Wheel of Time.


October 18, 2006
I should install Wheel of Time, maybe one of the best Stories in a First Person Mage game. Think it was written by the Legend team, the story takes place before all the novels, it has some of the most well developed characters in any game to date.

There is quite diverse gameplay with some stragic elements and unless your playing on Easy mode don't expect it to be anything other than very difficult.
Seriously don't try this game on anything but Easy unless you are very experienced at action games, you get less Ter'angl and the monsters are much tougher.

The cutscenes, acting and voice work are all very good, you seem to be the weakest person in the game, everyone has an agenda, constantly shifting plot and a major twist about halfway through the game.
Released in 1999, the game's plot twist is in league with Bioware's KotOR plot twist, it's that good. :)

Edit: Added all the links from over the years.


WoT Credits.mp3
WoT ForestForTheTrees.mp3
WoT Trouble.mp3
WoT WhiteTower.mp3

The Dragon versus The Dark One.
Intro Story start

Wheel of Time Backpack increases your carrying capacity. You can now pick up all the Ter Angreal you find, becasue you will need all you find, even on Easy.

Wheel of Time patch v333

Patched Free version, without movies.
Found the FREE version of Wheel of Time!
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Oct 18, 2006
Hm, while I enjoyed the game somewhat, it never became a favorite of mine: Wheel of Time remained a 'one-shot', so to say, as I never reinstalled it because it left a 'so-so' impression.
In fact, the only fact I *do* remember about WoT after all these years was that you could see your own underpants when walking over shiny surfaces. If you tried hard enough :).
Aug 31, 2006
What if you weren't wearing any, like certain 'celebrities' I could mention!! :)
Aug 31, 2006
I loved the Wheel of Time game! Back in 1999 I don't remember the shooters as being very developed yet, and finding a shooter with a decent story, a setting that wasn't sci-fi and a pace that wasn't as frantic as Quake 2 (or was it Quake 3 already?) was rare. I loved Wheel of Time for the same reason I loved a game like Dark Forces 2 - it actually has a story, in contrary to "just" having to shoot hordes of monsters with a rocket laucher. I think games like these caters more to us adventure/rpg fans than the hard-core Quake3 deathmatch players.
Oct 18, 2006
Lol, Jaz.
I am surprised this seems like something you would play, given you like First Person games.

Corwin & JDR13, what is this something recent or someone associated with games, sounds funny. :)

Yes, it was great such a big change from most of the dull FP games back then and what a shock not only was it a story in a game but very good.
I am playing through atm and also forgot how good the music was with the medieval style.

Sorcha Ravenlock
Here's a Amazon page with 5 for sale, also see a link on that Moby page for Ebay.
It seems worth the $24 price but certainly not the $60+ price, gezz.
In one regard Jaz maybe right since its a First Person style it's pretty liner, maybe read some reviews before you spend $24 unless you like these style games. :)
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Oct 18, 2006
What if you weren't wearing any, like certain 'celebrities' I could mention!! :)
I'd probably think, 'Look at the nasty crack in this shiny surface.' :p.

It reminded me a bit of Heretic
Perhaps because both games are set in Fantasy worlds. IMO the feel was completely different. I love Heretic.
Lol, Jaz.
I am surprised this seems like something you would play, given you like First Person games.
Well, I bought and played it. Perspective may help, but it isn't everything. Anyway, it's not as if I disliked the WoT game - I certainly didn't. It just didn't urge me to replay it, which pretty much every other game back then did. I can't even tell you why it didn't grip me... I just didn't feel it was outstanding. It didn't spur my imagination like some of the others did. Perhaps it's because I usually love to be thrown into an original (in the sense of 'I have no idea what expects me') game world.
Aug 31, 2006
Ah, I really liked the Wheel of Time! Splendid music too, medieval folk-like. Great atmosphere. As Jaz said, it's not really outstanding, but when you've read and enjoyed the books, you'll love it. I know I did.
Sep 1, 2006
I ... just ... really don't know where to go with that one ...
Then I guess this certain joke (about a gigolo and his customer) hasn't reached Marlborough yet :mwahaha:.
Aug 31, 2006
The FPS WoT isn't well liked (its despised) among Wheel of Time fans because of the liberties it takes with the canon. The biggest and most obvious being that Whitecloaks get to use t'angreals.

I liked the game however.
Oct 19, 2006
The Uncanny Valley
"Britney Spears. Not funny ... but sad."
Ahh does this have something to do with the MTV appearance?
I don't really keep up with tabloid stuff, but at visits to News sites like Yahoo I have seen headlines listed.

Lucky Day
"The biggest and most obvious being that Whitecloaks get to use t'angreals"
Someone has been misleading the fans? :S
Only one uses it and was a special exception that was explained in depth and very well in the story, so maybe the fans are upset for a misunderstanding. ;)

Sorcha Ravenlock
Another thing that gave the game a unique replayability was multiplayer team games, basically Wizard Team Wars, maybe the first real time version, iirc atm.

Since the latest patch 333b the single player game has gotten very difficult on even Easy, it does have Save anytime, but there are many unique missions which often involve Defending yourself, others and fortresses on a timer.

It is very necessary to use the environment in these situations an example would be while defending a group of wounded at a fortress being sieged, you would expose an acid pit to force a narrower path of travel only allowing single file progressions, of the 5 or 6 waves of attackers.
Oct 18, 2006
It's got to do with Lohan, Spears and so on running around on a bunch of parties in Hollywood without underwear. They do it frequently, and the tabloids are taking pictures all over the place. It's a new trend among celebrity airheads it seems.

Back on topic. I have never played the game, but I suspect I might be a bit uptset at various lore issues. I know I am dissappointed by pretty much every LotR game I've ever played, and I am a much bigger fan of WoT than LotR. Whitecloaks using angreals? They'd rather toss one into the ocean than use one; they hate anything related to the One Power/Aes Sedai.
Oct 18, 2006
I played WoT and thought it to be a pretty lame shooter. The cutscenes were ugly and the story a little bit strange. I thought only some of the levels to be really interesting, in fact, the only architecture I remember is the ruins, second mission or so.
I'd rather play CyberMage again than Wheel of Time.
Ohhh, CyberMage is one of my all-time favorites, despite the annoying CTD bugs (you could avoid them later on once you got hold of the jet pack... they must have been related to the ground somehow). Thanks for reminding me :).
Aug 31, 2006
Wheel of Time was a cool game, I might have to replay it one of these days. Alice is next on my Classics Replay List tho, if I can get it running on XP, that is.

I tend to think that people are piling on Brit's latest vid at the awards show or whatever because it's trendy to do so. I dont think personally that she looks half bad, for shooting out a couple kids. I dont like that kind of music or anything, but I'm watching that video, wondering what is so bad about it. Seriously, it looks like any other pop star dancing around to some lame song. What's the difference?

The crotch shots tho, yeah, those could have been better tho. The C section scar didnt help. And whats up with the lame shave jobs these days, seems pubic hair is verboten now? My last gf pulled that bizness and I hate it. Gimme a landing strip for crissake! Am I goin down on a ten year old or a woman here?
Oct 18, 2006
San Diego, Ca
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