What games are you playing now?

I was playing DarkStar One, which led me to reactivate EVE Online.

I bought that game and was sorry I did. I've tried to enjoy it but I'm just having too much trouble with the flight mechanics. I'm really starved for a good space combat game right now.
Oct 20, 2006
Midwest, USA
I bought that game and was sorry I did. I've tried to enjoy it but I'm just having too much trouble with the flight mechanics. I'm really starved for a good space combat game right now.

Darkstar? They're a little clunky, that's for sure. Still, I've done just fine on difficulty three. The bullets fire very fast, so dodging doesn't work all that well (at least, I haven't been able to find a way to dance around the weapon fire yet). That's not bad for players, like myself, who like big tough turret ships... but it could definitely be nasty for someone who wants a nimble fighter.

EVE is more of a space RTS than anything else, and it's a fun one ... if you find your niche quickly enough.
Feb 15, 2007
I just recently finished NWN2, and I'm playing Avernum 4 right now. I'm also getting ready to start Geneforge 1 (I plan on playing through the whole series, 1 through 4, since I've never played them).
Dec 8, 2006
busting out with a couple of games of FastCrawl here at work on the sly!

Im really bummed that I cant seem to locate a copy of, get this, "The Typing of the Dead" for PC. I tire of Mavis Beacon and the other program I'm using at school. Who'd have thought I'd be looking for this game now? I want to try it, looks like some fun edutainment.

Well I am, and the only place Ive found the PC version is Amazon for 99.oo used, and 179.oo new! Can you believe this? Bargain bin title at the most, and I cant get my paws on it.
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca

F.E.A.R. is a great game, I played it back when it first came out and I'm getting ready to replay it real soon with the expansion pack. One of the best endings I've ever experienced for an FPS.

Yep. Finished the game the other night and you're right. It's awesome. No lame final boss fight or anything that would have really destroyed the suspense/horror atmo... but just... BOOOM... and then the cliffhanger (or should we say copterhanger :biggrin: ) ending. Aaahhh. Great stuff.
Expansion = must buy, even though it seems as a bit of a pity that it wasn't done by Monolith and that it has gotten rather mixed reviews due to not really explaining anything but instead creating even more questions and confusion. Oh well, as long as the gameplay is roughly the same, it should still be fun on that level at least ;) .

I played MOH plus expansions just last year. They're great games, but be warned, the graphics have not aged well.

True. It does look a bit dated by now but it's still reasonably OK looking (with the kind support of 4x AA and 16x AF). The greater issue was getting the game to run at all with the latest nVidia drivers. The newer drivers are not exactly very backwards compatible in regards to OpenGL games so I had to use a 3rd party tool (nHancer) and create a profile for MoHAA with some special compatibility settings for OGL (thanks, Google! :) ). It works great now and it's been a lot of fun so far (currently at the end of the Trondheim mini campaign so I'm still at the beginning).
Oct 18, 2006

Just want to mention that all the reviews I've seen regarding Extraction Point were very high, most were in the 90+ range.

Never had any problems running MOH on a newer system, the only thing I had a hard time with was enabling Vsync. I was getting a lot of screen tearing with Vsync off. You probably already figured it out, but in case you need to turn it on, just enable the console and type "r_swapinterval" and make sure the value is "1".
Oct 21, 2006
Florida, US
Just want to mention that all the reviews I've seen regarding Extraction Point were very high, most were in the 90+ range.

I gave it 4/5 in my review, and thought it was a complete blast ... but not the greatest value since it was ~4-5 hours and no new multiplayer stuff. But the gameplay was *tight*!
Oct 18, 2006
Well, the average score for Extraction Point on Gamerankings is "only" 76% based on 32 reviews and on Metacritics it's 75% based on 30 reviews (with lots or maybe even 100% overlap). But as I said, I'll still get it anyway. Just not having any high expectations after my impressions from reading some of those reviews ;) . Should be fun though even if it's just 4-5 hours of more of the same. It's not like the original game sucked so it's all good :) .
Oct 18, 2006

I totally missed it when it was released because my pc wasn't simply good enough for it. To put long story short I bought kotor 1 and kotor 2 yesterday. I'm already hooked in. Always been a sw-fan, so this is sort of a dream rpg becoming real. I hope the storyline is as good as it seems :).
Oct 19, 2006

I totally missed it when it was released because my pc wasn't simply good enough for it. To put long story short I bought kotor 1 and kotor 2 yesterday. I'm already hooked in. Always been a sw-fan, so this is sort of a dream rpg becoming real. I hope the storyline is as good as it seems :).

It is, though it starts slowly. You're going to enjoy both games, I'm sure.

I've burnt out on RPGs. So I'm playing Fate and some wargames like Korsun Pocket, Take Command 2nd Manassas and Conquest of the Aegean.
I sure hate reading PDF files.
Oct 18, 2006
busting out with a couple of games of FastCrawl here at work on the sly!

Im really bummed that I cant seem to locate a copy of, get this, "The Typing of the Dead" for PC. I tire of Mavis Beacon and the other program I'm using at school. Who'd have thought I'd be looking for this game now? I want to try it, looks like some fun edutainment.

Well I am, and the only place Ive found the PC version is Amazon for 99.oo used, and 179.oo new! Can you believe this? Bargain bin title at the most, and I cant get my paws on it.

It must be tough typing with paws.

During my days at the vo tech, we had a typing program that we got to alternate with dear Mavis that presented the instruction as an arcade game. Type so many words before the big space rocket smashed your starship into pieces..it had some really innovative name like "Typing Instructer Deluxe," but it was amazing how fast you could slam the keys when you were trying not to be smoked by the evil space villains.

But The Typing of the Dead--now that's "redefining the genre" :D
Oct 18, 2006
well i've been much busier this year with taking a few classes in addition to work which i've put in some long days like today 13+ hours. but i've mainly been playing the amazing just cause on and off for the last 3 weeks or so. it seriously has earned a special place in my heart for my true love is a game that gives me a wonderful world to adventure in. the gothics and maybe ultima ix are the only rpgs that saite that need for me that sprung about the first time i played tomb raider. the sheer size and beauty of the game is remarkable. the story may not be all that grand but it is quite a more 'alive' world than i expected and for a game world that is 250,000 acres ~ 400 square miles of uniquely designed areas it is breathtaking. plus it has help me come to terms with my hatred for helicopters as you can fly a bunch of different ones or take a rocket launcher and watch the debris fly. i would argue that if this game had the level of story/dialogue and skill tree/character development of bloodlines it would be the greatest game of all time(yes i know that's alot to add!) if you like games in 3d this needs to be on your must play list.

a week or so ago i managed to play fable:the lost chapters. first off let me say i've had bad feelings about this game. i've also taken to heart how much 'ill repute' it has here at the watch. also its a friend of mines favourite -who has bad taste in games at least to me. the first hour or so of the game made me want to throw up in mouth. horrible on all levels. not to mention i also thought after i had completed part of the training i could save; you'd think after a cutscene and aging a few years a save would be possible. nope. the first second night i went to play i had found i had wasted an hour or two...this is where the game almost met the trash can. but a few days later i went back and in under 20 hours i finished it over the next 4 days. i actually enjoyed it mostly, though the last 20% or so was rather weak i thought. but it was a fun game as i was shocked to find out, though quite childish at times. i find it extremely wierd how they rated this game M. it wasn't a good rpg though in my opinion but a solid game with some interesting things. i can't imagine though the original with less content. it certainly didn't seem to be carrying anything extra. the greatest attribute of the game to me and worth the 10 bucks alone i paid for it was the books you collected. the option they gave you was truly a gem that outsurpassed any other game/rpgs book at inserting game history i have seen. there were about 2 dozen books you could donate to the school and each had a unique cutscene were either the teacher and a few times the students would read or act out the book. marvelous!!!

got a hold of the newly released alien shooter:vengeance a few days ago. i am not a big fan of isometric or hack/slash rpgs. i did enjoy diablo 1 and 2 though i doubt i will buy 3 when it comes out. i do like sci/fi however though usually this is the lot that has the most mediocre attempts at hybrid rpgs. this game is probablly the best looking isometric game i have every seen though. amazing particle fluid affects. destructible environments gallore. the vehicles are done well and even your tire treads permanently alter the ground. this game is an action(hack/slash) rpg for those in doubt. the dialogue is sparse but the story is actually quite good despite being developed by less than 10 people whose native language isn't english. the game is mission based though it has a mutliplayer(not for me) and a survival mode as well. there are a few side quests but the charcter/skill development is actually quite good. there is lots of weapon variety as well. level design to me is along the same caliber as the fallouts though obviously not as large or full of numerous npcs. the stellar music is varied and quite fiting for the game switching intensities when the hordes start pouring in. the watch needs to cover this game as they've covered far less rpg games than this, as well as they are indie so that helps as well. bottomline:if you can tolerate hack/slash-hordes of enemies, you like games like resident evil series, or the system shocks, and like the alien movies you should dig this game. i'm on mission 11 out of 15 and having a blast. this is easily one of the best budget ($20) games i've ever played and possibly the most polished sci-fi game made by a non english or japanase developer ever. i'm hoping this becomes a sleeper hit as i'm not done yet and i already want more.
Oct 26, 2006
Keepsake. Wonderfully drawn adventure, but lots of running. Nice riddles.
It runs smooth on my Athlon 800 MHz with over 300 MB RAM, but utterly crashes when closing the game. There is a small program with the latest patch (1.6) that has two options regarding these crashes (both audio related), but why should I turn EAX off although it runs during the game ?

What I recently realize is that the architecture of NT-based systems and especially the memory protection of it leads to a more sloppy and "dirty" kind of programming.

I mean that I've seen games crash on Windows 98SE (mine), that wouldn't crash on NT-based systems, simply because of the enhanced architecture and the protection of parts of the memory (each program is in principle separated from one another. Under DOS-based systems like Win98 one app can crash the whole system, because there's no such explicite protection of memory blocks.)

I tend to the belief that most memory-related problems anbd memory leaks are never actually seen because of the NT-based architecture.

The worst example for that is the newest Flash plugin : On my PC it writes the memory totally full, OVERWRITING everything ( !!! ) so that my Win98SE simply stops. The graphics drivers aren't even able to draw the screen anymore. I'm serious on that.

This must be a *severe* memory leak that has NEVER been reported - because Adobe or Macromedia don't use Win9x systems for QA. And that isn't obvious simply because NT-based systems don't have it - because of the memory protection systems.

I'm using a Flash 6 or 7 plugin now, and everything's fine. I cannot see newest flash-based sites, though.
Nov 5, 2006
Old Europe
Im really bummed that I cant seem to locate a copy of, get this, "The Typing of the Dead" for PC. I tire of Mavis Beacon and the other program I'm using at school. Who'd have thought I'd be looking for this game now? I want to try it, looks like some fun edutainment.

Check out QUERTY Warriors. :)

"Finally! A shooter that appeals to me, the nerd who took 3 typing courses in high school! Yes, QWERTY Warriors uses your typing skills to beat down Mecha baddies. Keen!"
(quote from transbuddha)
Aug 30, 2006
I actually found "Typing of the Dead" at Underdogs, sans the sounds. So I went and downloaded the demo at gamespot, copied the sounds from there, and Im good to go. It's pretty fun, actually!

Thanks for the QUERTY warriors link Ahru = ]
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
Dte!!! Are you playing GW? I saw a toon with your initials and your chat seemed familiar. Probably not but if it IS you tell me! :)

Anyone that plays Guild Wars can add: Nisii Nirvana to your list and say HI!

Loves ~T
Nov 9, 2006
Sorry, T. No online for this stick-in-the-mud. Haven't even done multiplayer since our NWN sessions a couple years ago.
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
So it's about time you returned to our NWN sessions, along with YOU Miss T. You're both GREAT to play with and not bad at NWN either!! :biggrin:
Aug 31, 2006
It's just too tough to carve out time and make it sacred, particularly with the start time that an international group required (even with Peter helpfully playing in the early AM).
Oct 18, 2006
Illinois, USA
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