What do you wish for in 2017?

What are your wishes for 2017?

  • I don't do wishes

    Votes: 4 15.4%
  • Let me tell you….

    Votes: 6 23.1%
  • Love, peace and stuff

    Votes: 13 50.0%
  • More little ponies

    Votes: 3 11.5%

  • Total voters


Cave Canem
August 30, 2006
So, what are your wishes (or resolutions) for 2017?
Aug 30, 2006
I've clicked on the third option, but honestly I wish our species start lowering the number. Drastically. If not through love&peace, I won't mind WW3. Logic? Some drugaddicts and gamblingaddicts also cannot be helped.
Apr 12, 2009
My bar for wishes has been severely lowered, as the anglosphere has disgraced itself like a drunk who pulls his trousers down at a wedding.

If we make it through the year without catastrophe, I'll be quite pleased.
Nov 8, 2014
I wish David Bowie would come back and do one more concert for me and my friends. That would settle all my wishes for the rest of my life, please and thank you.

Failing that, I'll take the stuff, love and peace. In triplicate.
Oct 18, 2011
Holly Hill, FL.
Wish: To be safe. I say this in absolute earnest.

Resolution: To become a pro at game development. :) Oh, and also to become less interested in politics and current events. There is absolutely no good that can come from me looking at the news anymore, so…I want to bury my head in learning the beautiful artistic medium that is gamedev. Maybe even take up some form of substance abuse to keep the existential dread to a minimum…
Dec 16, 2013
There is not I wish for, this or any other year.

I believe whatever will happen and there isn't much we can do about it, except enjoy everyday.
Apr 2, 2011
I wish to have all the wishes I could ever wish for! Then I could get to work wishing for the wisdom to make great wishes, maybe make some preliminary wishes like wishing to know what would happen if I were to wish for world peace. Oh, and I better make a wish that none of my wishes will break reality in any serious way. It'd be a Bad Thing if I got in a silly mood and wished that the ratio of circles' circumference to their diameters in Euclidian space always be exactly 3. Then I…

What? What do you mean "over thinking"?? No such thing!! ;)
Aug 3, 2008
Kansas City
1. Not to get killed
2. Pass all exams
3. Get drunk/laid/play as many good games as often as possible ( as long as it doesn't negatively affect the number 2)
4. Cyberpunk 2077
5. Break my gym/watermellon records, earn enough to get a new car or generally
6. For people to chill out about race/politics/whatever and realize number 3 is the only really important thing in life
Jun 5, 2015
Hmm. 2017 is going to be a big year for me in terms of hopes.

  • I finally complete F:NV.
  • I manage to buy a second home.
  • I finally pass my driving test despite approaching middle age.
  • I manage to end my current relationship and find a new partner.
  • They find a cure for the terminal liver disease I was diagnosed with a few months back.
  • They find a cure for the terminal liver disease I was diagnosed with a few months back.
That sucks. If it would help you can have my share of wishes for 2017 to add to yours.
Aug 30, 2006
[*]They find a cure for the terminal liver disease I was diagnosed with a few months back.

Ouch! Sorry to hear that.

Best wishes.

pibbur who adds the hope of the Kyrer to his list of hopes.
[*]They find a cure for the terminal liver disease I was diagnosed with a few months back.

Crap, sorry to hear that ... my hope for you is the best possible life you can live.

I was fortunate in 2016 that concerns about a possible brain tumor or early Alzheimer's for my wife were not realized - combination of her severe allergies, location of sinus cavities, and menopausal hormones were the cause. Scary, but fortunately the outcome was not what we feared.

For 2017, I just want more time with my wife, more success and happiness for my boys in college, continued success at work, continued good health and enjoyment as a distance runner, and time to enjoy life. And happiness for all around the world and peace ...
Oct 18, 2006
1. Not to get killed
2. Pass all exams
3. Get drunk/laid/play as many good games as often as possible ( as long as it doesn't negatively affect the number 2)
4. Cyberpunk 2077
5. Break my gym/watermellon records, earn enough to get a new car or generally
6. For people to chill out about race/politics/whatever and realize number 3 is the only really important thing in life

You're wrong! Number 4 is. :p

Jokes asides, I only can wish a 2017 full of health & happiness for me, my family and all good friends I have worldwide. God has given me too much, much more than I deserved. I only ask Him for health & happiness so I can go after the other things :)
Nov 15, 2013
"Last wish, I wish I had 2 more wishes
And I wish they'd fix the door to the Matrix there's mad glitches"

In seriousness, I guess if I had a wish, I'd wish for peace for every living thing. Not the kind of peace that has you six feet under, but just the calmness of knowing your life is going to work out and everything is going to be okay.

And as a resolution, I guess I'd just say I want to enjoy every minute of every day as much as I can. Take care of my loved ones so that they can hopefully do the same, and just have a fun, relaxing and enjoyable 2017. :)
Wish: to become stronger (spiritually) to face all recent hardships and discoveries about life

Resolution: I guess I'll do my best to survive? A certain phobia of mine prevents me from agreeing to an operation and a bunch of other procedures that I need for that.

Wow that was a depressive post. To lighten it up, I wish for next year so that a politician like Bernie Sanders appears in Russia. People like him give me some faith in humanity.
Jan 2, 2013
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