Things you don't need to know...

Americans have trouble reading; they prefer just to look at pictures. Therefore to keep it simple enough for Yanks to understand, they changed the picture on the bills to a different person. Once everyone can follow that, they might also consider changing the colours, but currently that is a little too complex and advanced for most Americans!! :) Hey, just look at their politics...........on second thought don't, it only confirms my thesis!!!! :D
Aug 31, 2006

pibbur who can't guarantee that the list is completely correct as he has little personal experience

PS. On a sidenote: Yesterday the police had to stop a party in a small town not far from where I live. The party had been playing loud music all night: The Macarena (no, I won't link to that. I'm not evil.)
Drosera regia is a carnivorous plant in the sundew genus Drosera and is endemic to a single valley in South Africa. Apparently there are only about 50 plants left, making it a very endangered although not particularly dangerous species. Unless you are smaller than a cat. And live in said valley. NOTHING compared to the triffids, which by definition inhabits Australia.

Speaking of Australia (I'd rather not), Apple Maps as it appears on iPhone 5 has a spot of trouble with down under. According to the Norwegian broadcasting company Apple claims that Mildura (wherever that is) is in the middle of Murray Sunset national park (wherever that is), which is unfortunate because in reality is 70 km away (wherever that is). This has caused several life-threatening episodes, which is kind of silly, since every day in Australia is a life-threatening episode.

pibbur who knows this from several tv-shows from down under (wherever that is).

PS. Berlin is according to our broadcasting company according to Apple in Antarctica. (I know where that is, can't be more down under than that). DS
They grow oranges and rednecks in Mildura. I wish apple maps was around when I was a kid, I would have much preferred to go to the national park for our holidays.

I'm sorry to hear about the endangered sundews, I like plants that eat animals. Did triffids actually eat people, or just sting them to death? Wiki here I come.
May 29, 2010
71 english words where the 'q' is not followed by an 'u'. Most of them are loan words, but according to Wikipedia they are "considered to be naturalised in English according to at least one major dictionary". The list:

  1. buqsha
  2. burqa
  3. cinq
  4. cinqfoil
  5. coq
  6. faqih
  7. faqir
  8. fiqh
  9. inqilab
  10. mbaqanga
  11. miqra
  12. muqaddam
  13. nastaliq
  14. niqab
  15. pontacq
  16. qabab
  17. qabalah
  18. qadarite
  19. qadariyah
  20. qaddish
  21. qadi
  22. qadiriyah
  23. qaf
  24. qaid
  25. qaimaqam
  26. qalamdan
  27. qalandar
  28. qanat
  29. qanun
  30. qasida
  31. qat
  32. qawwal
  33. qawwali
  34. qepiq
  35. qere
  36. qhat
  37. qheche
  38. qhom
  39. qhythsontyd
  40. qi
  41. qiana
  42. qibla
  43. qibli
  44. qigong
  45. qin
  46. qinah
  47. qindar
  48. qinghaosu
  49. qipao
  50. qirsh
  51. qiviut
  52. qiyas
  53. qoph
  54. qorma
  55. qwerty
  56. rencq
  57. sambuq
  58. sheqel
  59. souq
  60. talaq
  61. taluq
  62. taluqdar
  63. taluqdari
  64. taqiya
  65. taqlid
  66. tariqa
  67. tranq
  68. tsaddiq
  69. umiaq
  70. waqf
  71. yaqona

pibbur who likes qi.

You forgot a very important one.

~ Qwinn
Feb 18, 2010
Qwen, too
With its various forms, like Gwen, Queen etc.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Today's thingd are dedicated to things pibbur doesn't understand (and doesn't bother to examine further):

  1. Munir Malik played 49 first-class matches and took 197 wickets, including 14 five-wicket hauls, at the average of 21.75
  2. Old Colfeians were once knocked out of the National Trophy by Camels
  3. Pat Creeden was hitless in the eight at bats in 1931

pibbur who promises not to heed any attempts at explanations

10 days
You forgot a very important one.

~ Qwinn

I knew something was missing. Therefore (disregarding nnames):

  1. buqsha
  2. burqa
  3. cinq
  4. cinqfoil
  5. coq
  6. faqih
  7. faqir
  8. fiqh
  9. inqilab
  10. mbaqanga
  11. miqra
  12. muqaddam
  13. nastaliq
  14. niqab
  15. pontacq
  16. qabab
  17. qabalah
  18. qadarite
  19. qadariyah
  20. qaddish
  21. qadi
  22. qadiriyah
  23. qaf
  24. qaid
  25. qaimaqam
  26. qalamdan
  27. qalandar
  28. qanat
  29. qanun
  30. qasida
  31. qat
  32. qawwal
  33. qawwali
  34. qepiq
  35. qere
  36. qhat
  37. qheche
  38. qhom
  39. qhythsontyd
  40. qi
  41. qiana
  42. qibla
  43. qibli
  44. qigong
  45. qin
  46. qinah
  47. qindar
  48. qinghaosu
  49. qipao
  50. qirsh
  51. qiviut
  52. qiyas
  53. qoph
  54. qorma
  55. qwerty
  56. rencq
  57. sambuq
  58. sheqel
  59. souq
  60. talaq
  61. taluq
  62. taluqdar
  63. taluqdari
  64. taqiya
  65. taqlid
  66. tariqa
  67. tranq
  68. tsaddiq
  69. umiaq
  70. waqf
  71. yaqona
  72. qwinn

pibbur who used to sing disney songs in a choir at school 45 years ago, ad who is a bit worried by that.
The 500 rightmost decimal digits of Grahams number (G) are 024259506950647383956574791365193517983345353625214300354012602677162267216041981065226316935518878038814483140652526168785095552646051071172000997092912495443788874960628829117250630013036229349160254594614945788714278323508292421020918258967535604308699380168924988926809951016905591995119502788717830837018340236474548882222161573228010132974509273445945043433009010969280253527518332898844615089404248265018193851562535796399618993967905496638003222348723967018485186439059104575627262464195387

pibbur who is very enthusiastic about this and who observes that e^((2G+1)*i*PI)+1=0.

9 days
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Some chemical substances for you:

  1. Arsole
  2. Moronic acid

Pibbur Who prefers 1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6(3H,7H)-dione
Some important issues in history:

At the funeral of his uncle, from whom he inherited the earldom, John Eugene de Vere, 14th Earl of Oxford, received an axe brought into the church by a mounted horseman.

The vulture Phasmagyps may be the oldest non living New World vulture from North America.

Obamadon gracilis is an extinct lizard, named after an american president "in reference to the tall, straight teeth, and the manner in which he has acted as a role model of good oral hygiene for the world." According to Nicholas R. Longrich of Yale University, the creature "was probably a foot long, and with these tall, slender teeth it used to eat insects and plant matter."

OTOH Alastair Cook has scored the highest number of Test centuries for England, and is the youngest batsman to score more than 7,000 runs

pibbur who wonders what species of axe the earl got. A stratcat? This one? Or this one? (at least the latter knows his headbanging). No matter what, they probably got it from here.

8 days
Leaves of the fossil maple Acer palaeorufinerve resemble the living redvein maple, which also means that redvein maple resmbles sais fossile maple. Which would be a problem of course if the redvein one was toxic. Fortunately it's not. I think.

According to Lucille Ball, God was a New York hairdresser called Kenneth. Which reminds me of the movie "Rat Race" where one of the protagonists (Cuba Gooding ver 2) found himslef a driver of a buss full Lucy impersonators.

Someone named Mitchell apparently lost his rainforest snail in Stotts Island Nature Reserve. Which apparently is a dangerous place.

Frances Hashimoto, who became CEO of Mikawaya confectionery company at the age of 27, invented mochi ice cream. He's not behind Hashimoto's disease, although eating huge quantities of his product might lead to similar symptoms.

pibbur who above all classifies the above mentioned movie as a horror movie, due to the above mentioned scene above. And who knows quite a lot about the other Hashimoto's medical escapades.

7 days.
Shania Twain's Las Vegas residency show, Shania: Still the One, marks her first live performance show since the Up! Tour in 2004. The prototypen of useless information.

Lumberjack Augustus Barrows was elected Speaker of the Wisconsin State Assembly in 1878, even though his Greenback Party only held 13 seats out of 100, and he was a freshman legislator. Or for wearing high heels.

Pibbur who at the moment is Bush, which according to his iPad is the correct way of spelling "busy". A conspiracy. Anyhow, he was busy preventing the cat from repeatedly jumping onto his lap.

4 days
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Dunno if this was posted already:öbekli_Tepe

Probably the only mystery we'll never be able solve.

Okay… The only munument/building mystery.
As there are other types of unsolvable mysteries like Voynich manuscript.
Apr 12, 2009
Guitarist Marty Friedman left Megadeth only to get mixed up with bodacious space pirates. Here's "Mōretsu Uchū Kōkyōkyoku Dai 7 Gakushō «Mugen no Ai»". From Trash to trash methinks.

Ralphie, the live mascot of the Colorado Buffaloes, is actually a female American bison.

Duff Goldman of Ace of Cakes hired some painters and sculptors as assistants even though they didn't have experience as pastry chefs.

That a pencil sharpener "is a device for sharpening a pencil's point by shaving the end of the pencil" was the first thing Wikipedia wondered if you knew.

pibbur who'd like to replace the "Did you know" heading with "Did you know where it was" when it comes to pencil sharpener info, since said objects no doubt are elements in the set of things you don't find when you need them. You being pibbur.

2 days

Read it? What does that mean actually? It means that piracy in Netherlands is - legal. Yup, if you live in Netherlands, you may download whatever you want and noone can or will stop you.

However, there is a catch. To satisfy "the industry", the country itself takes care that things are payed for. A sort of.
So Netherlands has taxes not only on empty media (CDs, DVDs, BRs) but it is recently extended also on smartphones, USBdevices, computers - just everything that can be used to hold data.
Who needs DRM? :)
Apr 12, 2009
And surprise, surprise. We're still here!!

Now we should prepare for the upcoming collision with the Andromeda galaxy on 22.12.4500002012

pibbur who predicts that thousands of years of apocalyptic predictions with minor inaccuracies like it didn't happen won't stop us from predicting

0 days!!!!
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