PoE What class for your main character in PoE?

Pillars of Eternity
Yeah, the Chanters actually make very good tanks as their chants dont need to be casted. Also their base deflection is high.

And of course Paladins.

But from what I know only Fighters have a class trait which let them "engage" more than the 2 enemies all other class can with the gernerally available trait.
Jun 2, 2012
But from what I know only Fighters have a class trait which let them "engage" more than the 2 enemies all other class can with the gernerally available trait.

Yeah, I noticed that, so I think having a "tanky" Paladin, Barbarian and so on is possible, but I suspect only Fighters can be proper tanks. We'll see soon enough.
Oct 18, 2006
Good to know, I'll have to look up what the paladin is all about. Is that similar to a cleric in D&D then?

(Just in terms of being a capable melee fighter that can also cast a decent variety of spells?)
Nov 18, 2010
By the way, are there any interesting melee/mage combos, aside from ciphers?

Really depends what you want to do. Anyone using a shield has better deflection, so it's always useful to have one nearby and anyone can use scrolls as long as their Lore is high enough.

Give a melee weapon to your mage, use Eldritch Aim + defensive spells or cast touch spells like Fan of Flames or Sunless Grasp (all level 1 spells). Increase Resolve to have better concentration too, you don't want those spells to be interrupted. Oh and don't forget Grimoire Slam and Arcane Veil.

Go Druids and shape-shift to ripe enemy apart while still being able to cast spells.

Go Chanter, because naming your own chants is awesome.

Go Priest (mace and shield for the cliché portrait) and select Berath as your got, pick the Pallid Hand talent to get a Wizard's spell (and accuracy bonus with mace and great swords).

Yeah, I noticed that, so I think having a "tanky" Paladin, Barbarian and so on is possible, but I suspect only Fighters can be proper tanks. We'll see soon enough.

Min/maxers claim Paladins and Monk make better tank than Fighters. Paladins because of their higher defenses thanks to Faith&Conviction and Monks because they have somewhat crazy abilities at higher level (i.e. deflect arrows and stuff like that).

Fighters makes the best lower level tanks though.

And because people are posting faster then me. Paladins are support/tank/dps, but not as much as clerics or chanters. They don't have spells. They can have auras (passive aoes) and commands (single target)...the "can" is because you need to select those things at level up.
Oct 13, 2007
I remember reading about chanters quite a while back, how do they tend to operate? Do their spells take longer to cast? Why would I want to play a chanter as opposed to a more "standard" mage?
Nov 18, 2010
Thanks, that seems like an interesting class. Probably a bit too much micro-management for me though, so I may skip that one. I like the creativity of chanters though!
Nov 18, 2010
I don't think Chanters require much micro-management, and they are very useful classes. Very unique and cool! :)
And you have to take into consideration that you are playing with a 6 headed party anyways. So unless you want to run around with 6 barbarians only using passive abilities, there is no way around at least SOME micromanagement ;)
Jun 2, 2012
Yeah, I should probably at least consider it just for having a unique class to play with.

Still leaning towards a cipher of some sort though, that one seems pretty fun to play with.

@Kordanor: Oh definitely, that's part of the fun of party-based games ;). I was just wondering with the whole "chant build-up" until you can cast the better spells becoming too much while simultaneously managing the other 5 party members. But it probably wouldn't be too much now that I think about it.
Nov 18, 2010
Just trust me when I say that it's not too much, Nerevarine. Far from it. It's very simple. :)
Chanters are the less micro-management caster class in the game. Most of the time they are just there chanting their stuff while doing something else (usually attacking).
Oct 13, 2007
I will go cipher for sure but I really don't know what race, stats and skills I will pick/choose.
Mar 4, 2015
Just watched the video for Ciphers - yeah, I will definitely be going for that! The spells have a good variety of either damage or debuffs to choose from, which should make it quite an interesting class to develop.

Plus, I really like the background idea of Ciphers - it seems like a more interesting way of tying the concept of "magic" with gameplay than the usually bland RPG implementation.
Nov 18, 2010
I'm going to play as a wizard. I know this will sound silly, as it is purely a aesthetics/semantics issue, but I think they should've gone with "Power" as the attribute name instead of "Might."

I've come to grips with the idea of having one attribute for both physical and mental potency, but I don't like the use of the name of "Might" for it (First World Problems). Might, to me, has almost exclusively physical connotations, and I think power is more general term. A "powerful wizard" sounds better to me than a "mighty wizard." Also, a "powerful warrior" makes as much sense to me as a "mighty warrior."

I'm so silly that the mod I'm hoping for most for this game is one that changes the "Might" attribute's name to "Power." Yes, I am aware of just how strange and silly this sounds. ;) I am also keenly aware that all of this is just like, uh…my opinion, man. :)
Feb 16, 2014
LOL, that song has totally convinced me. It shall be my character's glorious theme song. :)
Also, "the quill is mightier than the sword."

On the other hand, there's "Might & Magic", which makes a fairly clear distinction between the two. I wouldn't worry too much about it. ;)

Btw, does anyone know how playing with less than six characters will work out? I read that it's even possible to play solo and that you'd get experience faster that way, like in other party-based RPGs. However, there also seems to be a level cap of 12, which could make things difficult later on, depending on how soon you reach it. So I'm wondering ...
Aug 30, 2006
So what platform are people picking? Is there an advantage to using GOG? Will achievements and other online features be different?
I bought a Steam key - so it's going to be Steam. I'm sad to say that I've gotten used to it, and I enjoy the streaming feature. They're taking over the world and I'm supporting them.

Here's hoping they do something worthwhile with it :)
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