What settings would like to see in future cRPGs?


Turn-based lifeform
April 9, 2013
What settings would like to see in an cRPG that have never been done before, or at least a seldom used setting that you would you like to see more of? I'm sure this question has been brought up here before, but didn't find any threads on it (other than the poll asking specifically what you'd like Obsidian to do)…

Anyway, some of my top personal choices would be:

Steampunk: Arcanum is really the only cRPG that I know of that really attempted this setting and while they did an amazing job on the atmosphere, unfortunately I think the combat system was dreadful, level design was atrocious, and there were lots of balance issues. Quite a few JRPGs have steampunk elements, but generally aren't as prominent as in Arcanum.

I'd also like to see more Fantasy RPGs that are NOT of the typical garden variety based on medieval Western European folkore:

African folklore: I did see that awhile back there was an action RPG based on African folklore called "Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan" on indiegogo.

Ancient Egypt: only thing I'm aware of is Ravenloft: The Stone Prophet, which I sadly have not played.

Feudal Japan: While there seems to be a boatload of Samurai strategy games and some action games, I'm not aware of any RPG titles Sure plenty of JRPGs feature samurai characters but with the exception of Suikoden, they're usually just pigeonholed in the generic fantasy setting AFAIK.

Native American culture could also be very interesting I think. AFAIK this has never been done.

Indian Culture- Unrest, as far as I know will be the first.

A fantasy or historical game based on any non-Western European culture would be most welcome.

I assume part of the reason that many non-Western European cultures haven't been explored could be simply that any developers who aren't descended from a given region / culture would be afraid of mis-representing it… or worse, accused of portraying racial / ethnic stereotypes.

I'd also say Cyberpunk hasn't been doing nearly enough, even with future expansions of Shadowrun Returns and Cyberpunk 2077 on the horizon.

So what settings would other RPGWatchers really like to see?
Apr 9, 2013
There was similar thread less than month ago.

Thanks, I was surprised when I couldn't find one didn't think to check off-topic i guess.

Any moderator feel free to delete or lock this thread.
Last edited:
Apr 9, 2013
Any moderator feel free to delete or lock this thread.
Why would they do that ! I for myself didn't see the other thread too, so I'm more than glad you began this one :)

I'd like to play a CRPG set in a world of Celtic mythology. Apart Spiderweb's Nethergate I can't recall a game dealing with such a context (there's also King of dragon pass but that's more a text based adventure game, which I would highly recommend, by the way). This is such a rich and versatile universe that I don't understand why no one ever bothered taking time to pick up from it (except Tolkien for his books but that's another story). Maybe that has to do with most CRPG creators being American and not well aware (or rather concerned) with what feels more genuinely like an element of European culture (even if we share these common roots indeed) ? Same thing as the American civil war not being treated here as much as the Napoleonic wars ? Just a thought.
Nov 13, 2012
Chapelle Guillaume
A post-"game-over" setting. In most RPGs you are supposed to stop the "big bad event" (tm) from happening. So, why do we never get to play what happens AFTER the "big bad event" (tm) occurs?

So, the evil undead overlord Mahutma defeated the brave group of heroes that tried to stop him. The clouds of darkness covered the whole world for hundreds of years, turning every living being into undeads. Now, mysteriously a group of undead breaks the bond that tied them to Mahutma, and their story begins here…
Sep 23, 2008
Cool idea. A true version of it would be to let you create a character and give tasks with increasing difficulty against Mahutma's minions in a few chapters and when he/she dies, the REAL GAME starts after Game Over screen. :D
Nov 11, 2013
That's basically how Mistborn starts. It's very interesting. :)
Oct 18, 2006
I'm sure I'll be dog piled, but I just never tire of the Tolkien-esque fantasy setting. Forests. Mountains. Rivers. Elves. Trolls. It's been 30+ years of it, still not tired of it and want more of that setting.
Oct 18, 2006
I'm sure I'll be dog piled, but I just never tire of the Tolkien-esque fantasy setting. Forests. Mountains. Rivers. Elves. Trolls. It's been 30+ years of it, still not tired of it and want more of that setting.

While I love to see other settings, I essentially agree with you. I'm a big fan of nature - and I spent my childhood imagining stuff with elves and trolls. It's always going to work for me.
But fantasy doesnt always have to be elves and trolls …

People could create games based on other fantasy settings

Sure, but what I'm saying is that it's not important to me.

I have no idea why people want to reinvent the wheel over and over again, but that's how we all differ.

I care about the execution of the setting a million times more than the setting itself. An Elf character that's well written is MUCH more interesting to me than a, say, Zinbod character that's not. Also, I like how an Elf immediately communicates a bunch of stuff - instead of needing a load of exposition to establish, and yet end up being just a variation on an Elf.

I do have other favorite settings, but I don't have a craving to see a lot of variety on the same theme.
Old west! Come on already. Need.

Also Injuins

Dec 17, 2009
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