Two Worlds II - Review @ IGN


August 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
IGN has a rather vicious review of Two Worlds II and while I'm not sure the score of 6/10 is that far off, some of the criticism is over the top:
Meanwhile, somewhere between Reality Pump's offices in Poland and the western localization of Two Worlds II, someone mistakenly decided that the rest of their character development could be handled entirely by some of the worst voice acting I've heard in a game since the original Resident Evil. Every possible dialogue atrocity is here: tone deaf delivery, overly dramatic readings, engrish, mistranslated euphemisms and colloquialisms, missing words -- you name it, and Two Worlds II will at some point assault you with it. The dialogue atrocities and fantasy 101 sound effects make the music in Two Worlds II even more surprising by virtue of its competence. It's a fun, interesting score that avoids some epic fantasy cliches - it often reminded me of the original Diablo's soundtrack, and that isn't a bad thing.
Instead, Two Worlds II's bad is peppered throughout the rest of the game. The interface and menus are terrible and difficult to navigate. The quest log is riddled with grammatical errors and is oddly organized. The world doesn't feel particularly populated, and the quest design feels half-assed and riddled with wild difficulty spikes. There was a point early on in Two Worlds II where I had been cruising through the story, and was tasked with clearing a tribe of monsters from a termite mound. I galloped into the area on my horse expecting to dispatch them in the same way I had murdered countless other savages only to be worked over in short order. Ultimately, my only means of clearing them out involved picking one off from a distance, saving my game, and repeating, reloading at the points where I was discovered and quickly killed.
More information.
Aug 30, 2006
Sydney, Australia
400 comments with MAJORITY stating they actually loved the game/disagree with review speak for themselves.

And, an icing on the cake, if you enter the comments section and look at the score widget it shows that actually IGN is way off compared to the rest of the pack (7.9) and even further from players (8.2).
Needless to say, I'm deeply saddened by how my own network's leading site treats what is undeniably fun game to play. But then I remember how D-toid summed up TW2 and find a glimmer of hope.

Be on the lookout for DLC news coming soon, Dhruin.
Aug 26, 2010
Very expected.. If it had been an american game it would've been an 8 - 8.5, easily..
Nothing new.
Jul 15, 2009
This game was not as easy or streamlined as Oblivion 6/10 thankyougoodnight.
Jan 28, 2011
I don't understand how that guy could have difficulties with the fight at the termite mounds. That fight was so easy that I destroyed them while barely taking any damage on the non-gold patched version using just a fire card, missile card, and homing card. (pretty much one of the lowest damage combinations) If I had actually experimented with the spell system at that point then I would have been doing double the damage and it would have been even easier.

PS. This review is worthless and the reviewer doesn't even know how to play games.
Oct 19, 2006
Generally the approach in an open game where you find something hard is to... do something else. It's interesting that there's a big group of gamers to whom this doesn't occur... Maybe the game should introduce level scaling? That might keep them happy? Yes, I think I've solved it...
Oct 29, 2006
. . .There was a point early on in Two Worlds II where I had been cruising through the story, and was tasked with clearing a tribe of monsters from a termite mound. I galloped into the area on my horse expecting to dispatch them in the same way I had murdered countless other savages only to be worked over in short order. Ultimately, my only means of clearing them out involved picking one off from a distance, saving my game, and repeating, reloading at the points where I was discovered and quickly killed.

ummm. wait a minute, what ????????
props to propheet for pointing out the 400 other voices
Oct 19, 2006
Los Angeles area
Looks like IGN is dealing with an all out revolt over their review of this game.
Oct 18, 2006
Oh look, legitimate reviews at IGN after all… not frontpage of course…
Reader average: 9/10
Haha, how is bunch of opinions with barely any comprehensive substance (with few exceptions) a set of legitimate reviews?

IGN´s review is shite as usual, but that doesn´t automatically make 2W2 a great game (which it isn´t).
Last edited:
Apr 4, 2008
I galloped into the area on my horse expecting to dispatch them in the same way I had murdered countless other savages only to be worked over in short order. Ultimately, my only means of clearing them out involved picking one off from a distance, saving my game, and repeating, reloading at the points where I was discovered and quickly killed.
Sigh... the reviewer has been playing way too many linear games. Did he not even think of doing other quests until he was strong enough for this one?? (Though I guess ArcaniA wasn't one of them if he thinks TW2 is the worst voice acting in a long time.)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
so it pretty much says "The voice acting is soooooo baaaaad and the game doesn't hold my hand enough."

Bet you this reviewer went riiiiiight back to WoW.
Jul 10, 2007
Is there a demo for TW2? I played the TW demo, hated it, then persevered and ended up buying TW...which I then ended up hating again - but that was later ;-) Based on the reviews I've seen, I suspect I won't enjoy it (e.g. I disliked the magic card system, which is a bit of a bummer because I like using magic)...and it sounds like that is back. I also enjoyed (trying) to fight on horseback, which it seems has not really been improved? A decent demo would allow me to make an informed decision.
Aug 23, 2007
Cape Town, South Africa
Very expected.. If it had been an american game it would've been an 8 - 8.5, easily..
Nothing new.

Had the same thought.

"We MUST defend this continent from garbage european games !!!!!!!!!!!!111!!"

(That was Mr. Hide typing. ;) )
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Oh, so it`s a conspiracy now ? ;) These lucky Europeans, even when they try mighty hard, are unable to release a dud game…perhaps the code re-writes itself

(I`m not saying this game is a disaster - but certainly it`s not all plain sailing)

Well, it`s interesting that even here in Poland - where you`d expect reviews to be going up to 11 - there`s quite a share of critical voices too. No one says it`s a complete disaster like the first one - more in the 6.5-9/10 range. Just about fair I guess, especially that apparently devs are trying their best to patch it up.
Dec 18, 2010
There's no demo (yet?) Horse-back combat has essentially been removed. You can knock enemies aside a bit with your horse, but that's it.

The English voice acting is not especially bad. There was one major NPC who was very bad IMO. The big patch was supposed to have redone her.
Oct 29, 2006
Zadok: After CDP decided to back Arkania and removed VO'd version, leaving a laughable Polish translation. That's right, translation. RP didn't have any say in what was delivered to Poles via Topware -> CDP conduit :p... it's no wonder they gave it low scores. CDP shot themselves in the leg by backing Arkania (they decided to drop full VO for TW2 in the summer and went for VO for Arkania instead, thus ending up with two barely selling games) - that garbage game that scored actually higher than TW2 in Poland and elsewhere! Not among players though.

@Alistair: Yes, it has been redone. Cassara's VO and subs are much better. Also, all of the MQ dialogues have been patched up.
Aug 26, 2010
This happens every time IGN reviews European RPGs. I think the reviewers always start playing those games with completely wrong expectations. They want the games to be what they aren't. I remember the review of the X360 port of Divinity II, where the reviewer claimed that the game was practically unplayable because of all the bugs, etc, etc. The game got a 4.9 (and the PC version a 7.0 methinks). Now I picked up the game anyway, because I couldn't run it on my PC. Turned out that it wasn't a very competent port, but all the bullshit about the numerous crashes, loads of bugs, corrupt save games and impossible difficulty level turned out to be false. I only encountered about 2 actual "bugs" and only one "crash" (which is a lot less than most AAA games actually). True, gameplay was somewhat glitchy and clunky, but the review was one colossal exaggeration.
Nov 9, 2010
Did you play Div2 or Div2: DKS? 4.0 is quite low for Div2, but truth be told it was initially released in horrible state. I played it on PC somewhere in 2009 and to be honest it was an eyesore a lot of the times — constant flicker (animations of water, grass, trees etc.), very low framerate, immense amount of translation errors and various inconsistencies etc.. From technical standpoint it was very raw (nowhere near TW2's initial outing tbh; I'd say TW2 released almost bugless compared to initial Div2 release). But it was very cool game (in Broken Valley and Orobas Fjords, it went downhill soon - but the same can be said for TW2, after Chapter 2 is done). And DKS really deserves an 8 mark, they polished it and polished it and added content, I kinda envy Larian and hope Zuxxez goes the same way in helping RP realize the vision fully.
Aug 26, 2010
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