is a classic module. Hopefully they've learned from ToEE and aren't making it a single quest, instead breaking it up. They're also working on Tieflings and Aasimar for player races, and a new pay enhancement tree like Harper Agent. Finally, Monk and Favored Soul are next on the docket for the class pass. FvS needs AoV revamped to be in line with the current PrEs, and needs a third tree. Monk needs Henshin and Ninja Spy revamped, Shintao is probably okay, and Handwraps/Unarmed combat code reworked.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
I decided, afterall, that I likely cannot get Mirys to 30 in time for the next TR group. I need some 6 million XP, and doing that much in just a couple of weeks is daunting on a low-dps squishy that really can't run in EE for the streak and bonuses solo. I can easily hit 250k a day without trying, but beyond that is pushing it.

So I TRed Fireflash into a Rogue. Since Dte's Wouldii is already L3, I assumed he ran Korthos. I also did the C-Hills to finish out L2.

Me: Rouge
Dte: Monk
JM: Monk
Peter: Artificer?
Corwin: Soulstone (Warlock?)
Savage Dragon: Paladin?
CM: ?
Reywind: ?

We seem to have a solid front line, with a solid ranged component (I'm a mechanic, and assuming Peter is a Arty then we have three primarily ranged attackers) with solid DPS. The Savage Dragon's Paladin will likely be indestructible, and Monks are no slouch there as well. Light Monks and Paladin have limited healing, and Warlocks can self-heal. I'll be able to UMD things later. So we can probably make due without a standard Healer in the group.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Store sales this week

Sales this week include:

  • 50% off Classes and Select Iconics Available Now through June 5th
  • +3 Tomes of Fate Available Now through June 9th
  • 25% off Select Cosmetics & More! June 3rd - 9th
  • Four New Shared Item Storage Upgrades Now Available! (not sure what this is as I haven't logged into game yet)
  • Augments 25% Off
May 22, 2008
Is the plan for the next TR to solo Korthos and the Harbor solo quests first, or was that just what Dte planned to do? I will be bringing a Warlock.
Aug 31, 2006
I've been MIA for the past few days/week due to some company being in for the Holiday weekend.

I'm rapidly leveling Zeblestar to... um, he's like 11 now. Shoyeido is still sitting at 15 waiting to figure out what kind of wizard he wants to be; right now he runs around with heightened PK's at insanely high DCs. It's fun.

One of my favorite characters/builds was from a guy named Ghost on the forums; he had a warforged Necro wiz in wraith form with an extremely high sneak/hide; basically snuck through quests you would think would be impossible to do.
Jun 5, 2015
High, high up in the mountains of the southwestern
Well, we'll be playing something tomorrow, so feel free to join us.
Aug 31, 2006
It will be good to finalize our next TR classes so we get 2 good groups up and running.

I will TR my monk or artificer dependent upon the group having 2 trappers or not. So my decision will be taken once I see what the rest of you pick.

This is what we know so far:
Azraelck: Rogue
Jm: Monk
Dte: Monk
Corwin: Warlock
Aletys: Paladin (or rogue)
Cm: ?
Reywind: ? Rumored to be playing a cleric
Me: Artificer or monk

My arti will max UMD so he should be able to scroll cast spells too like raising and healing.

So it's nice if each of you with question marks or multiple options listed post which class you will be in the next group. Then we can all TR and start running through Korthos and the solo quests in the harbor.

We should be setting an ETA for when the new level 3 toons will be available. I guess we can discuss the details in the playing session this evening.
Oct 18, 2006
Oslo, Norway
ElderGnome, are you wanting to join in on this TR group? It's the usual Friday 6pm CST run. The only real rule is that we stay together in level, at least until we reach Epic levels (groups tend to fall apart at that point). Also, JM and the Savage Dragon have a tradition of yelling at Peter, and Peter has a tradition of running through the traps. :D

If you join, feel free to create any character type you want; we are solid enough at this point to not really need anything more than a trapper in each group. And that's covered.

In regards to the current group: I still would like to pull off a Master Artificer and LoB run, since most of the group hasn't ran them. For the next group, I also wouldn't mind attempting to fit in The Titan raid as well. We never run Restless Isles so it would be something different. As always, I would like also to hit Xorian Cipher to attempt to get the GH cliky belt. Especially since we are currently without a regular source of GH casters (Warlocks only get GH from Tainted Scholar cores, and I don't know how Corwin is building his).
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
ElderGnome, are you wanting to join in on this TR group? It's the usual Friday 6pm CST run. The only real rule is that we stay together in level, at least until we reach Epic levels (groups tend to fall apart at that point). Also, JM and the Savage Dragon have a tradition of yelling at Peter, and Peter has a tradition of running through the traps. :D

If you join, feel free to create any character type you want; we are solid enough at this point to not really need anything more than a trapper in each group. And that's covered.

In regards to the current group: I still would like to pull off a Master Artificer and LoB run, since most of the group hasn't ran them. For the next group, I also wouldn't mind attempting to fit in The Titan raid as well. We never run Restless Isles so it would be something different. As always, I would like also to hit Xorian Cipher to attempt to get the GH cliky belt. Especially since we are currently without a regular source of GH casters (Warlocks only get GH from Tainted Scholar cores, and I don't know how Corwin is building his).

All of that sounds good to me. I'd love to get that GH clicky belt myself, and, well, you all already know I like to run raids. ;)

As far as the next TR group is concerned, I'll be bringing in Jhianna as a paladin. No rogue for me this time. It will be another 2-3 weeks before she's ready to TR (I think, might be faster, but my play time is limited right now, so better not count on it), as I need to farm a couple of items for her, and want to get her back up to 30 so I can ER her one more time before she TR's.
May 22, 2008
My Warlock for the next group is now level 3 and waiting.
Aug 31, 2006
DDO Down Tomorrow, Wed Jun 8, 8am-12pm for update

From Cordovan's post:

Here are the Release Notes for Update 31 Patch 2, released on Wednesday, June 8th, 2016.

News and Notes

Fixed several stacking effect issues that may have contributed to lag, including Freedom of Movement and bonus damage dice on weapons.
Fixed the Deep Gnome past life to properly give Illusion DC instead of Enchantment DC.
Added a new Monster Manual! This Monster Manual is free to VIPs and available in the DDO Store.
Added additional monitoring to help us investigate the impact of large mail queues in-game.
May 22, 2008
As a note, the new MM has Drow, Driders, Yuan Ti, Werewolves, and a few other common mobs that have been missing. Probably will be well worth the purchase for Drow alone, given how many exist in both Eberron and Forgotten Realms content.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Hi all,

I've got DDO up and running. Created a new character (human paladin) and just got to first village. I'm still a noobie, don't know how things work yet. I've played WoW for years, so hopefully it won't take me too long to get used to things.

Please throw me an invite to guild and help me learn the game! :)

Character name is Turriz. Please let me know if you need any other info. I haven't got around to install Skype yet. I'm not sure how often I will get to play DDO but let's see how things go! :)
Invite sent from Mirys. We actually don't use Skype much anymore, since it's been increasingly buggy and useless ever since Microsoft bought it out. We switched to Teamspeak instead. It's still a bit buggy, but far more stable.

We're about to start our next run through with our standard TR group, so you're picking a good time to join in. I think we're waiting on one or two more to do their TRs and get to level 3.
Jun 28, 2007
In the Middle of Nowhere
Reywind will not be available this Friday, he has too much on this weekend. Not sure if anyone else will be out.
Aug 31, 2006
Store sales this week

Store sales this week are all about tomes:

25% off on:
  • Stat tomes (including +7)
  • Skill & UMD Tomes
  • Tomes of Learning

Also 25% off on the Harper tree.

Please note the +7 tomes are only available this weekend.
May 22, 2008
With Reywind out, will we be running our Friday toons or alts?
May 22, 2008
I will get Teamspeak sorted when I log on tonight :) looking forward to meet you all and have some fun soon!
I've sent purpleblob the server/login info for TS.
May 22, 2008
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