The TV Series discussion thread

First, it says it won't air here until 2014 and then it's on ABC 3.
The plan was 2014, yes.
According to wiki it started airing 20 days ago - "7 November 2013 on ABC3":

So I finally got a digital Netflix account…

Now I just need to figure out what I'm gonna start watching first…
Browse through this thread. Most of stuff we mentioned here is available on Netflix. But don't go watch them all right now - I still need your input on new games and if those are worth buying! ;)
Apr 12, 2009
Oct 18, 2006
So I finally got a digital Netflix account, and…wow! I had no idea how many good shows are on there. For $8 a month, it almost seems too good to be true.

Every episode from all the Star Trek series! Every episode of Doctor Who - both the new and the classics! Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, The X Files, Torchwood, Dexter… just to name a few!

Are you ****ing kidding me?? :celebrate:

Now I just need to figure out what I'm gonna start watching first…

It's great indeed. If it wasn't for stupid CBS and their retarded fear of anything online it would be even better. I would start with classic Star Trek, then TNG, then DS9, then Voyager and finally Enterprise. Right there, even if you're the worst couch potato (like, me) you're looking at like a year of programming. Then you can jump to similar ones like Firefly and Farscape. You could then try Stargate (like 10 seasons of it) and Stargate Atlantis. And of course there's Battlestar Galactica. Now for Doctor Who, the classic series is not at all complete, only about 10% of it is there for some reason, but the new series are there up to like a season ago.
Sep 23, 2008
It's great indeed. If it wasn't for stupid CBS and their retarded fear of anything online it would be even better. I would start with classic Star Trek, then TNG, then DS9, then Voyager and finally Enterprise. Right there, even if you're the worst couch potato (like, me) you're looking at like a year of programming. Then you can jump to similar ones like Firefly and Farscape. You could then try Stargate (like 10 seasons of it) and Stargate Atlantis. And of course there's Battlestar Galactica. Now for Doctor Who, the classic series is not at all complete, only about 10% of it is there for some reason, but the new series are there up to like a season ago.

I don't devote much time for tv, so I'm not sure how much I'm actually going to watch. I'm definitely going to start with Doctor Who though beginning with the 2005 revival.

I've already seen all of BSG and Firefly. I might give Farscape a try sometime, but I think Stargate is terrible.

When is the last time you checked the classic Doctor Who listings? It seems to me like there's a lot more than 10% there, but I didn't actually look it up.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Stargate is not terrible!
Watch it for what it is. Sci Fi light lemonade with loads and loads of humor.

Farscape? Watch now! Just a warning, there are some bad episodes in that show, but the whole of it is great. I'm not sure why they've cancelled it, and then concluded with a 2part TV movie.
Apr 12, 2009
Stargate is not terrible!
Watch it for what it is. Sci Fi light lemonade with loads and loads of humor.

Farscape? Watch now! Just a warning, there are some bad episodes in that show, but the whole of it is great. I'm not sure why they've cancelled it, and then concluded with a 2part TV movie.

I liked the first few seasons and the last few seasons of Stargate. The middle seasons I wasn't crazy about.

Farscape was ok too, yes some episodes were bad, but overall the series was good.

As for Doctor Who, if you haven't watched it, give it a few episodes. I remember my first contact with Doctor Who (the new series) was like 10 years ago, I got the first DVD from Netflix, and cancelled the rest after watching the first 4 episodes. I guess I was expecting something serious like Star Trek and it was too 'out there' for me. Years later I gave it another chance, and got so totally hooked that I ended up torrenting all the classic series episodes (and I mean, all… including ones where there is no video available because BBC reused the old recordings to save money, and I just 'watched' audio with pictures of different scenes)
Sep 23, 2008
I've tried watching both Stargate and Stargate Atlantis multiple times but failed to get into them. The acting and FX are (imo) some of the worst I've seen in modern Sci-fi television.

I love classic Doctor Who. My favorite is the 4th Doctor (Tom Baker), and the 5th (Peter Davidson) was great as well. I actually met Davidson at a Doctor Who convention when I was a kid. I've never seen any of the TV episodes of the first two Doctors, but I've read many of the novels from those seasons. I used to have a huge book collection of Doctor Who.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Watching Big Bang Theory (already up to Season 5 - as the episodes are SHORT) - which I didn't expect to do, but my brother recommended it.

It's pretty fun, and some of the writing is quite clever - I have to admit. I like the characters, even if Leonard is a bit too much of a dull nice-guy and he doesn't have much of a personality. Sheldon is obviously the highlight - but can be a bit over the top for my tastes.

Penny is very…. consumable ;)

Raj and Howard are fun as well.

I love the recurring Will Wheaton stuff with Sheldon. Refreshing to see the obnoxious Wesley Crusher as a complete bastard. Must be a nice change for Wheaton as well.

It also brings to mind my position on the whole nerd concept. It's strange - but I've always considered myself "half a nerd" - and it's not because I have a problem with the label. The semantic definition doesn't seem to fit me at all IRL, but I do have a lot of interest in a few of the typical "nerd areas".

Then again, I suppose many nerds don't apply the label to themselves.

What does it take to be one?
Big Bang Theory, aside from the obvious major flaws of the annoyingly loud laugh track, and constant reliance on bottom-feeder racist, sexist, religious and other unfunny humor ... well, it really isn't a show that is remotely accurate in the representation of 'nerds', or whatever you want to call those four.

The combined didacticism about some things and wild inaccuracy about others (particularly culturally related) as well as just - as many have said - 'not being us', makes it more annoying than anything else to me at times.

That said, it is occasionally funny in much the same way all of those sorts of shows are ... but I never stop being insulted by shows that insist on telling me when I should laugh.
Oct 18, 2006
Big Bang Theory, aside from the obvious major flaws of the annoyingly loud laugh track, and constant reliance on bottom-feeder racist, sexist, religious and other unfunny humor … well, it really isn't a show that is remotely accurate in the representation of 'nerds', or whatever you want to call those four.

The combined didacticism about some things and wild inaccuracy about others (particularly culturally related) as well as just - as many have said - 'not being us', makes it more annoying than anything else to me at times.

That said, it is occasionally funny in much the same way all of those sorts of shows are … but I never stop being insulted by shows that insist on telling me when I should laugh.

I think this show is done by the same people who does 2 and half men hence I understand all the bottom feeding stuff... however its lot funnier than you make it out to be!
Oct 8, 2009
Big Bang Theory, aside from the obvious major flaws of the annoyingly loud laugh track, and constant reliance on bottom-feeder racist, sexist, religious and other unfunny humor … well, it really isn't a show that is remotely accurate in the representation of 'nerds', or whatever you want to call those four.

The combined didacticism about some things and wild inaccuracy about others (particularly culturally related) as well as just - as many have said - 'not being us', makes it more annoying than anything else to me at times.

That said, it is occasionally funny in much the same way all of those sorts of shows are … but I never stop being insulted by shows that insist on telling me when I should laugh.

It's a deliberate and obvious exaggeration that you don't have to be offended by. I hope you don't think the show is trying to portray realistic characters? The characters are SO extreme and stereotypical that I doubt anyone of a reasonably objective mind would take it to heart.

I'm trying to figure out why you would be offended by it, except as a knee-jerk reaction against anything that isn't going out of its way to be PC.

It's not exactly news that you tend to overreact when it comes to these things, though.

Personally, I find it to be quite amusing - and I'm hard to please. I'm also 100% certain I'm more tolerant of cultural and racial differences as a human being than you could ever dream of becoming :)

That's because it's not a principle of mine to enforce equality. I just have an inborn desire to accept the obvious differences you'll find between cultures - and I consider having fun with it a healthy approach.
I also find The Big Bang Theory to be completely unfunny, though not for the same reasons as txa1265. The characters and writing just don't do anything for me, and I actually find that Sheldon guy to be downright irritating.

Admittedly, I've only watched it two or three times, but that's usually enough for me to know whether or not I enjoy something.
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
I think the point of the Sheldon character is to be a major pain in the ass with his complete social impairment. As I said, it's too over the top for my tastes on occasion - but I also think he's very funny at other times.

But, as with anything, it comes to down to personal preferences. But to go on an anti-racism and anti-sexism rant against it is a bit misplaced, but whatever floats your boat :)
My point is that there is 'offensive', and 'am I offended'.

Whether or not you find something offensive is totally irrelevant to whether it meets the generally accepted standards of what is considered offensive (and yes, I recognize that THOSE shift based on region and time).

Big Bang theory takes advantage of the fact that current US culture favors making fun of anything that is not white, Christian and male. Oh, and also making fun of mental illness is always funny in the US.

Shows with laugh tracks assume something about their audience - and if you don't know what that is, they are correct. And shows with extremely loud laugh tracks ... moreso.

Rant? No, more like recognition. We will watch the show on occasion, and I do find it amusing in a bottom-feeder unintelligent way. There is no subtlety, no nuance, no clever writing. And I mean NONE. This is NOT good writing - this is low-brow, cheap laugh stuff. And every now and then it is fine. But that doesn't change the fact that for the most part the laughs come from majority-dominant people and at the expense of minority people ... and is very often based on that very status.
Oct 18, 2006
+1 for 'not funny'.
I happen to find the show very boring. Most of my friends love it, but the three episodes I watched made me smile exactly once, and I actually forgot why I smiled.
Aug 31, 2006
I find nearly all American comedies to be 'unfunny' since as a group they spurn the subtle, the witty, etc and aim for the lowest common denominator. I suspect this says something about the TV tastes of the general american audience. I much prefer the quieter approach of the Brits!!
Aug 31, 2006
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