What happened august 13th at RPGWatch?

The day the Watch exploded?

Maybe it was the day when Fluent enjoyed an old-school game that wasn't the best evar, Pib said something serious that wasn't somehow laid back, GG praised Skyrim graphics, joxer forgot to mention the word respawns, txa elected to ignore a controversial statement involving a minority, HHR failed to be deluded by religious bias, Gorath said something bad about a German game, Alrik played a violent game without wishing it was Fable, Couch agreed that a Bioware game sucked, rune admitted to be enjoying a Euro RPG, Myrthos picked a clear side about something involving Watch policy, DTE finished a debate, HiddenX enjoyed an RPG without the use of Excel, JDR acknowledged Gothic 2 isn't altogether perfect, Corwin professed some kind of doubt, Ripper dared say something that wasn't academically viable, Drithius was happy with a Kickstarter he backed, Thrasher admitted he was wrong about something, and DArt stopped being such a dick and wrote a bunch of three word posts ;)

At least I tried to insult everyone evenly!

I'm pretty sure that statement is racist or misogynistic or religiously intolerant or ... well, SOMETHING!!!!!! :D
Oct 18, 2006
The day the Watch exploded?

Maybe it was the day when Fluent enjoyed an old-school game that wasn't the best evar, Pib said something serious that wasn't somehow laid back, GG praised Skyrim graphics, joxer forgot to mention the word respawns, txa elected to ignore a controversial statement involving a minority, HHR failed to be deluded by religious bias, Gorath said something bad about a German game, Alrik played a violent game without wishing it was Fable, Couch agreed that a Bioware game sucked, rune admitted to be enjoying a Euro RPG, Myrthos picked a clear side about something involving Watch policy, DTE finished a debate, HiddenX enjoyed an RPG without the use of Excel, JDR acknowledged Gothic 2 isn't altogether perfect, Corwin professed some kind of doubt, Ripper dared say something that wasn't academically viable, Drithius was happy with a Kickstarter he backed, Thrasher admitted he was wrong about something, and DArt stopped being such a dick and wrote a bunch of three word posts ;)

At least I tried to insult everyone evenly!

Oh, I'll post something that isn't academically viable, alright…

Nov 8, 2014
Haha. Great replies.
Aug 13, 2013
Don't feel bad I didn't get a mention either and I'm sure Dart could have thought of some choice words for me.;)

Let's create an anti-Dart rant club.
The club's purpose will be to rant about every post Dart has ever made :D
Nov 13, 2006
Manchester, United Kingdom
Let's create an anti-Dart rant club.
The club's purpose will be to rant about every post Dart has ever made :D

He (and Jeff and others) are right that there will be either a flattening or a decline on the supply side. Although I'd contend that money isn't the limiting factor; it's the gamer's time. The former is what a game maker wants to continue developing for a living. However I'll bet money that the real limitation is time available to play. There's only so much gaming one can do, even given a life of leisure, and far too many demands on that time from games.

These are related!... there simply isn't enough time to play them all.
Aug 13, 2013
Thanks guys, now I'm feeling the love.;)

You might be on to something Dart. If I created more time that would give me more time to make money.:lol:
The day the Watch exploded?

Maybe it was the day ... Pib said something serious that wasn't somehow laid back...

You know me too well! You... you ... you fi .... fil ...fil...Aww, forget it.

pibbur who doesn't think he's ever seen a post with 12 likes.
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